Is back! Is back! Miss Lim’s children’s talk is finally back!
scene #1
* discussion on saving water *
Miss Lim: … … … just like Miss Lim’s mummy
Children:: * shocked * You got mummy?!
Miss Lim: * thinking “it happened again” * Yes Miss Lim has a mummy and a daddy
Child C: Who is your mummy?
Miss Lim: Hmm… my mummy is my mummy. Haha!
Child J: Do you have grandmother?
Miss Lim: Yes I have!
Children: * shocked *
Miss Lim: Miss Lim has one grandmother, one father and one mother
Children: * revelation *
scene #2
* lesson/experiment on evaporation *
* children mentioned words “shady” and “sunny” *
Mrs E Tan: So can you tell me what are the differences between shady and sunny place?
* silence for a second *
Child M: I know! Shady place has no sun and sunny place has no shade.
scene #3
* times really changed … remembered previously when I received my progress book from my teacher, I will either hide it in bag or show to mummy directly, cant really bother what’s my grade/performance etc *
* recently children’s observation report was given to them *
Child Jo: I got “S”!
Child Ju: “S” is super! Then I is no good.
* Miss Lim stepped in and explained the “meaning” of H, I, S (their “grading”)
* and the next 5mins was spent answering children’s different questions pertaining to the observation report *
scene #4
* lesson time *
Miss Lim: Children, before I bring you all out to music room, give me 5mins to explain…
Child B: * jokingly with a smile * So long?
Miss Lim: * go ahead with her explanation *
Miss Lim: Ok! I’m done! Let’s go to music room now!
Child B: Not 5mins yet
Miss Lim: * flipped *
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Two Sundays ago, together with Tcher Lizhen & Tcher Jinzhi, had lunch with Malcom and Nainai. It was a belated birthday celebration for nainai’s 50th birthday! =)
For the past 3yrs, we only celebrated Malcom’s birthday but this year was the first time we celebrated for Nainai.


After the meal, after receiving the gift and just before we left, Nainai kept saying “thank you thank you”, I supposed she was overwhelmed the love and the blessings.

Malcom’s Nainai - a very strong lady
Every week, Nainai will definitely bring Malcom out from the home on Fri and filled his weekend with activities after activities and the shopping malls if possible before bringing him back home on Sun evening.
Because of Malcom’s health condition, Nainai can be quite gloomy at times - she is just afraid the day will come when Malcom has to depend on wheelchair, that’s one of her reasons for bringing Malcom around actively now.
Due to the lack of parental support/love for Malcom … much of the responsibilities are actually upon one Nainai’s shoulder.
=) do continue to keep both Malcom & Nainai in prayers..
- for his legs to be strengthen
- the peace of God to be with him, esp when he feel alone in the home
- that he will has strong immune system
- that he will grow up healthy and strongly
- finanically blessings
- strength of God as she support the family very much on her own
- joy of the Lord
- good health
For the past 3yrs, we only celebrated Malcom’s birthday but this year was the first time we celebrated for Nainai.

After the meal, after receiving the gift and just before we left, Nainai kept saying “thank you thank you”, I supposed she was overwhelmed the love and the blessings.

Every week, Nainai will definitely bring Malcom out from the home on Fri and filled his weekend with activities after activities and the shopping malls if possible before bringing him back home on Sun evening.
Because of Malcom’s health condition, Nainai can be quite gloomy at times - she is just afraid the day will come when Malcom has to depend on wheelchair, that’s one of her reasons for bringing Malcom around actively now.
Due to the lack of parental support/love for Malcom … much of the responsibilities are actually upon one Nainai’s shoulder.
=) do continue to keep both Malcom & Nainai in prayers..
- for his legs to be strengthen
- the peace of God to be with him, esp when he feel alone in the home
- that he will has strong immune system
- that he will grow up healthy and strongly
- finanically blessings
- strength of God as she support the family very much on her own
- joy of the Lord
- good health
Monday, March 22, 2010
In one of my recent blog entries, I shared about few students from NP came to our school for attachment and “rare-ly” one of them was actually a guy!
