sOOooooOOOOoooOOOoo hAnDsOmE!!!
Recently God added to w5 a very interesting & “challenging” student, ST. I ever shared about her in one of my blogs. As much as ST's family wants her to come to JAMs, ST just can't as she tends to OVER-sleep.
Praise the Lord! With God @ work + prayers + visitations = miracle! =) Last weekend was actually ST's 3rd week @ JAMs. Every week not only was she able to wake up on time, she was also all dressed-up before our bus reach.
During 2nd week visit to her house, before my helper and I reach their doorstep, we heard ST's loooooud cry. Throughout our stay, she didn't stop crying (she cried BEFORE we reached, DURING our stay and AFTER we left) and it seem no one in the family can/want stop/coax her.
There she was in her hot & stuffy room, sweating all over as she refused to turn on the fan, crying non-stop, with xxxx “swinging” from her nose. That “scene” was just unbearable ... to a point I made a prayer in my heart, “God! Come and bring peace to her!”
The grandma shared with us about ST's relationship with her elder sister ... felt my heart dropped. On one hand I'm “disappointed” with the elder sister's actions but on the other, I can also understand why. With her family environment, it also pretty hard on the sister.
For the 1st & 2nd week @ JAMs, it was a “challenge” to workers who was in contact with her & also myself. Her “style” - when service went for 30mins, she will cry, cry and cry. Trust me, she REALLLLLLLY cry! As told, ST cannot stay @ a place for more than half an hour, once time up, she will cry and want to go home. Not just in church, when ST @ her relative's house also same “style”.
Last weekend @ JAMs - service went on for 20mins, 23mins, 26mins, 29mins ... I went to her @ 30mins ... she was =) -ing. *thank God* It was during praise, though she didnt stand to sing but saw her very engrossed with the “happenings” on stage. Guess what, she didn't just pull through 30mins, she actually pull through the ENTIRE service and without tears. She was pretty happy during dismissal too, only asking for milo! Haha!
Trust me ... ... ... I'm soooooooooo happie! =)
Prayers works!
Earlier on our way to church, we pray for ST as a bus that God will give her the peace and she will not cry during service.
Through all the interactions I had with ST and her family, the visitations, the “stories” heard... one line of a song came alive to me:
“show me how to love like You have love me”
Is always so easy to love the lovable but not the unlovable.
Who will you love?
SURPRISE! Photossss @ Yanni's blog for the ... 1st time! Haha!
Recently, one of my friends “enlightened” me about how easssssssy it is to upload photos to blogger. All along was told need to use html to upload then as I am not a “computer expert”, didn't try or even explore anymore UNTIL..... *shy* Haha! Have many photossss to share with you guys ... do check it out! =)
Let me start with my beloved w5, one of the “highlights” for w5 students, especially the higher ones will be birthday celebrations.
In 2007......
sCeNe #1
Child N (5yrs old): Cher Lim, you know hor, you must tell the K2 dont say bad things
Cher Lim: -shocked by her sudden comment- Hmmm ... ok!
Child N: you know we say bad things ... the Holy Spirit & Jesus will cry and Satan will laugh
Cher Lim: Hmm... how come Satan will laugh?
Child N: Satan will come to us and say, “poo poo” (when Child N said that in Mandarin, she whisper to herself ... trying to show Satan whisper thoughts to us) and then we say out “poo poo”
Cher Lim: Oh... like that ar. Who is Holy Spirit? Is Holy Spirit powerful?
Child N: Yes! ~very convicted~ Holy Spirit is very powerful
Cher Lim: Then how come Holy Spirit never destroy Satan
Child N: -being challenged- ... ... Holy Spirit will destroy Satan but you must wait ok
Cher Lim: Oh ... okok!
~conversation ended because Child N need to go home~
sCeNe #2
Boy J (4yrs old): Mdm T, you know hor... tomorrow I am not coming to school
Mdm T: ~pretty worried~ Why? Why you not coming to school
Boy J: ~serious look~ Because tomorrow I have fever
Mdm T: ... ... ... ~burst out laughing~
sCeNe #3
Cher Lim caught Child J in the act of peeling the wall's layer off
Cher Lim: Chid J, what are you doing?
