Tuesday, June 23, 2009

tHe ChAnGe

Starting from term 3 (coming soon … arggghhhh), the mega change will be official. From a kindergarten, it will be converted into a SchoolHouse. Haiz… byebye to my favourite school holiday!

Thus my working hours will have a change too - will have to work on some Saturday too.

ps: from then onwards, do remove from your memory that Yanni will be home shaking legs from 1pm.
(Yanni just have friends who can’t accept the fact that her work ends early, @ 1pm. And yes, is 1pm, not 12pm! Haha!)

Mixed feeling - looking forward for Term 3 … rather miss my angels but another part of me you know you know.
Haha! =)


:: sEcRet LaDy :: said...

1pm? so good! {envy!!!!}

lyn said...

haha! once term 3 start then no more 1pm already...