One of the sessions, both classes of K2 children were out to water their plant - me + 2 NP students with my class and Cher M + 2 NP students with her class.
Just when I was getting my children to queue up, suddenly I heard Mr L shouted loudly at the children attached to his class. He made two sentences but I can only remembered one - “Stand here now!”. Trust me - his tone was LOUD and FIRM!
The children were shocked, my children were shocked, Cher M was shocked, I was shocked and the other NE students were shocked too.
The most “interesting” thing is that the children were quiet only for like 20secs then shortly after you could hear giggling/talking from them already. * flipped *
Shortly after, Cher M got the children together for a “lecture” and before getting them to apologize to Mr L.
This was witnessed by another passerby who called up one office staff which later went up to the principal - seem like quite a “serious” issue as afterall this is not the “culture” of LSK and I guess not right for a “attachment student” to misuse the authority that way?
Under that kind of “circumstance”, is actually understandable for children to behave that way - slightly loud and carried away - after all they are excited being a gardener and of course cant wait to water their plant.
Mrs E Tan aka the principal addressed this issue and I’m @@ at some of her sharings:
- don’t expect and put our “standard” on our children, they are still CHILDREN
- statements like “You are already in K2, why you still like this like that”, “You are already 6 years old, why you cannot like this like that” are no no
* children are children … how to ask them to keep quiet and don’t talk
Hmm… Mrs E Tan is really a different principal. =)
This incident has made me reflect the years...
I remembered when I first started out as a teacher in PCF kindergarten, my patience towards children wasn’t that good as well - can easily find me shouting here and there (that’s why my voice so eeeeks now … failed to use it well).
Slowly as the years went, really thank God that He enlarged my patience tank.
Hmm... and also more immune to the "loudness" created by children?
At times when the children get out of hand, I told myself I must release one “big volcano” which sometimes can be quite “effective” but somehow I just find it hard to let myself be very angry.
One of the sessions, both classes of K2 children were out to water their plant - me + 2 NP students with my class and Cher M + 2 NP students with her class.
Just when I was getting my children to queue up, suddenly I heard Mr L shouted loudly at the children attached to his class. He made two sentences but I can only remembered one - “Stand here now!”. Trust me - his tone was LOUD and FIRM!
The children were shocked, my children were shocked, Cher M was shocked, I was shocked and the other NE students were shocked too.
The most “interesting” thing is that the children were quiet only for like 20secs then shortly after you could hear giggling/talking from them already. * flipped *
Shortly after, Cher M got the children together for a “lecture” and before getting them to apologize to Mr L.
This was witnessed by another passerby who called up one office staff which later went up to the principal - seem like quite a “serious” issue as afterall this is not the “culture” of LSK and I guess not right for a “attachment student” to misuse the authority that way?
Under that kind of “circumstance”, is actually understandable for children to behave that way - slightly loud and carried away - after all they are excited being a gardener and of course cant wait to water their plant.
Mrs E Tan aka the principal addressed this issue and I’m @@ at some of her sharings:
- don’t expect and put our “standard” on our children, they are still CHILDREN
- statements like “You are already in K2, why you still like this like that”, “You are already 6 years old, why you cannot like this like that” are no no
* children are children … how to ask them to keep quiet and don’t talk
Hmm… Mrs E Tan is really a different principal. =)
This incident has made me reflect the years...
I remembered when I first started out as a teacher in PCF kindergarten, my patience towards children wasn’t that good as well - can easily find me shouting here and there (that’s why my voice so eeeeks now … failed to use it well).
Slowly as the years went, really thank God that He enlarged my patience tank.
Hmm... and also more immune to the "loudness" created by children?
