The committee met up 2hrs before the event to setup and to decorate the place. Though time was tight and packed but thank God we managed to do up what we planned to.

“Geeky Hours” started according to plan… from opening to makan to special songs performance to games to special song item to video to awards presentation to speeches.
During the makan time was also the time the committee members had their lunch (finally!) at 3plus and also to final run through the flow of the segments.
The special songs performance by the various BVs kicked off well, especially this brother! Salute him!

Games time by Geeky JL and Geeky JK was fun and amazing!
To me, is always a challenge “controlling” JAMs workers crowd as they tend to get overly excited. Haha! But felt that both Geeky JL and Geeky JK did a great job. And when I saw their props, I just went wow!

Next was song item "Thank you for being my friend" by our three talented committee members, Geeky CN & Geeky JK and Geeky HH where photos of workers were played.

It was then awards presentation by Geeky ZS and myself. Though is her first time hosting in front of JAMs crowd but felt she was steady and did a great job.

The event ended with speeches from different zone rep to their ZS and Pst to the workers.

We gave up the door gifts and t-shirts before we cleared and packed up the place. Settled $$ matters before the committee left the place last for a good dinner and cold cold drink! Haha!

With good will come bad?
After much time spent preparing for games, there were a group of workers outside the room and not participating while both Game Masters were hosting with their might and strength. Wonder how will they feel it they were the ones leading/prepared.
And after much planning/brainstorming by the committee, you have workers coming to you “complaining” about the venue, about the dressing up and about the time the event will end. Like … if you are unhappy then you can plan for the next one. Guess you just cant please everyone.
Nevertheless, the committee received good feedbacks of a job well-done for the event.
Though the “timing” was not right personally for me where felt stretched but it was a great experience being in the committee with efficient and excellent committee members!

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