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So fast, is already Week 3!!!!!!!!!!
Hmm... term 4 seem to go by verrrrrry fast!!!!!!!!!!
I just blink blink and is already week 3!!!!!!!!!!
28 Sept… 1Oct… 15 Oct… arggghhhhh … left around 5 more weeks to CONCERT!!!!!!!!!
To add onto the busyness, being the last school term... there are many things to cover, to complete, to do, to prepare!!!!!!!!!!
Yanni, don’t be anxious! Peace!!!!!!!!!!
Few weeks ago, a child came to me during play time…
“Cher Lim, this is for you!”

When I was back after my two days leave…
Parent: Cher Lim, last week you never come for two days… Bxx said he miss you
Child J: Cher Lim, on our graduation day, I want to buy you and Y Laoshi something because I like you all. You all very good.
mOmEnT 31 (2 stars)
* eve of Teachers’ Day *
Child A: Cher Lim, you see! This present is for you and that is for Y Laoshi
Cher Lim: Wow! Thank you Child A!
Child A: Oh! I forget about this … I buy chocolate too!
Cher Lim: For us too?
Child A: Yes for the teachers! Is for all your hard work!
Cher Lim: @@! * you also know is hard work teaching you … opps!
mOmEnT 32 (2 stars)
Child L: Cher Lim, just now my friend touch my forehead and she got burnt
Cher Lim: @@! Let me check your temperature. Oh! You are having a fever!
mOmEnT 33
Cher Lim: Child C, so how was the movie “Up”?
* child C’s dad came earlier to bring her to catch the movie *
Child C: Hmm… ok but a bit dry
Cher Lim: Dry?
Child C: * paused a while * Ya… very long the movie
Cher Lim: I see… Haha!
mOmEnT 34
* with K1 children *
Child B: * sing out loud * “Jiu Shi Jiu Ci Wo Ai Ta”
Cher Lim: * shocked, realized is the theme song for Taiwan drama “Fated To Love You” which currently on air over at channel u * How come you know how to sing this song?
Child B: =) I watch the show…
Cher Lim: @@! What’s the name of the show?
Child B: Hmmm…
Child T: Fated To Love You! * shouted in Chinese *
Cher Lim: @@!
Child S: I also got watch!
Child R: Me too…
Cher Lim: What’s so nice about the show?
Child S: You know, the boy inside the tub, the girl close and roll him down the stairs.
Cher Lim: I see * Cher Lim ever watched the drama, knew what Child S said was one of the scenes *
Child T: Yes… that Chunxi and Xinyi together (male and female lead)
Cher Lim: @@!
Child B: Ya lor… * started describing a scene to me *
Child S: Now the boy cannot see… fake one
Cher Lim: Yes because… * started to “explain” the scene *
* the conversation went on for another 5mins with Cher Lim & children “discussing” about the drama’s story line … haha!
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* waiting time *
Child J: Cher Lim, you prepare our Children's Day present already?
Cher Lim: Hmm... Yes!
Children: Yeah~~~
Child J: What is it?
Cher Lim: A stack of worksheet!!!
Children: * paused a while * Huh~~~~~
Cher Lim: Haha! Just joking!
* one week later *
* Cher Lim & J Laoshi were talking about something *
Child J: Cher Lim! Cher Lim! You buy our Children's Day present already?
Cher Lim: A stack of worksheet!
Child J: Huh~~ I thought you said you joking?
Cher Lim: Oh yes, I was joking... not one stack of worksheet but two stacks!
Child J: ...
Cher Lim: Haha!
mOmEnT 36
* during work time … cant rem how they get to the following conversation *
Child 1: There’s no such thing such as ghost…
Child 2: Ya lor, no ghost one
Child 3: Yes got… you know hor, at night people build house there got ghost
Child 4: Is it cartoon?
Child 1: No, not cartoon
Child 4: Not cartoon that’s mean is real one
Other than the long hours & holiday-less, it is actually pretty fun working in schoolhouse. Beside having to teach, I get to spend longer time with the children, more in the area of routine care, especially those staying full day.
