Beside super attentive crowd, you will be able to hear the most numbers of “Yes!” and “Amen!” during preaching and able to see the most numbers of hands during altar call. Haha!
Of course this may not be realistic cause if we ever have a chance to preach whether in the mission field or church, this may not be the kind of response we will get.
But for “practice” and being many of our first time preaching, this kind of environment important. It helps to build up your confidence instead of quenching your desire to want to preach again.
I supposed it was this kind of “comfort” that enabled you to stand in front to preach without much trembling. I’m sure not just myself but for many of my teammates. Like mock cg, we may have started the first two rounds trembling but when it comes to the last rounds, you could see everyone in better form and preached with confidence.
We received valuable and great tips and feedback from the different evaluators too.
It was also a time where all of us were stretched - to burn midnight oil to birth out the sermon, to practice in front of mirror, to practice preaching within 7mins and to ensure our sermon alright etc.
For myself, two unforgettable moments…
First was that as I not only had to print my own but also my teammates’ sermon outline and “script”. Sometimes due to some agenda, they sent me pretty late thus either I had to wait till quite late or I had to wake up early in the morning to print. Few times I actually jumped up from my sleep cause I know I will be dead if I forget.
Another was the night before our last preaching test, it was also the night before our mission trip. As there were quite many things not finalize, I was in contact with our Assistant Team Leader as she was asking me questions/opinions etc.
So on one hand, got to discuss and be there for her, on the other hand yet to pack my luggage and on the other other hand, I got to change my entire sermon. But I really thank God for the peace~~~~
All in all, though preaching test been “stressful” but been unforgettable and valuable.
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