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A little preview to Children’s Moment 2010
Moment #1
* lesson time *
Miss Lim: Correct answers! Wow! All of you are so smart!
Children: Yeah~~
Miss Lim: Give yourself a pat on your shoulder and say “well done!”
Children: Well done~ Well done~ We want present!
Miss Lim: Hmm… Alright, your present will be a hug from Miss Lim!
Children: …
* during dismissal *
* while waiting for his mummy * Child MF: Miss Lim! I forget to get my present from you!
Miss Lim: =) come here!
Child MF: * ran over and gave a hug *
Miss Lim: =) aww...
Moment #2
* lesson … children required to make sentences with “I am” *
Child JM: Mrs Ong, you see this!
Mrs Ong: Oh… JM!!! I need to show Mrs Tan (the principal) * ran out excitedly
~ Child JM wrote “I am a child of God”
Recently received a mms that gave a big big big =) to my face! Together with this msg:
“Teacher Lim, how are you doing? This is Mr Ho’s first day @ xxx Primary School”
Finally I get to be @ home “peacefully”.
Past two nights was @ the hospital as one of my w5 students is admitted due to small intestines infection and lost of blood.
Both nights I stayed till 8pm plus 9pm... just wanted to be there for the student and mum.
Wanted to go over again today but ended up leaving school only @ 6pm plus.
Thank God! Got a call from the mum earlier that his report indicated it is not cancerous and needn’t operation thus if everything go on well, he will be discharging soon. Will drop by again tomorrow.
It is only the third day into school week…
Despite of the late nights, I thank God for the strength each day. I am actually doing perfectly fine physically!
But I guess I'm 30% “defeated” emotionally/mentally… though is only week 2 @ school but am starting to feel the pressure by the demands/expectations.
I thank God for His love & assurance… released everything to God @ morning worship. Felt so much better after that!
“Yanni will be still and know that He is God”
4 Jan 2010 - the start of my journey in LSK
How was my first week?
Few days before school reopens, I guess I was only 20% excited and 80% nervous!
Just the night before - I know that I got to put to a stop of all negative thoughts and confession! I lifted myself to the Lord… I felt His peace!
Received smses from few friends asking how was my first day @ work.
Not a standard answer but it was a good start and a good time with colleagues/children. After a month break, is always good to be in the midst of little children.
Throughout I actually have a senior colleague hand-holding me where she was around to guide me along the orientation week, how their lesson is to be conducted, their routine, their culture, their style of doing certain task etc.
Really thank God for peace & boldness - I used to “tremble” when I teach infront of an adult but not so this time when this senior colleague was around to observe me. I was like having much fun teaching and enjoying every moment with the children.
This entire week been rather physically tiring - having to be out and in school for close to 10hrs.
I was shocked when I saw the remainder value in my ezlink card cause this entire week other than home and school, it was still home/school.
Too tired to go anywhere in the night? Haha! On Fri night, I even slept @ 7pm plus!
But it been nice experience working @ LSK - morning prayer, morning worship/sharing, spiritual assembly, prayer/grace before lesson/snack, spiritual input to children etc etc.
Like what I told my principal - by God’s grace, my stay in LSK will get even better! Amen! =)
Looking forward to week 2!!!
FIRST day of the year, 1 Jan 2010 : fun time, great fellowship with awesome friends
FIRST service of the year : fantastic start … recharged in His presence
FIRST busing of the year : fun … love spending time with w5FIRST JAMs of the year : cool ... greater breakthrough ahead
Indeed 2010 going to be my BEST year yet … GRACE GRACE
Had an “interesting” experience @ JAMs…
Right at the beginning of the first service of the year, the students were informed about the “rules”. One of it - to refrain from going toilet during service. And if they still choose to go, they will have to stay outside the hall till further notice.
Once I was @ the door with Teacher XX…
For a few students - they went out and actually waited a while (patiently) before they were allowed into hall again.
For another few students - after we told them they may not get to come in immediately once they leave - they uturn back to their seat, you could see that they did some thinking. Haha!
But there was this Std D who made a big fuss - actually he went to the toilet but as there were no one outside to hold him so he returned immediately.
So I decided to tell him that was his “last chance” and if he ever go out again, we will be strict with him. I could say that to them obviously means that he is one with understanding.
As Std D listened, could see the change in his expression and then a fist appeared…
“You don’t let me go toilet … what if my kidney burst how?
If my kidney burst, are you going to pay for my kidney?”
* said it with angry tone *
“Don’t worry, your kidney won’t burst so easily” … before I could continue, he was being ushered away by his bus teacher. I know Std D and I know his attitude can be quite bad and has temper problem but I’m actually quite disappointed with the way he answer/respond to us.
And I guess I was even more disappointed when his bus teacher told me things like - “He is in bad mood today. Guess he is more than happy not to come in. You are thankful that he didn’t whack you or use vulgar words. When he is in bad mood, he is like that one.” etc.
That point of time I was thinking - so you mean because of that, you allow him to be doing the things he is doing? Not sure did the teacher talk to him again in the bus when Std D cool down, I hope so.
Personally being a teacher to many different groups of students … the one thing I can’t accept the most is disrespect, be it towards parents, grandparents or teachers.
Back in kindergarten, if any of my angels were to show disrespect to any teachers, he/she will receive long one-to-one nagging session from Cher Lim. =p
As for JAMs, I guess is likewise … and probably for students with understanding and certain age level, there is kind of “expectation” also.
What will you do if you were his teacher?
Allow him to behave that way because he has temper problem?
Allow him to behave that way because he may whack any time?