Saturday, April 30, 2005

WHY like that?!

earlier in school today … a parent of this child called to ‘complain’ that her daughter went back home feeling pain in her ear and this child claimed that “Teacher Yanni pulled”. The most ‘amazing’ part is when the mum keeps telling me that she found this cut behind her ear. What is she trying to say here?! Errmm … to me, no matter how terrible or how naughty a child is, I will never ever lay my hand on them.

Perhaps that’s why I nearly fall off from my chair when I heard this. Is like you never underestimate a child and what will come out from their mouth. It all started like weeks ago when this child told the mum that I have been scolding her everyday so she don't want to come to school.

Hmm so funny, as if I have all the energy to scold her everyday. Alamak! Cannot tahan!
But today incident is really affecting me. Being a teacher is never easy … more than having to work with children, sometime you will meet unreasonable parent. But more than the parent, I am more disappointed with the child. I'm just shocked by the things that came forth from her mouth.

Anyway, will be praying that this mother and daughter will not come finding fault with me again. *haiz*

Friday, April 29, 2005


Ladies and Gentleman, announcing to you … Yanni is official transferred out from S02 and transferred in to JM1. =) Just got this news from Sis Iris yesterday, she was saying that this week is the first week of May and thus my transfer will take effect.

*mixed feeling*

But really felt very encouraged after msging Sis Iris … though I may not be in the same cg with them but I know that I will always be welcome with opened arms by them, be it joining them for service or even joining them for their outing. Heehee =p And when Sis Iris said that I can join them for service and help them with their friends … I replied saying, “of course! It will always be my pleasure to serve E322 and S02!” =)

Sis Iris … if you are reading this, THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING!

Had JM1 cgm yesterday ... everything was great. Towards the end, Sis Adiel gave us an "assignment" - to pair up and to pray for our partner, using discernment to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in our prayer. WOW WOW WOW ... First "round" I was with Zoe and second "round" I was with Santhi ... though was trembling but took the step of faith to pray for them. They also prayed for me ... Zoe gave me this verse "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made know to God". Santhi pictured a book when she was worshipping before she pray for me ... WOW wow WOW, she began to speak that soon when I take up studying again, I should cast away all the fears in me. It was really wow WOW wow WOW!

God is good all the time ... all the time God is good!

-tired of working?-

The year is made up of 365 days , each with 24 hours, 12 of which are night time hours which add up a total of 182 days.

This leaves you with 183 days to work minus 52 Sundays which leaves you 131 days to work minus another 52 Saturdays which leaves you 79 days to work.

3 hours each day are set aside for eating and 1 hour for bathing, going to toilet which adds up to 60 days, which leaves you only 19 days for working.

You are entitled to 14 days for your vacation which means you have 5 days left for your work minus 4 days you usually take off due to illness or other emergencies, which leave you only 1 day to work, which happens to be Labour Day which is a holiday.

So, why are you so tired?


hahaha … find this interesting. I saw this poster message in my principal’s office, think she must have put up recently for a reason. Errmmmm … And after reading it, my colleagues and I was thinking of pasting the word “nonsense” there. Haha!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

...mY wEeK...

City Harvest Church’s LIVE Recording was awesome! Is really great to be a part of this history-making of our church. This CD will indeed make a difference in the lives of many, all over asia and all over the world … drawing down God’s presence. We sang and we sang, we danced and we danced, we jumped and we jumped … though we are tired but we still gave in our best because we want the best out of it. Spirit of Excellence! =)

Saturday JAMs - went down to company Mr Sato. Back in, we had a hard time “talking” him out and to bring him out of the hall. So after that, the rest of his time was basically spent with lightly-salted potato chips and a packet of Just-Tea (healthy breakfast?!). Errm … that really make us wonder his purpose of coming to church … for sound console? for potato chips? for vending machine?

