Sunday, October 22, 2006


Last Sat at JAMs, together with Teacher Hensa, we brought Mr Sato for a walk around the church. Everything was ok until he came to Level 4 and forced his way in the hall. Normally when he made his way in by force, not many workers can stop him by sweet talk or by force.

Right inside, he was stopped by 2 male teachers from making his way to the sound system as he was totally not allowed there. He pushed, they stopped and he pushed, they stopped… for quite a while. Knowing Mr Sato for a while now, I know in this kind of situation, he will surely lose his cool and true enough, he attempted to bite one of the teachers’ hands but thank God the teacher was fast enough to escape the big bite.

In the midst of all the struggling, I was just right behind the teacher who is being attacked and I can actually see Mr Sato’s fierce expression. Thank God for His protection as I was so close to Mr Sato that it makes me a “possible candidate” too. Haha! I can only “quietly” hide behind the teacher as there is so little that I can do.

At the end of the day, he was “controlled” by a packet of noodles… with King treatment, served by the teachers!

Last Sun, on the bus back from church, everyone & everything was fine. Just when this group of higher students at the back went overboard in teasing each other. After some kind of joke, Std Y gave Std K a few gentle slaps and this provoked him BIG time! Std K by nature is rather a bad-tempered guy so this time he gets realllly angry! Immediately he turned and gave Std Y one hard punch straight on his face! That’s not end, he continues to try to hit him but thank God for Std P who covered Std Y.

The “best” part is that all this happened right in front of my eyes! I was so near to Std K that I can actually gave a gently tap on his chest to get him to cool down. (ps: I did this by faith cause I never know whether will he attack me as well since he is already so angry). But thank God he didn’t and also thank God for the few higher guy students who came to the rescue!

Thank God for Std P who covered Std Y as this stop Std K from beating him more,
Thank God for Std J and Std E who came from the front to hold on to Std K to stop fighting unlike Std Z and Std S who are just right beside the “crime scene” and do nothing. After the incident I asked them why they didn’t come and help, they laughed and said “Aiya! Never mind lahz! They want to fight, let them fight!”.

Guess this is a big “alarm” to me- not only need to pray for good helper but guess now must pray and hunt for good guy helper! Not only for security purpose on board but it be best to have a guy teacher to disciple my higher guy students.

Friday, October 13, 2006

cHiLdReN's MoMeNtS

sCeNe #1
Cher: Why you like Thomas, the train?
Child E: Oh.. Oh..
Cher: Why?
Child E: Once… upon… a time, when I was… was very young, not even 1 year old. 2 years old that time, you know what happened? I like to play car but my dad… … … so now I like Thomas, the train!
Cher: Wowow! Once upon a time!

sCeNe #2
(Child B ran and fell… didn’t cry, pick herself up and walks away)
(Cher M pretend never see as she know Child B will make a big fuss)

(back in class)
*Cher M heard Child B mumbling to herself* Child B: Hmm... Just now I fall down

(half an hour later)
Cher M: Child B, you fall down just now?
Child B: Y… Yes!
Cher M: Why?
Child B: *innocent look* I… I run… I run too fast

sCeNe #3
(Cher Yanni sitting with children who are preparing to do work)
Cher Yanni (supper tired after hrsssss of lesson): Children, once you get your paper… write your name at the back & you can start!

*10secs later
Child A: Cher Yanni, write my name where?
Cher Yanni: write on the table then throw your paper in the dustbin!
Child A: hey… … … … (with a cheeky look on his face)

Child J: Cher Yanni, write now ar?
Cher Yanni: *volcano erupting* No no… do tomorrow! You can open the door and go home now!
Child J: hahaha

sCeNe #4
*work time*
Cher Yanni: Hey Child J, you are supposed to colour yellow over here, why you colour it orange?
Child J: But… But… But I cannot find yellow. So… So… So… perhaps I can use orange

Cher Yanni: *shocked by the word “PERHAPS” he used* Oh okok!
(Child J is only in K1)

sCeNe #5
Child J: CherCher Yanni
Cher Yanni: Yes?
Child J: Child J… he makes the toys like this (show it with his hands)

Cher Yanni: Oh! Child J mess up the toys?
Child J: Yes… Yes! Only him does it! No… No one else in the universe do it

Cher Yanni: *shocked* Universe! What is universe?
Child J: Hmmm… Universe… Hmmm… is many many… countries together

Cher Yanni: Hmmmm!

(ps: this Child J in scene #5 is the same boy in scene #4)