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Will people queue for a place for their child in preschool?
I ever heard/seen that there were those high-end, premium preschool where parents queued long hours/overnight for a place for their child.
But for a neighborhood preschool… this is still my first time.
Also my first-time-experience as it happened in my current school.
Phase 3 registration starts last Mon 9am…
1st parent on the queue came on Sun 130pm…
12 parents/families were in the queue on Sun 10plus…
The heavy rain that morning didn’t drive the parents away.
Due to the overwhelming response, the one-week registration ended in one day. Close to 80 parents turned up in total.
The anxious-ness of parents came after knowing from our website that for 2013, our school only left with 10 places for PreNursery, 20 places for Nursery and two classes of K1 and K2 full.
After the 30 places being taken, there were still ~50 parents on the waiting list and I‘m amazed that they were willing to wait.
My colleagues and I were joking that we better start “reserving” a place for our grandchildren and our children. Haha!
Throughout the entire registration, I really take my hats off Principal.
She has to be firm and fair as not to take sides, even as some tried to pull string. But most of all, she has never claim credit or boast about the school but giving all glory to God for the favor.
She moved as the Spirit prompted and with that, she made wise decisions that “saved” the teachers and waiting-parents in that super-heavy-rain-morning.
Not forgetting how she and the office team handed the cold/tired tired parents, the going-to-be-disappointed parents by attending with TLC - in words and in actions (eg. by offering biscuits and coffee/tea first thing in the morning.
I’m also very amazed at the way Principal Tan talks to the parents, especially during this registration-period. Whether with those on the wait list or those just called to make enquiry - how she will take the time and explained/listened patiently.
“Good” and “bad” to be working in a sought-after preschool.
Nevertheless I’m definitely honored to be in it during this season. =)
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