Friday, February 08, 2013

this that, that this

I was welcomed to this when I first stepped into the classroom that I will be in for 2013...

A little shocked
I was quite surprised that there's actually nothing much left behind from 2012. As it was just days away to the first school day of 2013, I only had very little time thus I was still hoping to use 2012 stuffs temporary.

I managed to get through the first day and the second day with the school resources like charts etc.

Typed. Printed. Cut. Laminated. Cut. Adjusted. Pasted.  
Did at home. Did in school. 
May not be the nicest but I thank God that I managed to come out with all these within one week, all single-handedly and from scratch.

Even in the midst of all these, I was working on the children's admin, the curriculum, the lesson plan, the worksheet etc. 
Thank God for His grace and the "experiences" I gained from the different kindergartens I been to. 

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