I’m done with all mock cg segments!
Most of the friends I asked each have 3 segments but for our team, all of us each have 4!
When I first saw the segments I’m doing, I flipped and did a somersault. Was even telling my friends, “God really has great sense of humor!”
The first two rounds of mock cg happened in the same week, a day after another. Being our very first time, we were all nervous and practices started even a week before and “intense” days before. The third round happened just two days ago and surprising the practice was not as “intense” and we were not as nervous or as pressurized.
Seriously me too - first two rounds, I was nervous and anxious to the max even I was quite familiar with the two segments. I think even the pressure I gave myself was much more than the third round and strangely the segments in third round are segments which I totally have no confidence.
Round #1 - Warmth

Round #2 - Welcome

Round #3 - Worship & Praise
Went with the attitude of “Fear Not!”

At the end of round 3, more than being happy that I’m one of the few who completed all 4segments that I be free @ round 4... I’m happy that I overcame my fear and completed “Mission Impossible”.
I thank God for the opportunities to lead different segments. I also thank God for giving me with a healthy environment surrounded by supportive teammates!
At the end of Round #2, I told the guitarist who played for me...
“You know, this is my first time leading praise & worship. I never thought I will be able to do it. Thank you! With you as my guitarist, knowing you are backing me, I felt more confident to lead”
Right from the start during our practices, he was patient with me (not that I make him lose his cool.. haha!). He gave suggestion and helped me find a comfortable key, cheered when I “came in” correctly and when I’m able to reach the key played. But most importantly was during the worship time, even when I went more than what we practiced, he supported and flowed well with me.
And not forgetting a group of teammates who not only sang their hearts out during actual mock cg but also showed their support with their presence during practices. Then and then, I was not afraid to sing aloud. Then and then, I was not afraid to make mistake cause I know they are a group of friends who wont make fun of me!
More than the destination, I’m blessed by the journey!
Great experience! =)
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