Wednesday, September 17, 2008

sPeCiAl TiMe WiTh J

Problem: Child J don't eat vegetables

~ first few times .. during snack time ~
Children: Join me Teacher, join me friends!
Cher Lim: Ok! Children, you may eat now.
Child J: * very carefully scooped out the vegetables (though auntie cut it till very small, it still cant escape his sharp eyes * Cher Lim! I don't want this...
Cher Lim: Why? Vegetables are good for you!
Friend S: Ya lohz! Ya lohz! See, I got eat!
Child J: But... But I dont want lehz, I don't want this wiggly wobbly thing!
ps: he really used “wiggle wobbly” to describe the vegetables
Cher Lim: * tried not to laugh * Cannot, you must try to eat!
Child J: But I don't want...

~ xth times ~
* at times just to make him eat the vegetables, “reward” got to be used *
Child J: I don't want this wiggly wobbly thing! * scooped out the vegetables *
Cher Lim: Cannot! I already told you that you must learn to eat the vegetables!
Child J: But... is wiggly wobbly you know!
Cher Lim: vegetables are good for you, you must learn to eat them
Child J: * attempted to put it on the table *
Cher Lim: Child J! If you don't eat, later you wont have chocolate biscuit from me
Child J: Huh? I want lehz...
Cher Lim: Then you must eat the vegetables. I will give you one chocolate biscuit after you eat the vegetables
Child J: * unwilling look * Oh... Ok!

* at the end of the day, Child J attempted to eat the vegetables but with GREAT struggles - after a spoonful of vegetables, he will quickly drink a mouthful of water. *

~ recently ~
* Child J is able to eat the vegetables without much struggles or much “threat” by Cher Lim *
Child J: * scooped up a long vegetables * Wow! I have never see such a long wiggly wobbly before!

Cher Lim is so proud of Child J! =) From porridge to vegetables, Child J bravely conquered his two fears! From taking many tissue papers to “hide” his wiggly wobbly vegetables, now he eats his vegetables happily! =)


:: sEcRet LaDy :: said...

u remind me e dinner GS had recently...

lyn said...

=) ya ya ... some improvement from him recently so decided to blog about it. What are you waiting for? If Child J can do it, so can SecretLady! HeEhEe!

:: sEcRet LaDy :: said...

haha.. but i ate wat.. jus nv eat raw

lyn said...

"good job!" =p

NHI said...

Wow, Cher Lim is also a POWERFUL cher leh. :)
Can help me teach Isaac to eat his veggies? He hates them too!

lyn said...

most of the times, other than "nagging session", Cher Lim used hard approach to make Child J eat veggies as no veggies = no chocolate biscuits. Opps!

Ever try using reward-system on Isaac? Or perhaps soft approach? Is always tough getting children to take the first step to eat veggies but so far for my school's children- once they take the first step, seem ok after that.

=) Or maybe is the "authority" of teachers? Cause Child J quite afraid of me so when Cher Lim say "eat!", he must be thinking "better eat!". Haha!

NHI said...

Yes, I think sometimes children listen more to teachers than to their own parents! My students also like that sometimes, haha.