Monday, July 16, 2012


“Being an early childhood teacher requires you to be willing to wear many hats.” Saw this quote from one website.

Some says preschool teachers are like nanny, caregivers, babysitters…
Some says preschool teachers are an important character in the life of a child… What say you?

I say… A teacher. An educator.
One who facilitates. One who scaffolds.

After an incident late recently, I would like to add - Policewoman! Haha!
A “big” incident that happened between two children.
Both Principal Tan and myself conducted “investigation” on involved and witnesses. Chance given and advised to be more careful.

Together with Principal Tan and VP Tan, I had a session to “wrap up” with one of the parents. After which I conducted “counseling” and “lecture” to entire class. Thank God the case closed in peace.

With that, it got me thinking - a teacher’s job is more than just during the school hours. There are couple of things we need to do/look into even after school hours.

Since mid Term1, I have been msging Child L’s mum everyday to give a daily summary of what been done in school, what the Child had for snack and Child’s update - as to assist Child L’s early intervention.

When Child CS was hospitalized… a trip made to visit. 
When Child CY’s brother’s was hospitalized… follow-up need to be done (still ongoing). When parents msged after school hours… as much as possible to reply promptly. 

Not forgetting the visitation we have to make after school hours.
Minimum one or maximum three in a day.
Was just telling my colleague recently… is one thing to visit, is another to put the visitation in words in our visitation report.

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