One of the two graduation services - the service that I graduated in.
We were @ Suntec early. Supposed to have another round of rehearsal but due to time, we didn’t manage to have a full rehearsal.
SOT’s very own praise/worship team kicked off the service, followed by our Dean Pst Bobby who took the offering.
After that was a 7mins sharing by one of the SOT students - who happened to be from Team8! Woohoo!!! Apparently it been quite some years since there were a female preacher @ SOT Graduation. We are all so so so so proud of her!

After Pst Abraham's sharing of the Word, it was then the Graduation Ceremony cum Awards Presentation.

Right from the beginning of the service, I was filled with amazement and gratefulness to God. There were so many moments that I just felt tears in my eyes.
(got to be “cautious” how I cry cause of makeup… Oops! Haha!)
Never did I expect I will have a day like this. I have attended many SOT graduation, some as “supporter” to my cg or ministry members, some just as “audience”.
But this time I am not “supporter” or “audience” but as graduate! Different feeling to be in the graduation gown, seated at the section for SOT students only.
By God’s grace, I was one of the winners of “Best Attendance”.

Went to look for my cg when the whole service ended. As I was approaching, I was touched and almost in tears when I saw BIG banner with my name spelled out individually.
I’m blessed! I'm loved!
My principal, Mrs E Tan actually came with another colleague of mine!

Actually about a week before my graduation, we were msging each other so I shared with her the joy that I will be graduating soon. She asked for the details but then didn’t give me any reply whether she can make it a not. Understand her busyness so told her is ok and I really appreciate her thoughts. She didn’t said “no” immediately, just said she will try her very best.
On that day, not long after service started, I received a msg from Principal and Z Laoshi that they are in the service. I was touched, very touched!
Cause (1) Mrs E Tan is very busy so for her to take her Sat, a weekend off… is really amazing (2) Mrs E Tan ever mentioned that she don’t quite enjoy those “loud” praise and worship cause it will trigger her headache but the fact that she braced through all these and attended CHC for my graduation. I’m touched!
After that was photossssssssss-taking time!

The night ended with a dinner time with Teammate YG and her family who came from Taiwan and also Teammate JL with her church’s pastor and wife.
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