Saturday, May 31, 2008


Few days back, I was on my way home from visitation. * super tired *

The train arrived @ Serangoon but I didn't alight ... why?
Not because I overslept but because I was happily observing the “happenings” between two little girls with their mothers.

I was shocked when I alighted, I was not one or two stops away from Serangoon but rather 5!!!!

Guess having to work with children for a while now + the recent module I took about “Observing Children”... now I am more observant when little children are around me - I love listening to children's conversation, listening/"watching" how they solve conflicts etc. =)

If you ever get a chance to join in any conversation among children, be sure to LISTEN carefully.
If you ever encounter children having “conflicts” among themselves, do not immediately help them to solve but leave them to solve it among themselves. If things don't work well then you can guide them along.

Monday, May 26, 2008

bAnG! bAnG! bAnG!

Just yesterday, we had our annual event, Parent-Teacher-Meeting (PTM).
Once the clock struck 8.15am, parentsss started flowing in. We, the teachers talked and talked and talked and TALKED until 1pm++, don't even have time to take a toilet break.

I encountered many different parents - those who came friendly, those who came in peace, those who came humbly, those who are appreciative and those who came with a “knife”, an invisible one. Haha!

I was talking to this particular parent when I saw from the corner of my eyes that Parent T is “verbally stabbing” my colleague, a Chinese Teacher. Then and then, I told myself I must be mentally prepared and true enough, the moment she sat down infront of me, I was greeted by a loong face. She laid a stack of worksheets on the table. She started her intense shooting session - Bang! Bang! Bang! Throughout her tone/attitude wasn't very good.

One incident she mentioned that I remembered very clearly - “My child previous spelling got 4/6 then previous previous he got 5/6 then this recent one he got only 3/6, why did you put “Good try”?
I almost fall off my chair when I heard this remark, I feel like telling her “Oh! Next time I will put Lousy!” =p
After working with children for few years, I understand how scary a spelling can so to me, I didn't want to damper his morale or even instill fear in him. To me, spelling is nothing so big that I must scold if a child didn't get full mark. The reason why I put "Good try!" is because I can see that this boy put in effort and he tried his best to spell the words.

After the intense PTM, it really got me thinking. May I post this questions to you too?
If you have a CHILD, what will be your purpose of sending him to a preschool?

What do you hope to see in him after the ~3years of preschool education?

. that he has ALL the Math/English theory but no foundation of the basic?
. that he go through drilling and know all numbers, know how to add/subtract/multiply/divide big big numbers, know how to solve problem sums, know number bonds inside out etc?
. that he can recognize ALL words, able to read ALL books, able to form sentences, able to write journal etc but if you really zoom down, he don't know what he is doing?
. that he loses interest in studying? He don't have self-learn spirit. He study not because he want to but because you ask him to?
. that his academical vessel is full but other aspects zero?

P.I.E.S = Physical, Intellectual, Emotion, Social. Is the intellectual aspect the most important? Is knowing how to add/subtract @ the age of 5 is so important?

=) I guess is really up to individual, up to individual parent.
At the end of the day, I have parents who demanded the worksheet to go up, the curriculum to up (to teach MORE and teach what primary school is teaching), want their child to do this and that, to know more than what is expected at their age. But I also have parents who want worksheet to go down and that they want their child to enjoy the learning process, don't believe in drilling a child but rather letting a child enjoy and create his own learning.

If I were to be a mother one day, what kind of mother will I be?
If you were to be a mother/father one day, what kind of parent will you be?

08 NeW cHiLdReN's CoRnEr PaRt 3

Finally after monthssss of intense battle, 1st semester have to an end. Is HOLIDAY TIME! =)

Was super busy during the last 2 weeks of school ... got to sort/pack children's works, got to write report books, got to prepare a little note for the children, got to prepare for Parent Teacher Meeting, got to prepare children's evalution etc etc.
Thank God for His strength & wisdom, managed to end 1st semester well. =)

The “last” Children's Talk before we take a long commerical break.
=) Meantime, stayed tuned for MORE when school reopens!

