Thursday, May 12, 2005

!? hows MY week ?!

**last MoNdAy**
First cell group outing with JM1 … went Sentosa! The most challenging – to wake up early on a public holiday. Hahaha =p.
Been a while since I went Sentosa or a chance to get to the beach … wow WOW wow WOW, I love the beaches, I love the views on Palawan Beach and Siloso Beach (though it may not be the best). Beside the beaches, we also did go elsewhere … we walked and we walked and we walked and we walked. *tired*
But it had been a great outing, really enjoyed the company of my new cell group members!

**last WeDnEsDaY**
Together with some S02/E322 members, we went to surprise Sis Iris at her workplace.
Sis Iris has always been a great leader and friend to us … so she deserve all our love, all our time and all our effort.

**last ThUrSdAy**
Went weekly visitation with my awesome BH, JANE LOW. =p
(BC counting down)

Ya … first time visit to Kenneth’s house. Kenneth is quite a new student who have been in JAMs for around 12 times but never really get a chance to go visit him until the week. He has autism, there is no speech from him. The most touching and encouraging part is when Kenneth came out of his room and saw us, he did nothing but just SMILE. Though there may not be any words from him but that SMILE means a lot a lot a lot to me. =)

*special salute to his mum* … Knowing that Kenneth may not be used to the new environment and also may not adapt fast to it, the mum never fail to company him to church every single weeks. My heart really go out for her whenever I see Kenneth trying to grab or pull his mum’s hairs, pulled her shirt or even want to beat her. Keeping Kenneth in prayer, really pray that God will do a work in his life … want to ‘released’ the mum from companying Kenneth to JAMs, that must be when she see Kenneth is okay on his own and we the teachers can ‘handle’ him.

Before we left the house, took the step of faith to pray for Kenneth and for his mum. The mum listened more to Chinese but somehow I can’t pray well in Chinese so throughout my English version, just added the word “li liang” - strength - as I prayed for the mum. I prayed for joy in Kenneth’s life and not forgetting to tell Kenneth that “Jesus loves Kenneth!” Amen and Amen!

**last SaTuRdAy**
Sato’s week … to JAMs! Happy for him but “stress” for us?! Hahaha =p
Guess he is in terrible and horrible mood that day … the following is his “accomplishment” on that one single day:

  1. he broke his cd cover with his BARE hands

  2. he banged his head against the partition

  3. he used his cd to attack a teacher and cause a bad cut near the teacher’s eye

  4. he tried real hard to want to HIT the teacher who he just injured

  5. he laid full flat on the floor and refused to get up

  6. he soaked his two feet in baptism pool

  7. he used his hands to make his face VIGOROUSLY (sign of frustration)

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