At times when the children get out of hand, I told myself I must release one “big volcano” which sometimes can be quite “effective” but somehow I just find it hard to let myself be very angry.
Friday, March 19, 2010
holiday yes? holiday no no?
Though was holiday-week but was in school almost everyday from 8plus to 6pm!!!
ps: even later and busier than normal school days … hmmm
Beside staff meeting (which started with worship + prayer) and discussion with level head, the time was spent to read through then typed out lesson plan, keep all term 1 resources before taking out term 2’s, laid out the materials for learning corners, prepared the art materials, searched for pictures before pasting it for self-check on task cards etc etc.
Preparing the art materials and self-check items are no joke!
Just imagine having to cut 200 leaves, 800 petals, 800 strings for one flower artwork. And cut paste cut paste for (8 x 32sets) x 10 different task cards. Haha!
One of the days I went for the FIRST home visitation to one of my form class’ students with my level head and Chinse Laoshi. Though “experienced” in JAMs visitation but this slightly different … haha … more to learn from the senior.
During school days, the teachers seldom get to sit to “enjoy” our lunch cause we got to either swallow … I mean eat quickly in the canteen or eat with the children in the class. But this week, all of us had our lunch together - chatting and laughing away.
Yes… Cher Lim is tired after a week of preparation and preparation but thank God for His strength to sustain me, thank God for His grace that kept me through the week, thank God for His favor, thank God for His creativity and thank God for the fruitfulness each day!
In a few days time, another 10 weeks of Term 2 will starts again … as usual, mixed feelings. =)
ps: even later and busier than normal school days … hmmm
Beside staff meeting (which started with worship + prayer) and discussion with level head, the time was spent to read through then typed out lesson plan, keep all term 1 resources before taking out term 2’s, laid out the materials for learning corners, prepared the art materials, searched for pictures before pasting it for self-check on task cards etc etc.
Preparing the art materials and self-check items are no joke!
Just imagine having to cut 200 leaves, 800 petals, 800 strings for one flower artwork. And cut paste cut paste for (8 x 32sets) x 10 different task cards. Haha!
One of the days I went for the FIRST home visitation to one of my form class’ students with my level head and Chinse Laoshi. Though “experienced” in JAMs visitation but this slightly different … haha … more to learn from the senior.
During school days, the teachers seldom get to sit to “enjoy” our lunch cause we got to either swallow … I mean eat quickly in the canteen or eat with the children in the class. But this week, all of us had our lunch together - chatting and laughing away.
Yes… Cher Lim is tired after a week of preparation and preparation but thank God for His strength to sustain me, thank God for His grace that kept me through the week, thank God for His favor, thank God for His creativity and thank God for the fruitfulness each day!
In a few days time, another 10 weeks of Term 2 will starts again … as usual, mixed feelings. =)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
hands-on 2
On top of all the experiments (stroll down for hands-on 1), the children get to be little gardeners during week 9 and 10 too!!!
The children had “Planting Day” - they planted tomato seeds!

“Let’s get some soil into our big pot”
“Wooo… that’s how small a tomato seed is”
“Let me plant my tomato seed”
“Water time!”
And for the next few days we brought the little gardeners out to check out/observe their plant and of course to water.

It will takes ~70 days before they can bring their tomato home!
No doubt all of the hands-on experiments = more work for the teachers = more tiring BUT BUT BUT that also = fun for teachers too and a joy to see the children enjoying themselves!
Cher Lim definitely herself with the children. =)
Just imagine how FRUITFUL the children's day can be in LSK!
Note: they are only in school for 3hrs!
The children had “Planting Day” - they planted tomato seeds!
And for the next few days we brought the little gardeners out to check out/observe their plant and of course to water.
No doubt all of the hands-on experiments = more work for the teachers = more tiring BUT BUT BUT that also = fun for teachers too and a joy to see the children enjoying themselves!
Cher Lim definitely herself with the children. =)
Just imagine how FRUITFUL the children's day can be in LSK!
