MoMeNt #1
Cher Lim: Children, can you name words that start with “A”?
Children: Aeroplane! August! Ant! * etc etc etc *
* silence from the children *
Cher Lim: Is that all already?
Child Z: * pointed @ one of the rules attached on board and that says [Raise your hand if you want to say something] * : Cher Lim, this one starts with “A”!
Cher Lim: Hmmm... which one!
Child Z: * he covered the “s” in “SAY” * This one!
Cher Lim: Hahaha!
MoMeNt #2
* after playtime ... children gathered back *
Cher Lim: * not feeling well * Children, can let Cher Lim rest a while? Cher Lim is not feeling well
K1 Children: * silence *
Cher Lim: Cher Lim going to faint already
Children: * blur look *
Cher Lim: What if Cher Lim faint now, what are you all going to do?
Children: * silence *
Child F: Yeah ... then we can play toys already
Child L: Ya lohz ... then we can play longer
Cher Lim: * flipped *
MoMenT #3A
* dismissal time *
Chinese Cher X: Cher Lim, can you help me talk to Child L? He hit Child I on his head many times.
Cher Lim: No prob! * understand that Child L is more vocal in English *
Child L, come here!
Child L: Yes, Miss Lim?
Cher Lim: Child L, what happened in Chinese class just now?
Child L: * stunned look * No... Nothing
Cher Lim: Are you sure? Think carefully.
Child L: * worried look * I... I fight
Cher Lim: With?
Child L: Child I. We just fight only
Cher Lim: Fight only?!?! You hit him right?
Child L: * serious look * Never! I never hit, I only fight
Cher Lim: * flipped * So why did you fight?
Child L: I saw Child X fighting with Child I first ... I want to help him!
Cher Lim: * started her nagging session *
MoMeNt #3B
* during dismissal time *
* Child L jumped and pulled down the Chinese New Year deco *
** Cher Lim saw it with her own eyes ... walked over to Child L **
Cher Lim: Child L, what happened?
Child L: * put the deco on the floor * Nothing
Cher Lim: Nothing? What happened to the new year deco?
Child L: I... dont... know
Cher Lim: Do you know who pulled the new year deco down?
Child L: * fearful, reallly fearful face *
Cher Lim: Is you who pulled it down right? I saw it with my own eyes.
Since is you who pulled it down then I want you to put it back now!
Child L: * helpless ... passed the deco to Cher X *
You... You no need scare ok...
Cher X: * shocked *
Cher Lim: * purposely want to disturb him to see his “smart” reaction
Child L, is you who spoilt it, why are you asking Cher X to help you?
Child L: * very worried ... passed to Cher X again *
Cher X, dont... dont scare ok! Cher Lim who scold you!
Cher X: Hmmm...
Cher Lim: Child L!!!
* a while later *
Cher L: Child L, so was it you who pulled down the deco?
Child L: ... ... Is not me!
Cher L: Then who?
Child L: Is... Is not me! But I CANT REMEMBER is who.
Cher L: * flipped ... started her nagging session about “Honesty”
* after that *
Cher Lim: Child L, so who pulled down the new year deco?
Child L: * in deep thought * M... Me!
ps: Child L is a 5 years old child in a 6 years old class ... a smart chid
Smart academically & the way child thinks & communicates
MoMeNt #4
* during dismissal time ... Cher Lim approached Child N aka Evangelist*
dAy 1
Cher Lim: Child N, what did you learnt in church last week?
Child N: * in deep thought * Samuel
Cher Lim: Oh! Who is Samuel?
Child N: * started her “bible study” with me
DaY 2
Cher Lim: Child N, I want to talk to you
Child N: * walked over *
Cher Lim: * asked questions about Jesus ... another “bible study” started *
Cher Lim: Child N, where is Satan now?
Child N: ... ... ... ...
Cher Lim: Will Satan come and find me?
Child N: No! If you... If you dont do naughty things, Satan wont come find you
Cher Lim: What if Satan come find me, what must I do?
Child N: ... ... ...
Cher Lim: Can I pray to Jesus? Will He help me?
Child N: Y... Yes He will help you
dAy 3
Cher Lim: Child N, can you tell Cher W who is Jesus. Cher W dont know who is Jesus.
Child N: * in deeeeeeep, very deeeeeep thought * Jesus is light! * said it with CONVICTION *
Cher Lim: * shocked for a moment by her reply *
* conversation went on about satan and us doing bad things *
DaY 4
* during dismissal *
Child Lim: * trying to start a topic * Child N, does your brother & sisters go to church too?
Child N: Yes but they dont go Sunday School
Cher Lim: Ok! Child N, where is Jesus? Have you ever met Him before?
Child N: * puzzled look * You cant... You cant see Jesus
Cher Lim: Then where is He? If I need to find Him, can I call Him?
Child N: * slightly confused * Ye... Yesh!
Cher Lim: What's God's number? I call Him now
Child N: No... ... you cant call Jesus like that. If you believe in Jesus, He lives in you