Tuesday, February 14, 2006

cHiLdReN's TaLk III

sCeNe #1
*Child S decided to be very “helpful” and helped Child R take her water-bottle and without grabbing it properly, the bottle full of water dropped and landed terribly on Teacher Yanni’s toes!*

Cher Yanni: Ouch… … … … … … !!!!
Child S: *with a innocent look, look up to Cher Yanni*

Cher Yanni: Child S… … … … you hurt my toes!
Child S: *no response*

Cher Yanni: *endure the pain and walk… but it was quite hurtful so took Child S to one side*
Yanni: Child S, next time can you please take your own water-bottle. Your friend R will take on her own.
Child S: Yes!

Yanni: Now you see you hurt my toes!
Child S: Because you never wear close shoes!

Yanni: *state of shock* What?!
Child S: You see my shoes, I wear close shoes.

Yanni: So how now?
Child S: You go buy another leg

Yanni: *shocked by her response so decided to play along with her* But I don’t have money
Child S: My … brother … My … grandmother! My … grandmother … have … many … dollars

Yanni: Ok! So you will ask your grandmother to buy me one leg
Child S: Yes

sCeNe #2
*after clearing up, children are asked to sit on the floor in their groups*
Cher Yanni: Children, those who keep the toys already, I want you to go to sit on the floor

*seconds later*
Cher Yanni: Children, I want you to sit on the floor now!
*it will usually take decadeSsSsS for all the children to hear the teacher’s instructions*

Cher Yanni: Child S, sits down!
Cher Yanni: Child S! SIT DOWN!
*gave up after few trys*

Cher Yanni Child S, come here!

*Child S walked slowly towards Teacher Yanni*
Cher Yanni: Child S, what happened to you? I called you so many times, ask you to sit down but you like cannot hear. You didn’t bring your ear out today? Did you bring your ear out?

Child S: *nod her head*
Cher Yanni: You said you got bring ear right then how come I call you so many times but you never hear!
Cher Yanni: *pointing to her ear* So Child S, what is this!
Child S: spoilt ear!
Cher Yanni: *flipped*

ps: this Child S in sCene #2 is the same child in sCeNe #1

sCeNe #3
Cher Yanni: Why the two of you run?
Child A: Child B run!

Cher Yanni: Child B, why you run?
Child B: because I love him

Cher Yanni: huh?!?!?!?!

sCeNe #4
Cher: Child J (boy) & Child P (Girl), why are the two of you holding hands?
*Child J & Child P shyly let go their hands*

Cher: Child P, you like Child J?
Child P: *smiling sweetly nodding her head*

Cher: Child J, you like Child P?
Child J: Yes!

Cher: Cher P, you want to bring Child J home?
Child P: *shake her head* No

Cher: Why?
Child P: My house got sister!

Cher: *confused* Okok! Child J, you want to bring Child P home?
Child J: *nod his head* Yes my my my mother say can!

Cher: Child P, why you like Child J?
Child P: *smile*

Cher: Child J, why you like Child P?
Child J: because she 5years old, I 5years old

Cher: Oh okok… Child P, so why you like Child J?
Child P: *smile sweetly*

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