Child J (5yrs old): ~shocked + INNOCENT look~
Cher Lim: Ah... now I know who is the one who peeled it off, is Child J
Child J: ~shaked his head~ No... not...me
Cher Lim: Child J, is you who do it. I saw it with my own eyes
Child J: ~innocent but “not me” look~
Cher Lim: Oh ok... I saw this hand (pointed to his hand which he used) peeling the layer.
Whose hand is this?! ~purposely want to disturb him~
Child J: ~shocked look~ silent
Cher Lim: Whose hand is this? I saw this hand peeled. Is this hand yours?
Child J: ~shocked + blur~ and shaked his head
Cher Lim: @@ What?! This (pointed exactly to his hand) is not your hand? Then?
Child J: ~paused a while and pointed the person in front~
Cher Lim: ~cannot control not to laugh~ Child J, dont do it again next time ok ~quickly walk away~
sCeNe #4
~a K2 boy fell and “awarded” a big swelling on his forehead~
~class brought in for “lecturing” about the importance of safety
Cher Lim: ... ... ... ... All of you understand?!
Children: YES!
Cher Lim: Haiz... see! Now Child B has a swelling on his forhead.
You can imagine how painful it is!
Child E: Cher Lim, take a book
Cher Lim: For?
Child E: Take book and then smack the swelling to go in
Cher Lim: Child E!
SceNe #5
~arrival of children~
Child I: ~came into class~
Child E ~first to reach~: Child I, I number 1 you know
Child I: ... ... we two number 1
Child E: ~paused a while~ No.. No.. I number 1, you number 2
Child I: No Child E, you number 0, I number 1 ... remember 0 comes first
Cher Lim: @@! ~was near them, didnt want interrupt, purposely want to listen to their talk~
Child E: ~almost convinced~ ... ... ... But 0 is nothing lehz
sCeNe #6
~ work time ~
Child S: Cher Lim, Child L said mine not nice
Cher Lim: Child L...
Child L: No. I... said... to... the... window
Cher Lim: @@!
~shortly after~
Child D: Cher Lim, Child L said “stupid”
Cher Lim: Child L, why did you said that
Child L: No. I... said... to... my... bag
Cher Lim: ~flipped~
1. prayer ANSWERED
Usually along our way to church, I will pray with my students in the bus. Beside praying for service, I will ask them whether they have any prayer needs so we can pray together. This particular student, L who been out of job quite some time said she just had a job interview. As a bus, we prayed for her!
Hours later @ lunch, she came to me happily and said the manager called her to collect the uniform the next day!
Wow! The POWER of PRAYER! =) I took this opportunity to challenge her & friends to keep praying & trusting God.
2. protection
Last weekend we were all waiting @ church lobby before going hall. Everything was ok until one of my young student decided to have a 100m dash towards road with busy traffic! The police on duty saw but guess they weren't as fast as my helper who immediately ran after him and thank God., he caught him just on time! Cant and dont want to imagine what if ...... Just want thank God for His constant protection over students.
3. new contact
Few months back, one of JAMs workers.passed me this new contact, ST. I called & visited but she just can't make it for JAMs - not don't want to come but cant come as she has quite a bad habit of “over-ZZzzzzZZ”. Without proper discipline & parents' support, she is left to do whatever she wants and likes. The “hightest record” she slept all the way from day 1 night to day 2's 7pm plus. Wah! So JAMs service being in the morning, she simply just cant "crucify her flesh". Hee! Even once I called her for big day in the late afternoon, she still sleeping! *flipped*
I nearly give up in reaching out to her but last week decided to give another “shot” with my new helper K. As I was preparing my helper by decribing more about ST, he told me that family is related to him. Im @@!
Last Sunday when I called in the morning, the grandma told me ST is awake! And she agreed that I come pick her to church! Praise God! Tell you... I was soooooooo happy!
The power of K? The power of cousin-hood? Haha!
All in all... is miracle! Is the power of God! The power of visitation!