He deserved the credits more than me as he almost did the games' props all by himself.

Unlike normal svc, big day's games can be quite challenging.
Though this is my xth time doing big day's games but if you ask me, "are you nervous?!" The answer is .. .. .. OF COURSE!
=) But to me, is always a great privilege to be doing games segment for big day. Am not a very “steady” person when it comes to speech/presentation so the fact that Im chosen ... is a miracle! Haha!
JAMs Xmas 2007 ... Magic theme!
What games will Teacher Rick & Teacher Yanni play?
What props are they going to make?
=) Let's wait and see ... meantime you can be a great help by keeping them in PRAYERS!
Recently wanted to find some “creative juice” so looked through the games photos for last 2 years' big day. Is very coooooooool wor! =)
Of course total credits don't go to me but fellow helpful & creative workers who offered help!
Last week being our 1st week of holiday, one of my colleagues Cher W & I hosted a 3 days “Exploration Enrichment Holiday Program” for some of our school's children.
1st day was @ Botanic Garden ... thank God for GOOD WEATHER! =)
Cause of the “bad unexpected weather” for the past few days, I did include this item in my QT and true indeed that morning not only it didn't rain, the weather was not warm too ... it was perfect. After the outing, Cher W just cant stop talking about it, on how amazed she was by the weather (as the night before it was pouring heavily). I told her I prayed (she was a non believer). Then she agreed and even told me to go church and share the good report.
Thank God for His PROTECTION! =)
That day, we allowed the children to not walk in twos or hold partner's hands ... we allowed them FREEDOM (but of course under our close supervision) as we thought since we are out in the nature so no point being so controlling over them.
We collected $xxx from the parents for this 3 days program and the $$$ was divided equally just between my colleague & I as our principal didnt requested us to contribute to the school.
3 days, 12hours - I managed to earn $3xx which really a lot a lot. This $$$ come just on time for my Arise & Build. Thank God for the extra income!
Just a thought... wait till my colleague & I more “stable”, maybe we can quit our job and focus on doing such program. Wooooo!
Had school's orientation during the last weekend of school, for parents of ex, present & future children. Right from the start was already “trembling” as was told that I need to give a short presentation to parents about next year's new curriculum.
Everything went off well UNTIL parent ABC came. It was during one-to-one time where she voiced out, there was no smile & no greeting from ABC. ABC had a look that going to overthrow everything and a look that ABC is all out to “attack” teachers. But worse was when ABC had a harsh tone throughout the conversation, a tone that may just start a “war”. (am not exaggerating).
“hncaabdsjsdajasitumasdkasdot” ... the moment parent ABC made that kind of remarks, my mood went all the way down! After parent ABC left, the biggest “challenge” to me is to brace myself up and carry on for the rest of the meeting and even to force a smile out.
1 bad remarks received ... does 1 or more good remarks “heal” the “wound” in my heart?
Not at all I supposed.
After parent ABC left, there were many good comments/praises (for school and personally for me) made by parents:
. their child love the kindergarten
. loved and greatly influenced by the teachers
. their child benefitted from the teaching system
. their child enjoyed Cher Lim's lesson
etc etc etc etc
But still none of the good comments was able to lift me up.
Haiz... guess we just cant please all the parents?
** Do your best and let God do the rest **
Term 4 was buuuuuussssssssssssssssy!
More than just the late nights, I guess I'm down physically by all the works that I need to accomplish within a tight period. But thank God for His strength, really, that kept me through. =)
~ It started few months earlier during the season of intense concert preparation.
~ During last few weeks of Term4, on top of the concert's busyness, there's more stuffs given. like to make sure children complete stacks of worksheet, works to mark/sort, filing, testimonials, report books and other admins.
~ To make it more “exciting”, there was a BIG change to next year curriculum so on top of everything, I need to digest the new curriculum fast so as to be better prepared for the orientation with parents on the last weekend of school.
As I looked back to my one year in C_n_a_ Kindergarten ... it was a pleasant one!
~ As compared to previous kindergarten, the teaching system here very different ... THANK GOD for the wisdom & grace that I was able to switch over well. Though struggling to cope in the beginning but better when I get the hang of it.
~ Also the favor from principal, colleagues, parents & children. Just being my 1st year, I was given much responsibilities from boss ... THANK GOD & also for the confidence to communicate & good rapport with parents.
~ The children was awesome! It was a great one year with the children, especially the K2 who be moving on to next phrase of their life next year.
