Friday, August 10, 2007

wE aLl In ThIs ToGeThEr

JAMs’ National Day Celeb 2007 aka Treasure Island was a success … Praise the Lord! =)

Once again, I was given the privilege to lead games for big day and this time with new partner, Cher Eena. It was great working with her – we planned/discussed, searched prizes/materials, done up props together … no longer “one-man-show”, great to have someone to share the “load”. =)
We “divided” work equally (actually seem Cher Eena have more … ooops!) to bring home to do/touch up, is really team effort. This time our games props not just wanted to be BIG but also MANY … all mass productions: 30 small diamonds, 10 big diamonds, 30 gold bars, xx necklances, yy bracelets, 4 treasure chests, zz treasures bags as gifts etc.
Thank God for the helpSSSssss we received! Special thanks to Huimin, Szeming, Simon, Ryan, Hensa, Jinzhi, Elis, Yvonne, Rina & May! =)

Earlier before we started our props, I was discussing with Eena about what we want to make for each game. A point of time I just can’t really visualize the outcome or even doubt whether can it really be created. BUT after the 1st day of props-making, I’m just AMAZED & excited! Indeed ALL things are POSSIBLE! =)

After going-through our lines many times, Cher Eena aka Goldie and I aka Captain went up on stage and gave our best shot … ps: by “faith” too as we were dressed up in costume (which we took 4hrs to pick) so we ought to always keep in mind, “be Goldie! Not Cher Eena!” “be Captain! Not Cher Yanni!”. Haha! We received good feedbacks after- everything was smooth: the instructions, from game to game, the gifts-giving, order on stage etc … thank God for sharp crews too & good coordination!

* During the week of preparation, almost everyday was packed with activities so seem like in my mind, there are many things to take note, to be done etc. One night I was doing my QT and I just felt like going to God to pour out and ask God to help me with the tasksss. Just when I felt God telling me, “Needn’t tell me anything. I want to hear you tell me that you love Me!”. Despite the "urge" to pray for my needs, I decided to obey and not to worry and take the time to tell Him I love Him! After that I felt His peace & assurance! Seek first His kingdom & His righteousness! All things work together for GOOD for those who love God. =)