Saturday Service - Seedtime and Harvest.
* to maintain quality of harvest = to maintain quality of seed
* every area of our lives, there a seed to sow and there a harvest to reap

Sunday JAMs - I lead games time, errmm … felt it was slightly disorganized a little. Saw one of this student … been a while since I last saw her. She used to be soooo cheerful, so happy, always with a smiling face and never fail to greet me aloud when she saw me. Every week will see her sit at the first few rows during JAMs service … praising Jesus with joy, during games time will surely see her be the first few to raise her hand or even shout out answer from afar. BUT that’s not what I see in her when I saw her on Sunday … she was sitting at the last few rows, not paying any attention to the service at all, there was no smile on her face, she don’t look okay to me. My heart really goes all out for her … Have this thought: I really need to watch over my sheeps in JAMs, and to keep praying for them.


Class 1
Teacher Yanni: if is number 5 then you colour 5 boxes k
Child A: (blur look)
Child B: (confuse look)

[rest of the children who finished are already playing]
… a while later …

Teacher Yanni (pointing to number 3): what number is this?
Child A: 3
Teacher Yanni: then why you colour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 boxes?
Child A: *speechless*

Teacher Yanni (pointing to number 5): ok what number is this?
Child B: 5
Teacher Yanni: count 5 boxes for me
Child B: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Teacher Yanni: whey! Count properly … I only want 5
Child B: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (point to one box and counted twice)
Teacher Yanni (“volcano” erupting): hello! How you count! I only want 5!
Child B (fear in the face): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (point to one box and counted more than twice)
Teacher Yanni (“volcano” erupted): aiya! You know how to count a not! 1 2 3 4 5!!! Colour!!!

Class 2
Teacher Yanni: children! You can start writing your number “4”
Child A: *choosing pencil slowly*
Teacher Yanni: hello! Are you ready to start already?
Child A: *started moving her pencil*

5 minutes later …

Teacher Yanni: hello! After so long, you only wrote two “4”
Child A: *panic look*
Teacher Yanni: hurry up! hurry up!

teacher Yanni walked around so walked back …

Teacher Yanni: hello! hello! Why are you drawing the chair?
Child A: *kana scared by my sudden shout*
Teacher Yanni: you haven’t finish your work and your are drawing the chair! You are going to stay here and finish up your work!
Child A: *writing her work slowly*
Teacher Yanni (no energy to shout already): I’m going to leave you here already. Bye!

That single day itself … think really kana devil’s attack. All happened on the same day, during the same session and some more one after another class. After I scolded one class, the “fire level” in me already at my neck level then when the next class come in, somehow they don’t seem to behave so got to scold again. So by the time the next class come in, my face already turned "black". But thank God somehow when reaches the last two classes, my energy level already went totally flat so no energy to scold. But what I will do is I will ‘pretell’ the children first that I’ve been scolding since first class so told them if they don’t want to be scolded by Teacher Yanni, they must really behave. Haha … it worked! =p

But for the teaching part … really test patience! Is like when your “fire-level” have already exceed your own limit, the children must really do something to make you explode. BOOM! As I was teaching them the Maths concept and they don’t really seem to understand me at all, it really remind me my secondary school times when the teachers or my friend explained and explained and explained to me certain Maths concept, I will just looked at them with this “huh” look. Haha~ Perhaps God want me to teach Maths is because I can really relate with the children, cause I was once in their shoes. Haha~

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

*Lord You're good to me*

Lord You’re good to me
Lord I’m in love with You
Lord You bless my life
Lord You heal my soul

All I want to do is thank You Jesus
All I want to do is praise Your name
All I want to do is thank You Jesus
All I want to do is praise Your name

And I’ll laugh, yes I’ll cry
And I’ll shout Your praises
On the mountain, in the valley
'Cross the oceans I’ll praise You
In the fire and through the flood
No matter what, I’ll praise You
I’ll praise you, I’ll praise You

