12 Sept - Term 4 started.
Miss Lim “officially” back at work after 6-7mths.
Unlike Term1 where I helped out at Nursery/Pre-Nursery classes where though I didn’t “own” a class or get to teach but I was able to be around children.
This time in Term4 it was sooo different, didn’t expect actually - I’m assigned to do “admin”. Sad to say is going to be for the ENTIRE term!
Partly also cause currently there are more than enough staff thus I’m not required to help out in classes.
In general, Miss Lim’s job for now is to help with the accreditation under SPARK.
Now ask me anything! Procedures for HFMD? Trigger point for H1N1? What to do during fire drill? What need to be done before purchasing resources? You name it, I can tell you about it! Haha!
And for this week, I’m working on Induction Programme.
What’s next for another 7weeks?
Few “challenging” moments:
(1) Being classified as the “Task Force” by the Principal who don’t want us (for now, only me) to be disturbed so she assigned us a room at Level 2 to work in. No one to talk to, no one walking pass for me to count, no children for me to peek etc.
The good thing is that quite “peaceful” and a lot is own time own target.
(2) To keep awake, ESPECIALLY after lunch! I will be in deep trouble if I didnt have enough sleep the night before! Haha! Have to all kinds of things to keep awake - walk, stand, drink and go toilet etc. Haha!
As music room is also at Level 2 so wherever I hear children's voices at the corridor, I will come out immediately to say hi.
Don’t remember doing all that to keep awake during teaching days… no matter how little sleep I had.
(3) Away from the children most of the time.
Thank God for moments like arrival/dismissal. Haha!
But for now, Miss Lim can only watch from afar~~
Backache… Neck ache… Tired eyes…
Oh no!!! A sign I’m getting old too!?!
(5) Very rigid routine. *yawn yawn*
It was a nightmare especially during the first two weeks but now entering into 3rd week, I’m coping much better already BUT still … … … I want to teach!!! Haha!
One of my colleagues was joking with me, “Will you enjoy and like admin job so much that next year you will choose to opt out to teach?“
Hmmm… … …
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