sCeNe #11 – Young Evangelist @ work
* while waiting for their lunch, children were everywhere – majority were playing except for Child N who sat at a corner *
Cher Lim: * saw her mumbling to herself *
Child N: * saw Cher Lim looking at her, got a shock and put her hands now *
Cher Lim: =) Child N, was you praying just now?
Child N: * nodded her head * I am praying for E
Cher Lim: Who is E?
Child N: E is my cousin, my brother
Cher Lim: Oh... what happened to him?
Child N: E is in the hospitial
Cher Lim: Oh no! What happened to him>
Child E: I also dont know... He is sick
Cher Lim: So you praying that God will heal him?
Child E: Yes... I pray for him everyday
Cher Lim: Wowow... that's nice!
* conversation went on *
Child E: You know hor, that time night I always have nightmare
Cher Lim: Oh! Then?
Child E: Then I pray to Jesus. And you know hor, now I sleep I dont have nightmare
Cher Lim: Wooo... God take your nightmare away?
Child E: * nodded her head* You know hor, Jesus is powerful person! * said it with full conviction *
* conversation went on *
Child E: Jesus is in heaven. Those who believe Jesus will go to heaven. You will meet special people.
Cher Lim: What special people?
Child E: Last time people, they believed in Jesus
Cher Lim: Oh I see... So they are there?
Child E: Y... Yes!

sCenE #12
* during work time ... Child L & Child J just about to start doing their work *
Child L (a K1 boy in K2 class): * out of a sudden * You must BEWARE ok, today I am Power Ranger!
Child J: * starred @ Child L *
Cher Lim: * amazed by the word “beware” he used

sCeNe #13
* like adults, my “angels” seem to have Monday blues also (basically they are very “colourful” everyday)

* after a day of “vocal battle” + nagging session with both levels of children *

Cher Lim: * exhausted * so Children, do you think Cher Lim likes to scold you all?
K1 Children: Noooo...
Cher Lim: Do you know why Cher Lim will scold?
Children: never listen... very noisy... never sit down...
Cher Lim: Yes that's right!
Children: ... ... ...
Cher Lim: Do you think Cher Lim likes to scold you all?
Children: Noooo...
Cher Lim: Do you know Cher Lim dont like to scold you? Everytime I scold you, Cher Lim gets very tired
Children: ... ... ...
Cher Lim: Cher Lim's blood level is very high now. Cher Lim will old very fast you know
Children: @@!? old?!
Cher Lim: * jokingly * When Cher Lim's friends are all 30 years old, Cher Lim already 50 years old.
Children: @@! * laughters broke out *
Cher ZN: Then you will die you know
Cher Lim: Haha!

sCeNe #14
* “confiscated” a bag cause Child A was playing with it *

Cher Lim: * carried it * Children, do you like my new bag?
Children: @@! Child A, that's your bag!
Child A: Y... Yes =(
Cher Lim: Nice right? My mummy buy this bag for me
Children: @@! Mummy?!
Child ZN: Cher Lim, you don't have a mummy ar!
Cher Lim: Haha! Of course Cher Lim has a mummy
ps: actually this not the first time ... on few ocassion at the mentioning of my mum/dad, my children will be @@ cause to them, is unbelievable that teachers has daddy & mummy. Haha!

sCenE #15
* due to outbreak of HMFD, special procedures were carried out *
Cher Lim: Come Children, I am going to give you some distinfectant
... Child Lu & Child Se walked away after they got their “share” ...
Child Lu: * rubbing his hands * Child Lu, you see! My house also got this
Child Se: My house also but not this one. My house is Dettol
Child Lu: * rubbing his hands *
Child Se: You know hor, my sister go and eat the Dettol
Child Lu: @@! Eat Dettol will die one you know
Child Se: Ya loh
Child Lu: She die already?
Child Se: No... Haven't die yet... She only 3 years old. 3 years old wont die one

sCeNe #16
* a conversation with a 4-year old child *
Cher Lim: Child JE, where is your mummy? Is she working?
Child JE: * nodded her head *
Cher Lim: How about your daddy?
Child JE: * puzzled look * I dont have daddy. I... I only have mummy, ah ma & jiejie (maid).
Cher Lim: Where is your daddy?
Child JE: Disappeared
Cher Lim: ... ... ...