Note: they are only in school for 3hrs!
Monday, March 15, 2010
hands-on 1
Half of Week 9 and the whole of Week 10 are like “free weeks” as all curriculum and worksheet covered and done. Unlike my previous experiences where week 9 and 10 will be revision through worksheet or just teaching, in LSK the children are having revision in much fun ways, experiments and hands-on!
Check out the theme for K2 - - Water - - quite a “rare” theme compared to the “usual” theme you see across many kindergartens.
What the children learnt/accomplished:
1) States of water and its examples - solid, liquid, gas
2) Water cycle - evaporation, condensation, precipitation
3) Uses of water - home use, industrial & agricultural use, recreation
4) Four National Water Taps - reservoir, imported water, new water, desalinated water
5) Reservoirs in Singapore - there are 14 of them
6) New Water - the process, the infos, visited the NeWater Centre
7) mindmap on water, water cycle and their visit to NeWater etc etc
Hmm… probably you are thinking can the children understand all the above “chim” concepts taught and big words used?
Yes they can! =) And some of them even know it BEFORE I explain.
Previous week one of the experiments the principal Mrs E Tan did with the children was to try putting water on different materials and get children to see which evaporates first/faster - tissue, paper or cup? After which she had discussion/sharing with the children to recap the concepts before getting them to work on mindmap.

Last week the children did another experiment and this time to find our the differences of evaporation on different materials and to predict which will dry faster/first.
- plastic and styrofoam plates
- plastic and styrofoam bowls
- woodeen and plastic chopsticks
- silk cloth or rugged cloth
- plastic glove or knitter

Beside all the experiments, the children also more fun experiments/experiences at the atrium where children get to have more hands-on activities at the different “Water Stations“.
Check out the theme for K2 - - Water - - quite a “rare” theme compared to the “usual” theme you see across many kindergartens.
What the children learnt/accomplished:
1) States of water and its examples - solid, liquid, gas
2) Water cycle - evaporation, condensation, precipitation
3) Uses of water - home use, industrial & agricultural use, recreation
4) Four National Water Taps - reservoir, imported water, new water, desalinated water
5) Reservoirs in Singapore - there are 14 of them
6) New Water - the process, the infos, visited the NeWater Centre
7) mindmap on water, water cycle and their visit to NeWater etc etc
Hmm… probably you are thinking can the children understand all the above “chim” concepts taught and big words used?
Yes they can! =) And some of them even know it BEFORE I explain.
Previous week one of the experiments the principal Mrs E Tan did with the children was to try putting water on different materials and get children to see which evaporates first/faster - tissue, paper or cup? After which she had discussion/sharing with the children to recap the concepts before getting them to work on mindmap.
- plastic and styrofoam plates
- plastic and styrofoam bowls
- woodeen and plastic chopsticks
- silk cloth or rugged cloth
- plastic glove or knitter
Friday, March 12, 2010
10 weeks
10wks of Term 1 in LSK finally … … … … … … over!!!!
Been a term filled with ups and downsss, especially the first few and the last few weeks.
Throughout the 10weeks… much responsibilities were given, much excellence/standard were expected, much tasks were given but of course much help and attention were offered too.
Hmm… just when you think for the next one week Cher Lim can shake legs at home, you are wrong! Cher Lim got to be in school almost everyday to prepare for Term 2, the official “go home time” is even later than normal school days.
Been a term filled with ups and downsss, especially the first few and the last few weeks.
Throughout the 10weeks… much responsibilities were given, much excellence/standard were expected, much tasks were given but of course much help and attention were offered too.
Hmm… just when you think for the next one week Cher Lim can shake legs at home, you are wrong! Cher Lim got to be in school almost everyday to prepare for Term 2, the official “go home time” is even later than normal school days.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
byebye my time...
