Finally after monthssss of intense battle, 1st semester have to an end. Is HOLIDAY TIME! =) Was super busy during the last 2 weeks of school ... got to sort/pack children's works, got to write report books, got to prepare a little note for the children, got to prepare for Parent Teacher Meeting, got to prepare children's evalution etc etc.
Thank God for His strength & wisdom, managed to end 1st semester well. =)
The “last” Children's Talk before we take a long commerical break.
=) Meantime, stayed tuned for MORE when school reopens!
sCeNe #11 – Young Evangelist @ work
* while waiting for their lunch, children were everywhere – majority were playing except for Child N who sat at a corner *
Cher Lim: * saw her mumbling to herself *
Child N: * saw Cher Lim looking at her, got a shock and put her hands now *
Cher Lim: =) Child N, was you praying just now?
Child N: * nodded her head * I am praying for E
Cher Lim: Who is E?
Child N: E is my cousin, my brother
Cher Lim: Oh... what happened to him?
Child N: E is in the hospitial
Cher Lim: Oh no! What happened to him>
Child E: I also dont know... He is sick
Cher Lim: So you praying that God will heal him?
Child E: Yes... I pray for him everyday
Cher Lim: Wowow... that's nice!
* conversation went on *
Child E: You know hor, that time night I always have nightmare
Cher Lim: Oh! Then?
Child E: Then I pray to Jesus. And you know hor, now I sleep I dont have nightmare
Cher Lim: Wooo... God take your nightmare away?
Child E: * nodded her head* You know hor, Jesus is powerful person! * said it with full conviction *
* conversation went on *
Child E: Jesus is in heaven. Those who believe Jesus will go to heaven. You will meet special people.
Cher Lim: What special people?
Child E: Last time people, they believed in Jesus
Cher Lim: Oh I see... So they are there?
Child E: Y... Yes!
sCenE #12
* during work time ... Child L & Child J just about to start doing their work *
Child L (a K1 boy in K2 class): * out of a sudden * You must BEWARE ok, today I am Power Ranger!
Child J: * starred @ Child L *
Cher Lim: * amazed by the word “beware” he used
sCeNe #13
* like adults, my “angels” seem to have Monday blues also (basically they are very “colourful” everyday)
* after a day of “vocal battle” + nagging session with both levels of children *
Cher Lim: * exhausted * so Children, do you think Cher Lim likes to scold you all?
K1 Children: Noooo...
Cher Lim: Do you know why Cher Lim will scold?
Children: never listen... very noisy... never sit down...
Cher Lim: Yes that's right!
Children: ... ... ...
Cher Lim: Do you think Cher Lim likes to scold you all?
Children: Noooo...
Cher Lim: Do you know Cher Lim dont like to scold you? Everytime I scold you, Cher Lim gets very tired
Children: ... ... ...
Cher Lim: Cher Lim's blood level is very high now. Cher Lim will old very fast you know
Children: @@!? old?!
Cher Lim: * jokingly * When Cher Lim's friends are all 30 years old, Cher Lim already 50 years old.
Children: @@! * laughters broke out *
Cher ZN: Then you will die you know
Cher Lim: Haha!
sCeNe #14
* “confiscated” a bag cause Child A was playing with it *
Cher Lim: * carried it * Children, do you like my new bag?
Children: @@! Child A, that's your bag!
Child A: Y... Yes =(
Cher Lim: Nice right? My mummy buy this bag for me
Children: @@! Mummy?!
Child ZN: Cher Lim, you don't have a mummy ar!
Cher Lim: Haha! Of course Cher Lim has a mummy
ps: actually this not the first time ... on few ocassion at the mentioning of my mum/dad, my children will be @@ cause to them, is unbelievable that teachers has daddy & mummy. Haha!
sCenE #15
* due to outbreak of HMFD, special procedures were carried out *
Cher Lim: Come Children, I am going to give you some distinfectant
... Child Lu & Child Se walked away after they got their “share” ...
Child Lu: * rubbing his hands * Child Lu, you see! My house also got this
Child Se: My house also but not this one. My house is Dettol
Child Lu: * rubbing his hands *
Child Se: You know hor, my sister go and eat the Dettol
Child Lu: @@! Eat Dettol will die one you know
Child Se: Ya loh
Child Lu: She die already?
Child Se: No... Haven't die yet... She only 3 years old. 3 years old wont die one
sCeNe #16
* a conversation with a 4-year old child *
Cher Lim: Child JE, where is your mummy? Is she working?
Child JE: * nodded her head *
Cher Lim: How about your daddy?
Child JE: * puzzled look * I dont have daddy. I... I only have mummy, ah ma & jiejie (maid).
Cher Lim: Where is your daddy?
Child JE: Disappeared
Cher Lim: ... ... ...
sCeNe #17
* a conversation between a 2-3years old girl with her parents *
Little Girl: Mummy, I have mosquito bite
Mummy: Come, let mummy see. Where was you just now?
Little Girl: Outside @ garden, auntie maid asked me dont go out but I still go
Mummy: Oh! You see, auntie already told you not to go out, why didnt you listen to auntie?
Little Girl: ... ...
Mummy: So baby, whose fault is it that you got a mosquito bite?
Little Girl: * thinking * the mosquito's fault
Mummy + Daddy: * bursted out laughing *