sCeNe #17
* a conversation between a 2-3years old girl with her parents *
Little Girl: Mummy, I have mosquito bite
Mummy: Come, let mummy see. Where was you just now?
Little Girl: Outside @ garden, auntie maid asked me dont go out but I still go
Mummy: Oh! You see, auntie already told you not to go out, why didnt you listen to auntie?
Little Girl: ... ...
Mummy: So baby, whose fault is it that you got a mosquito bite?
Little Girl: * thinking * the mosquito's fault
Mummy + Daddy: * bursted out laughing *

Friday, May 16, 2008


Hmmm... everytime when this particular parent from our kindergarten come to fetch her children, I will always see her smile to other parent/s and sometime strike a conversation then soon exchange number... I always wonder why, maybe she is just being friendly, very friendly?

Recently guess I understood why and have witness her “power”. I'm @@!

Due to the change of management this year, there was couple of changes that took place in our kindergarten, from snack time to curriculum ... guess all along this parent been unhappy with the new management but never voice out UNTIL recently then she “manifested”. This few weeks had not been easy for the management and us the teachers.

Decision made – she is going to withdraw her children from our kindergarten. Together with her, there will be another 4 parents who will be withdrawing their child too. According to my principal, majority of the 4 parents are fine with the management but been badly influenced by this particular parent who is in CLOSE contact/relationship with them.

=) Our management been calm ... my principal don't seem to have any intention to keep this particular parent. To the management, they felt disappointed and angry on how this parent handle this matter.


An encouraging note for us teachers ... we have another particular parent. Everyday when she come to fetch her girl, she will surely greet the teachers as she see us. Though is a simple acknowledgment of "Cher Lim!" or "Cher W" or "Cher X" but to us, is GREAT! =)

JIAYOU C____ Kindergarten! JIAYOU teachers!

Monday, May 12, 2008

sTd JaC

Teacher LZ, Teacher YN, next time I bring you go Orchard ok, they sell very nice xxx” said Std Jac (one of the students in JAMs Church)
... during one of the lunch we had with Std Jac & two others students monthssss back, one of the sentences which I can still remember clearly

Teacher YN, later we finish watching Energy VCD then I will send Friend SS home ok” said Std Jac
... that I believed is few years back already, despite staying in north, Std Jac always been willing to send her Friend SS who stays in the west home as then Friend SS was unfamiliar with the transport

Std Jac – always bubbly & always happy, had a trademark smile that will brighten up your day
(even when I'm typing, I can visualize her smile)
I always enjoyed talking to her... her attitude, her expression, her smiley face

But just recently, Std Jac ended her own life... ... ... ...

Tomorrow (Mother's Day), Jac will kneel infront of Jesus and pray, 'God, bless my mama!” said the church minister who was conducting the service

Byebye Jac” said her dad as he bid his last farewell

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

gO YaNnI gO!

An update on how Yanni is doing for her course, Diploma in Preschool Teaching (DPT).
... Yanni has finally picked up the momentum of studying & working
... Yanni wont get @@ easily when assignments after assignments are added

When Yanni's DPT first started in Sep 2007, she studied for couple of weeks before she was given a 3 mths “honeymoon” due to exemption for couple of modules. When she was back in Feb 2008, she was rather worried actually, especially to find/join a “gang” since she know group's assignments/discussions are a must throughout her course. Like what she expected, many 'gangs' were well-established when she was back from “honeymoon”.

But all things work together for good ... a new “gang” was formed and she was one of the “member”. Hee! Within her group, there are actually also another 2 classmates who like her, also went for 3mths “honeymoon”. Another half of her group's members are new addition to her batch. =)

Up to date, they have worked together for quite many assignments/discussions and it been awesome!

Yanni is looking forward for more in DPT ... keep on keeping on! =)

a visit to Children's Garden @ Botanic Garden with coursemates... part of our assignment

MYSTREE ... located near the entrance

Monday, May 05, 2008


Can someONE explain to me?
Why can ONE react this way and that way?
Why can ONE changed so “dramatically”?
Why can ONE just can't cooperate?
Haiz... I'm ________ !!!!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

..... ..... ..... .....

Hmmm... I've made my decision known!