Sunday, August 28, 2005


I have this particular student who I have in my bus’ contact list … he has never been to church. Few visits to his house = scary experience, that was because of the father. When we are the doorstep he will stand very far from us, he will be in the kitchen! Then with his unfriendly and fierce face, either he will don’t reply us at all or he will speak so softly that we can’t hear a single thing from him. And when we asked to see his son, he will refused and give us a look like go before the broom come. My helper and I are both sisters, so we can’t be so super persistence … we need to be wise. So everytime we will leave the house feeling rejected. =(

Just this week, my helper and I went to visit again (despite of the rejection). Quite scary at first as the door was closed but the gate was opened widely. So I told my helper that we better close the gate before knocking. =p After much knocking ............... the dad opened the door! Oooops … just imagine- in a dark house, an unfriendly fierce man stood right in front of you, no good no good. Seriously if not because this visit was with a brother helper, I will have turn and run away. Heehee.

But THANK GOD … the dad didn’t slammed the door straight or even chase us away but instead he actually stood STILL there and talked to us. We had a more “decent” talk with him, got to know more about his son … quite a while some more (compare to the past few times of “seconds of conversation”). Though the dad don’t allow his son to come JAMs still but at least there is a breakthrough! So really thank God for that. I will keep on visiting and visiting and visiting!

The only time I saw the student was at the very first visit I made, where he came and opened the door for me … that moment when I saw him, felt something in my heart saying: “this boy needs love. this boy needs Jesus”. So I am going to keep praying and praying, keep making the visits and believe that one day … the dad’s heart will be open and this student will get to know and experience Jesus. =)

Sunday, August 14, 2005

*yAnNi'S qUiZ*

ps: find this interesting quiz at Cuiqi’s blog … thought was difficult to fill up about her but wasn’t that difficult afterall. =) Now my turn … try mine! try mine! Fill in the blank about ME! =p

I ___________ Yanni.
Yanni is ______________.
If I were alone in a room with Yanni, _________________.
I think Yanni should ______________.

Yanni needs ____________.
I want to _____________________ Yanni.
Someday Yanni will __________________.
Yanni reminds me of ______________.
Without Yanni, _________________________.
Memories of Yanni are ________________.
Yanni can be _______________________.
___________ is how I describe meeting Yanni.
Worst thing about Yanni is __________________.
Best thing about Yanni is ______________.
I am _____________ with Yanni.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Thank you, Jesus!

Last week was a longggg week for me, was not only busy with JAMs’ stuffs but also didn’t get enough sleep for several nights. But really thank God that every morning when I woke up, I always feel refreshed and even the hours in school … there’s not a moment where I will feel sleepy or tired (except for Friday cause didn’t get to sleep at all the night before =p). Thank God for the strength that keeps me going for the entire week … especially the long weekend.

JAMs’ big day … my bus has an attendance of 30! Praise God!
Before the big day, my ZS asked me for a faith figure for my bus … but somehow don’t have the faith to say big number so just replied her, “Can cross 25, good already!”.

Then I began to pray and do visitation to backsliders and new friends. Remember this one time when my helper and I went to visit this new friend- the dad was super unfriendly, we were at the doorstep but he just stood far away to ‘talk’ to us and whatever we asked him … either he don’t reply at all or he reply so softly that we can’t hear anything. And throughout, his facial expression is constant – fierce! A facial expression like trying to tell us to get lost soon before I use the broom in my hand to shun you all away!

And no matter how sincere we asked to see his son (the ID) to talk to him, he just refused. Kana rejected, we got to leave because basically we are only two sisters so not wise to you know you know. But God is good- just when we left the house, a phone call came … it was a backslider’s guardian who called saying that he wants to come for the party! As I expected that I won’t have the time to visit all backsliders, a week before I sent out the flyers through mail so this backslider came to know about the party through the mail he received … is like WOWOWOWOW! This big day alone, I got 3 backsliders who came back! =)


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

busy ... BUSY ... busy

It had been a longgggggggggggggggg time since I last blog … what happened?! Hmmm … basically entire last week I was busy with JAMs’ big day – Party On 40! =)

I was told like 2 weeks beforehand that for big day I will be leading games with another worker. Ever since that day, “games” was always in my mind … got to think of what to play, the props to make, the lines to say on stage etc. But only last week then managed to finalize all games stuffs with Karen so Mon night, Tue night and Wed night … you will find me at Lifeworks, doing up the PowerPoint etc.

Thurs night … after visitation, got to ‘hold’ an Overnight Props Making session with Huimin and Szeming to rush the big props for games. It is really OVERNIGHT cause from 12am plus, we did all the way until 5am plus … no break in-between! The church’s overnight prayer meeting is really a good ‘training ground’ for us! =) It was a long night but thank God, we have awesome Christian songs and Szeming’s lame jokes. =p

To Szeming & Huimin … greatly appreciate the both of you! =)

Friday’s school hours were SUPER DUPER hard to endure … find my eyes really struggling to keep opened. It was so bad that I got to wet a tissue and put in my class so whenever my eyes is closing, I immediately wet it with tissue. At once when I was watching the children doing their work, this child shouted: “Teacher Yanni, you want to sleep already ar?”. Ooooops!

Friday night’s Festival Of Praise (FOP) was great … though was in the overflow room but could felt the peace and presence of God. The only sad thing is during Praise and Worship, you really can see all kinds of Christians … some who will sit and fold their arms, a few young girls who talked among themselves and even used their phone, people walking up and down and people leaving the hall even before service officially ended.