So far…
- house keepings
- attended Kindergarten Learning Forum
- checked/refilled learning corners
- cleared/packed term resources
- class furniture checking/shifting
- attended National Geo/Endo intro talk
- sat in meetingssssss
- reviewed and went through lesson plans for Phonics, Grammar, Math, Moral, Theme, Environmental Awareness, Art & Craft
- printed worksheet, activity sheet, letters for 4 classes
(for ~100 children)
- settled form classes’ stuff like name list, visitation list, observation list, name tags, birthday tags, inventory list etc
- typed/printed/sorted teaching resourcessssss
To be done in the next remainder days…
- “house” moving
- class boardsss
- fill up stationery
- set up classroom
- grouping/partnering for form classes
- do up Art & Craft samples
I was just thinking to myself otw back home from school…
Same Dec holiday. Same school period.
Same teaching level. Same working-together colleagues.
Different Miss Lim.
The “Miss Lim” two years ago when first joined the school was blur, quiet, closed-up, talk/smile-to-no-one and had a “Pls refrain from talking to me!” written on face when colleagues approached.
But the “Miss Lim” today is noisy, sharper (I think so?), super opened-up (haha!) and talk/smile-to-everyone and of course “Pls come and talk to me!” written on face when colleagues come near. =p
Personally I feel it is important to be comfortable with the work environment we are in…
It is also important to be comfortable with the people we work with…
With this, I can’t help but to thank God for not just giving me a great (but busy) school, a super two-thumbs-up principal and of course loving colleagues!
Though I am not the youngest among the staff but I am (very) well-loved and pampered.
Especially by my mentor, my Chinese teacher, my Level Head, my principal and Mrs HL.

Really thank God for the favor with man!
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