Saturday, June 18, 2005


TERRIBLE feeling sick!
Errmm no little “angels” from PAP … how come will sick ar?! Haha … Dr. Lau suspect is the mass queuing at Emerge where gems and virus also went to queue. =p

Down with fever … plus a hyper nose which want to participate in the 100m dash. =p
That’s why I can’t eat POTATO CHIPS and CHOCOLATE even when they fly across my eyes at the chalet … first because Dr. Lau will stare! Second if I eat, I will make the prayers of my friends goes in vain! =)

* Thanks guys for praying for me!*

The reason I am blogging about my sickness is cause I find it so amazing to be soooo sick. =p
Or I should said … Teacher Yanni seldom sick until like that, so sick until must see doctor and eat medicine, so sick until have to set aside one day to do nothing but eat medicine sleep eat medicine sleep. =) We must all pray for stronger and healthy body!

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