Below are some points that I picked from my recent course module, Young Children & Motor Development.Stages of Development :
a) Cephalocaudal ... control of the head then shoulders, followed by torso, thighs, calves and toes and that's when crawling and creeping occur.
b) Proximodistal ... control of the shoulders then to arms, followed by hands then fingers.
~ Early physical development and fitness affects lifelong health in areas like posture, balance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance and body leanness.
~ Children today are less fit than they were 20years ago, they do not get enough exercise to develop healthy hearts and lungs.
~ Children who are overweight can have these problems: joint pains, low self-esteem, get breathless and tired easily, likelihood of illnesses linked to overweight when grow up etc.
* It is the teacher's role and responsibility to provide a safe environment to meet the developmental needs of the children.
After this module, I concluded that is never too young to eat healthy & live healthy.
During the module, Miss Lecturer also shared some pointers regarding the physical concerns of adult ... guess there add as an a red alarm to me!
In one of my recent blog, I mentioned that I was down with backpain. You must be thinking “Yanni is really o_d liao!”. Haha! With that and some self-created dramatic thoughts, I told myself I cannot wait until when I become a granny then start regretting why like this and like that.
I MUST START NOW! And of course that will also need discipline. =)
Recently I shared with one of my friend about my decision of wanting to start exercising, friend's response was like “Aiyo! So serious mehz?”
Once bitten twice shy ... unless you personally encounted certain thing, if not you wont know the importance? There are certain food/drink that I usually don't take (which I regretted of not starting young) but as I know they are good for my body, I told myself that I must try to take them.
Friends, a friendly word from Granny Ni, “if you yet to, do start exercising! Watch your diet, eat healthy and live healthy.”
Current or Future parents, a friendly word from Teacher Ni, “start cultivating healthy habits in your children! Never think they are too young for it.”