J's PoWeR #18
* during dismissal *
Cher Lim: Child J, is this your bottle?
Child J: @@! Yesh!
Cher Lim: * took it away ... trying to “play” with him*
Child J: Hey (A)...
Cher Lim: A? B ar, A! Haha!
Child J: @@!
Cher Lim: so A or B?
Child J: T!
Cher Lim: ???
Child J: Teacher Lim!
Cher Lim: =)
J's PoWeR #19
* during Chinese lesson *
** DaY 1 **
Cher X: Children, shall we read together?
Children: YESH!
* Children & Cher X read together *
Cher X: Very good!
Child J: * out of a sudden * You got hear me read hor?
Cher X: Hmm... never lehz, I only heard the rest
Child L sat right infront of Cher X so obviously when Cher X said cant hear, it really means...)
Child J: But I got you know!
Cher X: Children, did you all hear Child J read just now?
Children: NOOO...
Child J: I got I got I got! * burst out crying *
** DaY 2 ** ... few days later
Cher X: Children, now I want you to read on your own. Can you do it?
Children: YESH!
Cher X: Ok! 1 2 3 start!
Children: * reading *
Cher X: Very good! =)
Child J: You got hear now?
Cher X: Hmmm... never, I only heard the rest
Child J: * cant take it * Ok! Later I SHOUT!
Cher X: ... ... ... ...
J's PoWeR #20
* snack time *
Child J: Cher Lim... I dont want already
Cher Lim: Cannot waste food, eat a little bit more
Child J: But... But I really cannot already, later my stomach explode
Cher Lim: ... ... ...
J's PoWeR #21
* Cher Lim addressing topic on year-end concert *
Cher Lim: Children, bring this letter back home and show your parents. If they want to let you join the concert then ask them to sing here and bring back the form to me next week ok.
Children: * listening *
Cher Lim: Tell mummy need to pay $xx for costume so that you will look handsome & beautiful on your concert.
* EVERYone sharing their different comments at the SAME time *
Child J: * frustrated look * But... But my mother no money you know
(repeated few times until he got Cher Lim's attention)
Cher Lim: * want to disturb him * Your mother not working?
Child J: Yesh! My mother working and working and working and working (wait till you see the look on his face) until morning you know
Cher Lim: And then?
Child X: She working and working and working, also no use! * frustrated + give-up look *
Cher Lim: Hahaha!
J's PoWeR #22
* during snack time *
Child J: Teacher, I don't want to eat already
Teacher: Don't waste food, try to finish it
Child J: But I don't want lei
Teacher: Why not you eat a little bit more?
Child J: I don't want. My stomach said cannot already
Teacher: @@! Okie! Then later during the party, if there any special food like cookies or sweets, you dont take ok because your stomach said full already
Child J: But I want lei. My stomach will hungry again you know.
Teacher: ... ...
J's PoWeR #23
* during dismissal ... Child J was running & screamng around in the hall, claimed that there's a aeroplane (his friend) want to bang him *
Cher Lim: * worried about the safety of the other children, held his hand and sit with me ... of course all these was done when he finished up his “chances” *
* Child J was on the floor, beside Cher Lim *
* “nagging” session started *
Child J: * suddenly ... with a super serious look & tone * You know I need to go home
Cher Lim: Why?
Child J: Because... Because my Ah Ma will worried lehz
Cher Lim: Oh! Why will your Ah Ma worried?
Child J: * in thoughts * She worried I hungry you know
Cher Lim: Haha!

A picture of Child J when he was in the classroom with one of his friends, guess he was trying to keep himself "occupied" when he didn't see Cher Lim around. Haha! This is basically just 5% of his power. His ultimate I ever “encountered” was he crawled infront of me & the whole class DURING lesson time. Why? No reason! Haha!