Monday, October 22, 2012

not so nice

Seriously, the last thing I want when I’m tired (especially when is more than just physical) is to have one giving me a not-so-nice attitude in a not-so-nice tone. =(

Sad to say, it happened last weekend with ABC and that affected me quite a little that I decided to let ABC know how I feel. The fact that I’m blogging somehow also means it had left “something” in me or maybe just that ABC’s responses were made in the wrong season.  

Maybe that’s first time ABC experienced my not-happy-about-it mood

“serving should be done out of joy and freewill but now it feels like is compulsory..…” a little part of what I told ABC

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue…”
Proverbs 18:21

Gotta be very careful with what we speak and how we speak too.

ps: Dear faithful readers, please do not attempt to ask questions. =p
No worries, I'm fine after blogging... 


Anonymous said...

why like that... cannot ask question?... haaa.... sayang.. sayang... hope u are alright now (: dont know who tis abc... but im sure def.. always here ok!
determined-emily-friend..... haa lame

lyn said...

that's for sure, know you will always be there.. dont you dare run away eh! =p

I'm alright le.. bribe me and I may tell you!
Haha! Will share with you when we meet. =)