Looking back at week 8-10, really want to thank God for His grace & strength! =)
It can be pretty stressful being the last few weeks of the term as there were much work needed to be done (during and after school hours) and especially when with deadlines - from conducting experiments to adjusting quickly to the last minute changes of plan, to compiling of children’s worksheet to writing of observation reports to the different admin/logistics.
But I guess the “challenging” moment is to sacrifice my time, my precious time in school.
On one hand I already don’t have much time to myself but I got to set aside time for students from NP who are attached to our school for their practicum/learning experience and two of them attached to my class. Beside “setting an example”, I got to sit with them for discussion, to go through namelist to select children for their activity, to fill up feedback form, to have short meeting with their mentor, to assist them to the best of my ability etc.
There were a day where I got to finish off some impt stuff for both my form classes but before I can sit down and start, I was called by my principal to sit in the meeting with all the practicum students as she wanted to brief all together. Once done, before I can enter my classroom, I was called to the office by the admin clerk to settle the readers and by the time I reached my room, it was already 4plus. I then told the admin clerk, “Can you please stop the time?“. Haha!
Few days ago on the actual day of their practicum (where they conducted lesson with a group of 5-6 children and their mentor were around to observe them), that morning Mrs E Tan called for a "prayer meeting" at both classroom to uphold the practicum students and the children involved into God's hands. How nice is that?! =)
Though "that's goes my time!" but it been a joy & privilege to be able to be the Host Teacher for the two students from NP.
It can be pretty stressful being the last few weeks of the term as there were much work needed to be done (during and after school hours) and especially when with deadlines - from conducting experiments to adjusting quickly to the last minute changes of plan, to compiling of children’s worksheet to writing of observation reports to the different admin/logistics.
But I guess the “challenging” moment is to sacrifice my time, my precious time in school.
On one hand I already don’t have much time to myself but I got to set aside time for students from NP who are attached to our school for their practicum/learning experience and two of them attached to my class. Beside “setting an example”, I got to sit with them for discussion, to go through namelist to select children for their activity, to fill up feedback form, to have short meeting with their mentor, to assist them to the best of my ability etc.
There were a day where I got to finish off some impt stuff for both my form classes but before I can sit down and start, I was called by my principal to sit in the meeting with all the practicum students as she wanted to brief all together. Once done, before I can enter my classroom, I was called to the office by the admin clerk to settle the readers and by the time I reached my room, it was already 4plus. I then told the admin clerk, “Can you please stop the time?“. Haha!
Few days ago on the actual day of their practicum (where they conducted lesson with a group of 5-6 children and their mentor were around to observe them), that morning Mrs E Tan called for a "prayer meeting" at both classroom to uphold the practicum students and the children involved into God's hands. How nice is that?! =)
Though "that's goes my time!" but it been a joy & privilege to be able to be the Host Teacher for the two students from NP.
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Mrs E Tan
My not long ago status @ fb - “how cool is it to have my principal aka my boss to pray for me after our heart-to-heart talk”
After that talk, she dropped me smses…
“xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx, I will personally help you along. The LORD is with you. Ps 27:13-14”
“Just remember that NOTHING happen by chance. This new journey is for you and for those around you. I know you will be fine!”
So far including her, I have worked under 5 different principals (1 from first and 3 from previous kindergarten), I must say she is the FIRST principal who I’m so comfortable in sharing my heart out and I only know her for ~4mths! Trust me… I really shared my heart out.
Mrs E Tan is a principal who…
- is a woman of God
- love and serve His people
- not just talk the talk but walk the walk
- show love, support and encouragement to her staff
- believes greatly and take pride in her staff
- gives children hugs and affirmation
- has excellence when doing things
* believes an “open-concept office” aka her door is always opened for any to look for her
* is always available
- understand the “pressure” of teaching with a pair of eyes
… there was once she conducted a trial lesson for me then she told me to conduct the afternoon session, think my expression changed for a second and before I could say anything, she said “Don’t worry, I wont come in and see”. Haha!
