Saturday, March 14, 2009

Lim Family -1

If you were on the news yesterday, you would have came across about a regular serviceman who collapsed in the midst of a routine run and ..... he never got up.

That's my uncle ... number 7 aka youngest brother/uncle in the Lim Family. His image have always been projected as “healthy” ... it is definitely a shock to everyone.

When the daughter of his called me, I just couldn't believe it. My heart goes out to the three children – their mother left them years back and now their daddy. They are pretty young, still in their 10s and early 20s.

The eldest was still telling me previously that she intends to celebrate her 21st in May over @ chalet and she planned to to show her daddy her boyfriend when they are more stable ... she never will be able to.

The second is taking a big exam this year, the good result, the life in university, the graduation ... the child will never have the presence of daddy around.

The youngest is still in secondary school, many many more years ahead but all without the presence, counsel, company, cheering etc of daddy.

What's ahead of them will definitely not be easy but I'm very sure they will pull through! Will be keeping them in constant prayers! JIAYOU cousins!

"Life is fragile", really fragile ... let's treasure all who God placed in your life! And of course to live our everyday to the fullest.

Was on two of my cousins' blog earlier... they blogged about the sudden death of uncle too. I'm sure many in the Lim Family are affected one way or another by this incident.

Goodbye 7th Uncle~~~


:: sEcRet LaDy :: said...

take care, yanni!

lyn said...

thank you! =)