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last FINAL entry of my Taiwan trip!
(Reader M, this is really the LAST… I was really in Taiwan for only 1 week. Hehe!)
It has always been my dream to go Taiwan.
Cause of the entertainment news and variety show?
Cause of the food? Cause of the scenery?
After two years of “talking about it”, we turned it into reality in 2011!
And I’m glad that to add on to this long-awaited trip, I get to meet up with the friends I made in SOT.
I am grateful, very grateful to my teammates & their family/friends for making our Taiwan trip a memorable and sweet one!
@ Tainan
Teammate SM + his parents

Teammate YG + Huang Papa + Huang Mama + Friend YW
@ Kaoshiung
Teammate JL + Friend WC

@ Hsinchu/Taipei
Teammate JI + Friend AT
Friend HL, Friend HM and I were definitely very blessed to have them throughout this trip. More than the ridessss and treatssss, we were touched and really appreciate their time and hospitality. 
My likes:
#1 - BREAKFAST! Haha!
I simply love Taiwan breakfast!!!
#2 - Taiwanese!
I heard about it from this from that from here from there BUT this time I experienced and encountered myself.
#3 - the weather
Cold but cooling and nice!
#4 - the scenery
Whether in the car or in the train… Whether is it day or night… Whether is it city/country, I love to look out of the window.
#5 - the food
Food/Drinks/Dessert that I never dare to take in Singapore… I had it in Taiwan.
Eg. winter melon juice, corn (thumbs up), beancurd, milk tea
My “regrets”:
Didn’t managed to go Toilet-Themed-Restaurant and cable car ride @ MaoKong...
18 Dec
Third day @ Taipei, final day @ Taiwan
I woke up slightly earlier, left to meet Teammate JI to return her Teammate YG’s thick jacket which she lent me since Tainan.
We had breakfast together and at breakfast shop (Hoooray!).
My last breakfast in Taiwan~~~
I’m really gonna miss Taiwan breakfast~~~

We had a simple breakfast but a great time fellowshipping.
She walked me to the hotel and then we had our final goodbye.
Friend HL and I checked out from the hotel.
Itrip Taipei Inn not a bad choice, though the room was small but it was pretty comfortable. Most importantly is the venue, it is inside XiMenDing and near train station.

Next destination: GuanDu
Friend HM's sister's house, to put our luggage
Initially we were told by the hotel staff that it will be pretty expensive for us to travel by cab but it was not when we checked with the driver. It was so nice of the driver that throughout the journey he assured us that it won’t be expensive and if the amount more than what he prepared us, we just have to pay the amount he told us.
Another cup of “50Lan” aka “Koi”.

We bought train tokens and off we went to our first stop, Taipei City Hall station.

1st stopover: my dream place, Taipei 101!!!
Friend HM and Friend HL walked with me there before they left for their own shopping nearby as they weren’t interested in going up to Taipei 101. Bravely off I went alone...
I was so thrilled when at the staff at the tickets counter told me “all 3 levels will be opened today”.
88th - exhibition and cafe
89th - viewing mall, tourist shop
91st - outdoor observatory, not always-opened
(subjected to the weather)
Snapped here, snapped there, snapped snapped everywhere
Viewed here, viewed there, viewed viewed everywhere
Walked up, walked down, walked walked everywhere

I made a friend at 89th floor as he was also alone, we helped each other to take photos. Haha! That’s the disadvantage of coming alone - no one to take picture for and with you.

There was a corner showing a video on the construction etc of Taipei 101, I very wanted to watch but I know I cant as there were two people who done with shopping waiting for me. Haha!
I left and went to meet up with them.
They were shocked that I spent so long up there.
Prior before that, I told them to go ahead to Tamsui without me but they said no as they don’t think I will spend so long at Taipei 101.

Haha! I myself was shocked too!
Actually could have be longer cause I have yet to enjoy the view with Starbucks coffee.
I be back, Taipei 101!
With the remainder time we have, we took train and rushed over to our last destination of the entire Taiwan trip, TamSui - another must come if you in Taiwan.

We walked around a little, settled at one and had their famous fishball - a must if you in Tamsui.

Then after some photos, we hurriedly left back to Friend HM’s sister’s place as we need to catch our flight that night. We realized Tamsui is actually a good place to walk, shop and eat.. just that we cant afford the time to.

The last photo of us together in Taiwan...

Friend HL and I arrived at Taoyuan Airport via train and bus safely and on time.

After we checked in, it was a loooooong wait as the airport is not as developed as Singapore’s so we literally just sat and waited.

Home sweet home~~

17 Dec
Second day, full day @ Taipei
The day where I learned independency..
The day I conquered Taiwan train system…

We didn’t had a “natural wake up” but we were “scare awake”. Haha! Cause the hotel’s scary fire alarm went off and we literally jumped up from the bed. With the help of a local, Friend HL and I found a breakfast shop @ XiMenDing where we filled our stomach. Woohoo! I love having breakfast in Taiwan!

We bought our train token and started our day tour with Taiwan train…

From our start-off station: XiMen station… 
1st train stop: XinDian
We transited train there from Chiang Kai-Shen Memorial main station. With the help of the station staff, we boarded a bus that brought us to our first destination, Wu Lai.

We walked and viewed from shop to shop, and even to one of the museums.

Not forgetting we also tried many of the local food.

This stall is amazing… long queue!

Few days ago, we watched on the variety show recommending this stall. Two thumbs up for this guy!
Despite the heat and pressure (since so many people), he was well-mannered and polite to his customers.

We then continued with our walk to our main reason of coming here… Wu Lai Waterfall.
We went up and up and up and up the mountain and finally met Wu Lai Waterfall. We also met one of our JAMs students + her family.

We took the train and headed down the mountain.
Same way back - bus (like roller-coaster ride) to train station.
2nd train stop: HouShanPi
We followed the crowd and reached our second destination, WuFenPu Commercial Zone.
Apparently is a shopping-heaven! Haha!
Same like XiMenDing, WuFenPu also had alleysssssss and shopsssssss.
Friend HL and I walked separately and later met at train station.

3rd and final train station: Taipower Building
We transited the train at Taipei Main station.We settled @ Burger King to rest our legs… and also to wait for Friend HM who was coming after her dinner with family.Our third and final destination, Shi Da Night Market We did nothing but eat and eat and eat and eat. Haha! Friend HM recommended whats nice as previously she came with her family.

Here what we ate that night…

Throughout our stay in Taiwan, we mastered the art of eating while standing and eating while walking. Haha!
We were amazed that despite of the time, there were still crowd at the night market.

We made new Taiwan friends @ one of the shops too.
I was waiting while Friend HM and Friend HL were queuing to pay for the food then two people came out to me and asked am I queuing etc. I replied no and showed them where to queue etc. Then the lady kicked off by asking other questions like where am I from etc. And when Friend HM and Friend HL joined back, we chatted a while on Taiwan and Singapore before we exchange name on facebook and left.
Friend HM went on to her sister’s place while Friend HL and I headed to hotel, same thing were lost a little even with the map. Haha!