Saturday, November 11, 2006


1min on stage = 10yrs backstage
Alice in the City” was the theme for our school’s K2 Graduation Concert 2006.

I was given the opportunity to be the Chairperson for the concert. Actually I took this responsibility rather reluctantly but nevertheless at the end of the concert, it been a good learning experience for me- the planning, delegating of duties, the admin, the logistic, the technical aspects etc. If ever I’m given the chance again, I will surely take it up willing and give my best shots.

Praise the Lord! The concert was a BIG success! =)

Thank God for His grace! =)
There was little miscommunication between us, the concert committee and the principals. Many stuffs seem to be undone/unconfirmed until the very actual day of the concert. Stuffs like banner & background which the concert committee is unsure whether there will be a not… are all in place and up at the end of the day!

Thank God for His favor! =)
Being the Chairperson, I was given the opportunity to give a speech infront of hundred of parents and distinguished guests like GRC members. Not forgetting our guest-of-honor: Mrs Lim (MP). As usual when I’m nervous, I will bullet-read but nevertheless want to thank God for the confidence to be able to stand infront of a congregation to give a speech.

Thank God for His strength & wisdom! =)
It was a busy day which started in the morning where we came together to decorate the hall & stage. Then back to concert venue in the evening to ensure all are ready.
Before the concert, I got to run up and down, here and there & to delegate duties for the volunteers.
During the concert, I got to run in and out of the backstage to ensure performers are ready and to make sure all the items went on smoothly.

At the end of the day, *tired* was written all over my face… especially my legs!
Times flies… sending off another batch of
K2 children.

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