Wednesday, September 24, 2008

hE iS bAcK!

THE MAN who stretched our capacity.. the man who made us stepped out of our comfort zone.. the man who made us accomplished tasks that seem impossible.. the man who was the “cause” of our sleepless nights.. IS BACK!

Haha! “The man” is none other than Mr P, one of our course's lecturers.
If you are a faithful reader to my blog, guess you may know what were the “mission impossible” he gave to us at the previous module. Oh man.. up to date, it is still a "talking point" in our class.

Now he is back with us for another module – Science and Environment Awareness. =)
At the 2nd lesson, we were introduced how to make ice-cream & butter! Woo... that's fun!

It was also the start of our "nightmare"- on our assignment requirement sheet, you don't just see question 1 but 1, 2A, 2B, 3, 4A, 4B and each questions with its' requirementsssss and due date is actually within a month. All of that include quiz, presentations, submission of folders, preparation of activities etc.

=) the JOY of my LORD is my strength!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

sPeCiAl TiMe WiTh J

Problem: Child J don't eat vegetables

~ first few times .. during snack time ~
Children: Join me Teacher, join me friends!
Cher Lim: Ok! Children, you may eat now.
Child J: * very carefully scooped out the vegetables (though auntie cut it till very small, it still cant escape his sharp eyes * Cher Lim! I don't want this...
Cher Lim: Why? Vegetables are good for you!
Friend S: Ya lohz! Ya lohz! See, I got eat!
Child J: But... But I dont want lehz, I don't want this wiggly wobbly thing!
ps: he really used “wiggle wobbly” to describe the vegetables
Cher Lim: * tried not to laugh * Cannot, you must try to eat!
Child J: But I don't want...

~ xth times ~
* at times just to make him eat the vegetables, “reward” got to be used *
Child J: I don't want this wiggly wobbly thing! * scooped out the vegetables *
Cher Lim: Cannot! I already told you that you must learn to eat the vegetables!
Child J: But... is wiggly wobbly you know!
Cher Lim: vegetables are good for you, you must learn to eat them
Child J: * attempted to put it on the table *
Cher Lim: Child J! If you don't eat, later you wont have chocolate biscuit from me
Child J: Huh? I want lehz...
Cher Lim: Then you must eat the vegetables. I will give you one chocolate biscuit after you eat the vegetables
Child J: * unwilling look * Oh... Ok!

* at the end of the day, Child J attempted to eat the vegetables but with GREAT struggles - after a spoonful of vegetables, he will quickly drink a mouthful of water. *

~ recently ~
* Child J is able to eat the vegetables without much struggles or much “threat” by Cher Lim *
Child J: * scooped up a long vegetables * Wow! I have never see such a long wiggly wobbly before!

Cher Lim is so proud of Child J! =) From porridge to vegetables, Child J bravely conquered his two fears! From taking many tissue papers to “hide” his wiggly wobbly vegetables, now he eats his vegetables happily! =)

Friday, September 12, 2008


A joke is no longer a joke when it go too far and when is a “killing tool” that destroys...

cHiLdReN's NdP

Monday, September 08, 2008

bE hEalThy!

Below are some points that I picked from my recent course module, Young Children & Motor Development.

Stages of Development :
a) Cephalocaudal ... control of the head then shoulders, followed by torso, thighs, calves and toes and that's when crawling and creeping occur.
b) Proximodistal ... control of the shoulders then to arms, followed by hands then fingers.

~ Early physical development and fitness affects lifelong health in areas like posture, balance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance and body leanness.
~ Children today are less fit than they were 20years ago, they do not get enough exercise to develop healthy hearts and lungs.
~ Children who are overweight can have these problems: joint pains, low self-esteem, get breathless and tired easily, likelihood of illnesses linked to overweight when grow up etc.
* It is the teacher's role and responsibility to provide a safe environment to meet the developmental needs of the children.

After this module, I concluded that is never too young to eat healthy & live healthy.
During the module, Miss Lecturer also shared some pointers regarding the physical concerns of adult ... guess there add as an a red alarm to me!

In one of my recent blog, I mentioned that I was down with backpain. You must be thinking “Yanni is really o_d liao!”. Haha! With that and some self-created dramatic thoughts, I told myself I cannot wait until when I become a granny then start regretting why like this and like that.
I MUST START NOW! And of course that will also need discipline. =)

Recently I shared with one of my friend about my decision of wanting to start exercising, friend's response was like “Aiyo! So serious mehz?”

Once bitten twice shy ... unless you personally encounted certain thing, if not you wont know the importance? There are certain food/drink that I usually don't take (which I regretted of not starting young) but as I know they are good for my body, I told myself that I must try to take them.

Friends, a friendly word from Granny Ni, “if you yet to, do start exercising! Watch your diet, eat healthy and live healthy.”

Current or Future parents, a friendly word from Teacher Ni, “start cultivating healthy habits in your children! Never think they are too young for it.”

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

jUsT wHeN...

it is just sooooooo difficult~~~
Just when PL thought PL can ..... ..... PL received a call and was almost activated
Just when PL thought PL can ..... ..... PL got to be there
Just when PL thought PL can ..... ..... PL got to look for someone else
Just when PL thought PL can ..... ..... There you see PL's name
Just when PL thought PL can .... ..... Another day of PL's was “booked”
it is just sooooooo difficult~~~

What should PL do?

Monday, September 01, 2008

tO aLl TeAcHeRs.....