I quite enjoy nap time… watching the little ones fall asleep/awake with different styles, habits, postures and patterns.
~ few close their eyes immediately upon landing on the bed but still awake until a good 30 to 45mins of tossing before really zzz
~ few choose to stare blankly at one spot and allow the eyes to get smaller and smaller
~ one sobsob to sleep (new child) in the warm embrace of a teacher
~ few choose to do somersaults & stunts on bed until teacher gives firm instruction
~ few awake at one call
~ few still zzzzz after many calls
~ few can sleep anywhere - even after removing the bed, they can still continue on the floor in their "shell"
Haha! Sound like a boring post ar… sorry ar… a “new” experience for Cher Lim. =)
After a gooooooood 5days break, tomorrow got to head back to school.
Cher Lim, are … you … ready?!
Definitely! Cher Lim pretty miss her children actually! =p
Love to the end~~~~~~~~Luke 7:47
Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.”
14/9 - marks the start of Term 4

Am used to having a break after a good 10 weeks of Term 3 before entering into another busy 10 weeks of Term 4 but this year I had 11weeks of Term 3...
Due to the changeover to schoolhouse, didn’t get to enjoy the one-week school holiday after a tiring 10 weeks but continue over week 11 and straight entered into Week 1 of Term 4 which is this week.
Thank God for His strength that kept me through the 11 weeks in school. Think about it, throughout this 11 weeks…
- I was not on mc
- I didn’t activate any of my leave days
- I didnt fall sick during week 9/10
But as I’m blogging now, I am actually enjoying my 2nd day of leave, the feeling great…
- no need to teach
- no routine to keep to
- can rest my throat
- can give my ears some peace ... =pLooking forward to school again after the long weekend. Got to prepare myself as always, Term 4 will be a busy term…
- to finish off the syllabus
- to finish the activity sheet
* intense practice for concert in Nov
One conversation I had with a parent just yesterday...
Parent: Cher Lim, I am thinking of sending my Child B to this school in the morning then to PAP in the afternoon. Do you think it will be tough for him?
Cher Lim: @@
Parent: You know, my friend’s son is in that PAP. They write a lot. They already started writing many Chinese words English too.
Cher Lim: Hmm… instead of sending him to two schools, why not enroll him at our side whole day?
Parent: What will he do in the afternoon? Got homework? Got worksheet? Got writing
Cher Lim: @@!
Then she ended by pouring her heart out that she is worried for her boy, worried her boy cannot make it in primary one (boy is only in K1 this year), worried about her son's speech cause he cant pronoun pronoun certain words clearly (despite having the confirmation from speech therapist that her son is ok) etc.I too happened to ask about her second daughter who I taught before on how she is doing in primary one. Mum said she top the class but what really @@ me was the mum didn’t really give much credit to her daughter but claimed “because I started tuition early for her, when she was in K1 already”. Like what I told the mum MANY times, probably since two years ago when I taught her daughter during her two years of K2 education that both her children actually doing fine academically - like for the boy in K1 this year, when I popped out a word to the whole class, just when there were complete silence, this boy bravely name out the word correctly. And few weeks back when a friend was struggling to identify the numerals, he was there to "teach" him.
ps: why two years of K2 for the daughter? Because when she was 5years old, mum felt that she is capable and want her to go for K2. Sometime it can get pretty disappointing and angry to encounter parents who are overly anxious. Only in preschool, don’t know what to expect when they enter into primary/secondary…
Is it really the reason?
If really so … I can only say, that’s a “nice timing”!
Many times I told myself to believe but recently I just find it harder.
Too many “coincidence”...
Is it really so difficult to do the things you got to do that you got to entertain me with excuses now and then?
Haiz… disappointed.
Got to manage my expectation from now or can I pray "God, help my unbelief"
Recently met up with Friend GF for a short but great fellowship or I should say catching up session.
