Sunday, October 12, 2008

dont want.. dont want.. dont want..

Of course after settling students up on the bus, I came back for him and then he was surrounded by few teachers who also tried to get him to stand but no result. After some “drama rama”, we managed to get him to stand and walked to bus BUT he refused to board the bus. Why?
Because he saw the front seats occupied so no choice we shifted the students and no matter how uncle disapproved, we just got to let Mr Sato sit in front.

Returning trip – All throughout our journey back, Mr Sato only focused on the radio. But thank God for a consistent uncle who just refused to let Mr Sato played his radio no matter how much Mr Sato wants to. The “pushing”, the “stopping”, “the scolding” went on UNTIL Mr Sato alighted the bus. ~phew~ It was a big relieved to us. Throughout I was sitting next to uncle, trying to “block” Mr Sato from leaning nearer to the radio or even to cause “hinder” to uncle's driving. It did help a little but ¼ of Mr Sato's weight was on me, my thighs actually as he was leaning on it. O...u...c...h

=) Reflection –When Mr Sato wants something = he really wants something. I would think Mr Sato is a smart boy. Somehow he knows that his “secret weapon” against us and that is to sit on the floor and refuse to go UNTIL we give in and give what he wants. Serious speaking, Im pretty “upset” with this “secret weapon” of his, is like anytime he wants something and throw tantrums for it, we got to give in to him. Not because we want to give in but rather we have no choice. And some more for a student like him, somehow we cant afford him to throw tantrum physically (if you know what I mean).
First was CD and now for front seat.
Cant imagine what will be next, in Dec ... as probably will ask him to take a “break” in November.

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