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

~mY wEeKeNd~

Last Saturday - went to help with Joli’s multiplied bus’ fetching trip. Wow wow wow … when can my bus W5 multiply too?! Upon reaching church, I was immediately directed to Mr Sato who was at the sound console. Aiyoyoyoyoyoyo … he has broke the church’s disc into few pieces and again with his bare hands! Not only that, there was this little short ‘scratch” on this brother’s hand (he was being attached to sato at first). Errrm….what happened to sato?! Only “disadvantage” for him going to Saturday JAMs is he have to be stucked with me throughout, don’t know why … maybe cause not many brother workers. Thank God we managed to get him out from the hall and away from the sound console. Later he was being entertained at the cafĂ© with a can of coke and a packet of chips which is given to him one by one. =p

That night itself … joined S02/E322 for a great service! Of course, it was a great feeling to join them for service again. Errrm … actually I am still considered S02 because Sis Iris haven’t done the official transfer out for me to JAMs cell. Don’t know why have this kind of “half half feeling” … like half S02 half JM1, no good no good. Even the week’s cell meeting, I just don’t know which to go to and to get the live recording’s tickets, I just don’t know should I get it from Sis Iris or Sis Adiel. Really pray that the “transfer” will come soon … not because I want to be away from S02 but really want to feel “belonged” somewhere. =)

Last Sunday – had a great JAMs service! Was at playgroup room with one of my bus’ boy, Kenneth and his mother. After being in the main service for 10weeks, the mum decided to take a look at the playgroup. Is really super not easy to bring him over and when he is over, is also not easy to keep him “calm” while siting at the back too. Feel for the mum when many times, Kenneth will just pull the mum’s hairs or shirt (really pull) and I also did kana at times. But thank God perhaps of the “training” by Sir Sato and Mdm Wennie so wasn’t really that affected, just got to be used to his “sudden attack” as you really never know when his palm will come.

Praise God Praise God! My bus W5 have a breakthrough attendance … a total of 26 students! WOW WOW WOW WOW … is indeed a breakthrough, compared to the weeks of less than 20 ever since we stepped into 2005. And indeed all glories to Him! Got to pray for good retention … that it wont be just a one-time hit attendance.

ps: I blogged already I blogged already! =pppp

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Samuel – a K2 boy who I have taught since nursery. Recently saw this “change” in him that really encouraged me a lot. I was his form teacher during his nursery year so most of his 2hrs in school was spent with me. Compared now I see him and 2yrs back, there are really changes. He is a special boy who is unique in his own way but since we don't have medical cert or knowledge to prove anything, we don't have any right to label him.

Still can remember those times in nursery how he can drive the teachers (including me) to the wall. But at times he can be real interesting … the funny stuff he will do is like he will remove his shoes and smell his socks if not he will go around throwing toys/duster right to the top of the cupboard. Clearly remember this heart-breaking incident when he did something wrong, had a hard time “grabbing” him to stand infront of him as I want to talk to him … he couldn’t establish eye-contact with me and then he began to have “soft bones” and went sliding away.

Don’t say about writing, he cannot hold a pencil properly or even colour something accordingly. Slowly a little a little, he improved as he stepped into K1 then now K2 … a totally changed-boy who have grown and who have improved greatly. Just this week, got him to do pattern-recording … not only he could continue the A-B pattern that I start for him, he can even colour the templates according to the coloured cubes he took. WOW WOW WOW!

Have this thought: A child may have a little learning disability which can be an “obstacle” but that doesn’t mean that we can remove “learning” in their life. We should keep providing the time, the love, the encouragement the child need. Though they may not show instant results but never think that they didn’t learn anything.

Right now … Samuel could better express himself, understand instruction, copy his name and colour within box etc (which he used to cant at all)! Wow wow wow … I am so happy for him! Recently his parents also brought him to do assessment for special school … praying for him that he could receive better help and stronger support to GROW grow GROW.