This week been a “not enough sleep” week.
Tues-Fri, I actually jumped up at 430am and left home at 5am plus.
Slept late but woke up super early, one of the days I only slept for ~3hrs BUT really wasn’t sleepy or very tiring during the day/week. Really thank God for His strength!
After breakfast with teammates, we reported in church by 745am.
Different people in the team were assigned to different duties.
For myself and few other teammates, we were assigned at the lobby to “welcome” the people and to tap their card.
Fun experience but can be quite “stress” as sometimes the scanner can be quite insensitive and soon you see a queue gets longer. Haha! But of course as the day goes by, we get more familiar and fast!

The interesting part came when at 844am, our ushers started announcing to the schoolmates at the gate: “2mins! 2mins left!“ and soon you will see them run, really run in.
And the challenge came when the clock hit 845am and a group of students waiting for you to tap their card quickly. According to Pst, late for one or five minutes count.
We may not be the richest team but we are definitely one of the sweetest teams in SOT. Right from the beginning we didn’t want to increase the “standard” that was set by one of the teams. We also didn’t want to stretch ourselves financially to like preparing breakfast for the entire school.
Our plan - to be our schoolmates' messengers!
At the start of the week, the schoolmates can write a little note (to cheer, to encourage etc) to anyone they wish to write to - their team leader, teammates, secret admirer etc. Following week, we will help to pass their little note together with a little gift we prepared.

One of the days after school, few of us (left with only Girls Power again) went to JP to get the items.
From ValueShop to Popular to NTUC-xtra… From Lane1 to Lane5 Lane10… We spent quite a while to select, to brain-storming, to decide and then to buy. We then went to one of the hostel to start the “factory work”! Haha!
All in all, with the power of 5, we managed to do up ~100 goodies bag! Thank God!
Been a looooong week but thank God His strength! =)
Enjoyed myself during this journey too!
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