When you did something you know you can’t if you are on your own.
Though I “escaped” preaching during mock cg, I had my try @ preaching test.
I have never preached before, not to mention even to write a sermon.
So besides preaching in front of my team, another fear I have was to birth out a sermon.
10sermons but only four to be preached:
Faith, Prayer, Prosperity and Healing.
With the pointers I learned in Homiletics, I started my very first ever, sermon writing!
The whole process is so amazing. I really thank God for the wisdom, the flow and the ideas.
Seriously most of the time, I didn’t think hard for the ideas or points.
It came sometimes when I was in thoughts, walking and/or in worship. And there were times when I was looking at one point, illustration/story just came and I was able to better expand the point.
For “Faith” - Two points and I chose to use my personal testimony.

For “Prayer” - though I already had the three acronym points, I struggled to come out with illustration/story to continue. But amazingly not only did God reminded me one of my bus students, He gave me the idea how to slot my three points in.

“Healing” - the most amazing! Just the night before, I emailed my sermon outline to Pastor. And because I was busy settling some stuff with a teammate for the following day’s mission, I only managed to email her quite late. For the first three I sent her, surprisingly she didn’t find any “mistakes” or feel I should change them etc. But at this fourth, she shared that the title I had was not very “positive” and because my points are related to the title, I don’t feel the peace so then I decided to change the ENTIRE sermon.
Whew~~~ I really thank God for the peace that I didn’t panic since it was already quite late.
So that morning, with the little sleep that I had + the freshly-baked sermon, I went in faith (without showing Pastor) and preached my heart out. Whew~~~ thank God it turned out well, received good comments.

Other topics include: Holy Spirit, Evangelism, Revival, Praise & Worship, Discipleship and Leadership - which we just submitted our final product online.
What surprised and encouraged me was that I received good comments from the evaluators. Simple message with good points and good illustration/testimony. During one of the sessions, the evaluator even used my points to show the rest of my teammates the so-called short but easy to remember points to have. Haha! But throughout the four sessions, I have ONE common problem - spoke too fast! The only difference was "How fast?" Haha! The fourth evaluator joked that my 3rd session was gear4 and 4th session was gear3.
Despite trying hard to slow down - my teammates and I even wrote on my sermon outline to “remind” myself and I even have my teammates to signal to me if I’m too fast. But that probably only helped for the first 1min and then off I zoom zoom again. Haha!
Hmm.. actually not really nervous thats why zoom zoom.
to be continued...
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