Thursday, February 07, 2013


Despite many telling me that I should find a job then quit, I wasn’t afraid when I didn’t. Thank God! The concern of others didn’t happen, I wasn’t for a while jobless.

With the help of my ex-colleague, I got hold of the contact of Principal Mrs C of B Kindergarten.

I didn’t call immediately. Then, I just wanted to enjoy/rest during my holiday. Seriously I was rather passive in searching for a job.

Not long after, I received calls/messages from the Principal Mrs C. 
Interview made.
I went for the first casual interview as she just wanted me to take a look at the school environment and for her to take a look at me cause as she felt ok about me through our phone conversation.

An “interesting” interview.
Due to some paper thingy and as she got to double confirm with the Big Boss, she couldn’t confirm about employing me though she very much wanted to. I was left to check certain stuff with my previous kindergarten while she check with her Big Boss.

A week later when she was back from overseas, she called/messaged. 

I was still passive then. Opps! 
She was "aggressive". Haha! Think she seriously needed a teacher. 
Seriously then I wasn’t sure about it but just responded like “for the sake of it.

She informed me that she had the Big Boss' approval and that I'm being employed. Further arrangement will be made to meet Big Boss etc.

I was asked to start work immediately, as to get my classroom ready. 
I went. It was the last day of 2012, just days before school reopens. 

I did whatever I can, mainly the important ones first. 

Throughout this process, I find Principal Mrs C super duper keen and want to employ me, this explained all the intense calls/msgs,
Reasons being? 

I from xSx.
xSx is a pretty well-known kindergarten in this field and to Principal Mrs C, she feels that teachers who come from there are thumbs-up. Also cause she visited xSx before and loves the practices etc so she was hoping I can bring some over. 

I tasted the accreditation.
B Kindergarten intends to go for theirs this year so she is very happy to have me around to give input etc.

All in all, cause I from xSx. 

I do not know what lies ahead but one thing for sure - I'm grateful to God for watching over me.

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