Just recently, one of my bus’ student’s dad passed away.
I was talking to one of my JAMs friend where she started sharing this real life story that happened in Singapore with me:
There was this boy with autism who has lost his mother.
Days at the wake, this boy was laughing and laughing and laughing and laughing. Even on the cremation day, the boy did nothing but just laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed.
The family and relatives was so upset to see him reacting in that manner but they just cant stop him from laughing and laughing and laughing and laughing.
When the wake is finally over, the family brought this boy to a physiatrist and this Dr begin to have a conversation with the boy.
Dr: Do you know what is happy?
Boy: Yes… (explained in his own words)
Dr: Do you know what is sad?
Boy: Yes… (explained in his words)
Dr: And what do you do when you are sad?
Boy: I laugh!
Oh… … …
I did went to send my student’s dad on his cremation day. Throughout I was looking at my student. Though tears was not flowing down from her cheek but I still can’t conclude that she is ok cause seriously, I don’t know how she feel deeply as she is someone who can’t really express herself well.
Many people tends to think that this group of special ones have no feelings.
But… that’s NOT TRUE!
All have feelings! Is just that they have different ways of expressing them.
So the next time if you happened to come in contact with any special ones, lets be sensitive towards them ya! =)