Touched by Friend GF’s simple gestures.
Like what I told Friend GF - it never fails to bring a smile to me as I see the changesss that took place in Friend GF and definitely knowing/seeing Friend GF doing well in life!
=) Probably is the years of friendship, got to witness GF’s before and after.
Friend GF is really one of the friends who I realllllly feel very proud and happy to see the changes/happenings in GF’s life.
Friend GF, thanks for being my friend! =)
first it was 636am and then today was 705am … oh no …
cher lim LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!!
You see, I am the only morning teacher who holds the key to the main door.
Seldom overslept actually b..u…t b…u…t it been two days in a row already! Oops!
I’m halfway through week 11...
Hmm… should be having my R&R + break from teaching BUT BUT due to the change from kindergarten to schoolhouse aka childcare, won't get to enjoy school holiday. =(
Probably cause I’m too used to working in kindergarten - having a break after a term of 10 weeks which somehow I find it quite necessary, to rest/replenish etc.
I need a break~~~
Still on the other hand, thank God for “leave” which I will get to enjoy next week.
Warning! Not a short entry but worth reading!
Special entry dedicated to Teacher Yanni's W5 students! =)
For myself in JAMs, beside getting appreciated, I will also take a little time to appreciate some of my bus students. Previously I got them something simple, a “card stand” with simple wordings. This year will be necessary again - probably a treat or small gift.
Most of my bus students are pretty matured (in age, understanding level etc) so I can always entrust them with responsibilities.
Long ago, few of them were even being “activated” as Lift Security by our Mr Security Head. Sometime when I’m left to do busing alone, there wouldn’t be much problem. Not because “Teacher Yanni is powerful” to manage on her own but rather she has a group of helpful and independent students that allow everything to be easy.
Though they may never get to read this but Teacher Yanni really wants to say a big THANK YOU to Std Ch, Std Hy, Std Jo, Std Fy, Std Wj, Std Hx, Std Ld, Std Js and Std Kh.
ps: as I typed out the names, I was shocked to see “quite many?!”
Std Hy (VERY responsible to the “object” entrusted to him) & Std Ch
~ Mr Gentlemen
~ whenever they are activated to carry Std I, they will never give negative reply but “Ok no prob! I am strong!“
~ anytime Std B get out of control, they are on the standby to lend me their muscles
~ they have their sweetest side too, they really know how to make the little ones laugh their heart out using the simplest “tool”
* I got to salute them for the following - recently my bus got to fetch a new Std B who is rather old in age thus she is pretty slow when it come to walking and getting up/down the bus.
Before the bus even stops, Std Hy and Std Ch (together with Std Js) will already be standing at the door. The moment the door opened, they will always get down the bus before me (opps!). Slowly and gently they will hold Std B and walk her over and up the bus. 
Std Jo - she is very helpful. Despite of her not-so-good vision, she always offer and very willing to take care of student for me. Other than 3 gentlemen, the rest of them are ladies. Most of them have a “fixed student” to take care. Many of them will go beyond what is expected - know the routine of the "std-in-need", bring the “std-in-need” to toilet, carry them, make them laugh, watch over them etc.

This post will be super long if I post one by one but from the bottom of my heart, I really appreciate every single one of them! =)
Cher Lim: Child A, come here!
Child A (6 years old): Yes Cher Lim?
Cher Lim: * wants to disturb Child A * Today is the eve of Teachers’ Day, is my day. You must make me happy. Come tell me a joke!
Child A: O… Okie!
Child A: Why the police catch police? A… wait wait. I mean why the police catch the chef?
Cher Lim: =) Hmm… because the chef naughty?
Child A: No… because the chef beat the eggs
Cher Lim: Hahaha! That’s a good one! Anymore?
Child A: * thinking * Ah… what ball cannot kick?
Cher Lim: Fishball!?
Child A: No…
Cher Lim: then?
Child A: Earth! Moon!
Cher Lim: Haha! Thank you! You can go do your work already!
Child A: =) and walked away