- etc etc etc etc etc etc
Trust me, Mrs E Tan is a very busy principal … never once you see her shake legs or leave the school earlier and not to mention arrive in school later than any of the staff
One thing I’m always very appreciative is her availability for me as she believes very much on hand-holding the new staff.
Remember there was once I needed help from her, I went to the office and she had something on hand, not even asking me to wait for a minute, immediately she put her stuff aside and went with me to my classroom.
Another I got to salute is her patience and "willinglyness" towards the pre-nursery children. Trust me, taking care of a class of more than 20 pre-nursery children is no joke. I can still remember during the first few weeks of the term, it was so chaotic that the class teacher was so stressed and one of the days Mrs E Tan gathered all staff and declared a prayer walk, 7 times round her classroom and got each teacher to commit to pray for 2 children.
You see… not many principal will be willing to leave their office to step into the classroom (or at least for my previous principal… opps) and not to mention to have the patience to take care of the challenging class, the pre-nursery where you will find more than one children wandering, dreaming, CRYING and shouting at the SAME time.
But EVERY week and EVERY day, you will see Mrs E Tan in the pre-nursery classroom to carry and to coax the individuals.
Seriously I do not know what lies ahead in my journey with LSK but one I definitely know for sure - I am soooooooooo blessed to be under her leadership and guidance.
After that talk, she dropped me smses…
“xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx, I will personally help you along. The LORD is with you. Ps 27:13-14”
“Just remember that NOTHING happen by chance. This new journey is for you and for those around you. I know you will be fine!”
So far including her, I have worked under 5 different principals (1 from first and 3 from previous kindergarten), I must say she is the FIRST principal who I’m so comfortable in sharing my heart out and I only know her for ~4mths! Trust me… I really shared my heart out.
Mrs E Tan is a principal who…
- is a woman of God
- love and serve His people
- not just talk the talk but walk the walk
- show love, support and encouragement to her staff
- believes greatly and take pride in her staff
- gives children hugs and affirmation
- has excellence when doing things
* believes an “open-concept office” aka her door is always opened for any to look for her
* is always available
- understand the “pressure” of teaching with a pair of eyes
… there was once she conducted a trial lesson for me then she told me to conduct the afternoon session, think my expression changed for a second and before I could say anything, she said “Don’t worry, I wont come in and see”. Haha!
- etc etc etc etc etc etc
Trust me, Mrs E Tan is a very busy principal … never once you see her shake legs or leave the school earlier and not to mention arrive in school later than any of the staff
One thing I’m always very appreciative is her availability for me as she believes very much on hand-holding the new staff.
Remember there was once I needed help from her, I went to the office and she had something on hand, not even asking me to wait for a minute, immediately she put her stuff aside and went with me to my classroom.
Another I got to salute is her patience and "willinglyness" towards the pre-nursery children. Trust me, taking care of a class of more than 20 pre-nursery children is no joke. I can still remember during the first few weeks of the term, it was so chaotic that the class teacher was so stressed and one of the days Mrs E Tan gathered all staff and declared a prayer walk, 7 times round her classroom and got each teacher to commit to pray for 2 children.
You see… not many principal will be willing to leave their office to step into the classroom (or at least for my previous principal… opps) and not to mention to have the patience to take care of the challenging class, the pre-nursery where you will find more than one children wandering, dreaming, CRYING and shouting at the SAME time.
But EVERY week and EVERY day, you will see Mrs E Tan in the pre-nursery classroom to carry and to coax the individuals.
Seriously I do not know what lies ahead in my journey with LSK but one I definitely know for sure - I am soooooooooo blessed to be under her leadership and guidance.
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Few weeks back, I smsed few of the parents from my ex-kindergarten to ask how's their child aka my ex-angel coping in with the life/work @ primary school.
It brings great joy to know they are coping well and enjoying their new journey.
It brings great joy to know they are coping well and enjoying their new journey.

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