Though at times (most of the times actually ... haha) they really can drives me up the wall but still they are class of nice, interesting, sweet, loving, happy children.
=) going to miss them!
Check out some of them... ...
Though this my 1st year with the school, I was given much responsibilities. Together with another colleague, we like the coordinators for the whole ceremony, our “job” to make sure everything went smoothly.
=) Thank God for favor & opportunity!
Just when everyone think the stage looked great, the backstage was in MESS- talkingss & talkingss, children everywhere entertaining themselves in many ways, teachers changing costumes for children, teachers getting children ready etc etc etc. But still in the midst of "chaos", item by item managed to carry out smoothly.
=) Thank God for the success & good team work with colleagues!
My “greatest joy” was still to see the success of the 2 dance items that I'm totally in-charge of. From recommendation of songs to the dance steps (some “pirated” from JAMs ... opps!) to trainings of children was done by Cher Lim & Cher Lim only.
=) Thank God for His strength & PATIENCE!.
It can be quite a challenge to want see all children dance perfectly together with similar coordination. You may have children who are good but still bound to have three or four who will play you out. On the actual day, after I sent forth my children out to dance, I just stood at the backstage to use “eyes power” to “communicate” with them. Haha! Though wasn't very perfect but I could feel a “kandong-ness” as I see each child gave their best shot (as compared to their practices) and received the applause/good comments from audience.
Way earlier, I promised K2 children reward after their concert, asked them what they wanted instead. One child replied, “Cher Lim, later you waste $$$”. I replied him & rest, “Is ok! I know you all practice hard for the concert. Is a reward for all of you!” =)
Is my way to give salute to the graduands - not only they need to memorize the procedure of the whole concert (as they are the main stars that night), they also need to memorize 2 different dance's moves, individual speech in Eng/Chi and also a speech on behalf of classmates. Wow!
I was cordially invited to my ex-kindergarten's Graduation Concert yesterday. Their 2008's graduands are actually the last batch of K1 I taught last year before I left the school.
the boy, my “godson” who I will give special “treatment” ... graduated
the boy who rolled & twisted on the floor, climbed and jumped off table ... graduated
the boy who made me vomitted blood ... graduated
the girl who can always “stepped” my toes ... graduated
the boys who zzzzzzz easily during lesson time ... graduated
the sweeeeet boy who touched my heart ... graduated
the class who always made my day ... graduated
the class who always made me very “fearful” of entering ... graduated
It was a pleasant night to see the grown-up and changed (physically) children in their graduation gown and to see them put up great performances. It was also a time of catching up with few ex-student's parents.
sCeNe 1
+ class work time +
Child N (evangelist) was doing her work & chit chatting @ the same time with Child K
+ Cher Lim sitting purposely came and sit near them as know Child N may “preach” +
Child N: ... ... You know hor, you cannot play awfully
Child K: + innocently listening +
Child N: Later you play awfully ... Satan will take control of you
Child K: @@! Satan! Satan is a bad guy right!
Child N: Yes! Remember I got teach you right! Satan... Satan is a bad guy!
Child K: + listening +
... ... ... conversation went on ... ... ...
Child N: Jesus... Jesus is your father!
Child K: @@! My father name is ___ ___ ___
Child N: Yesh! But you have 2 fathers!
Child Z: + opp Child N + My father name is ____
... ... ... conversation continued ... ... ...
Child N: You... You must tell your mummy about God ok
Child K: + listening very attentively ... UNTIL legs went up the table +
Huh! But my mummy dont know Jesus
Child N: Then ... then you must tell your mummy about Jesus & God
sCeNe 2
+ due to the outbreak of HFMD over at our centre few mths back, we had to have thorough check +
Mdm L: + check on Child L +
Hmmm... Cher Wong, come and take a look at him
Cher Wong: + check on Child L from top to bottom +
Hmmm... Cher Lim, come over here!
Cher Lim: + went over and continued the check +
Oh! he has some red spots
Cher Wong: Child L, what are all these (pointing to the red spots)?
Child L: + very serious look + I... fall down on the grass
Cher Wong & Cher Lim: @@! + speechless +
++ Child L become a “suspect” so all teachers alerted ++
+ Principal: came and did another thorough check +
Child L: + cant take it anymore + suuppper serious look +
How... How many minutes are you done with me?
Principal: + shocked by how he phrased himself +
Cher Lim: + giggled + Child L, wait a while more ok
Principal: + final check +Mdm Tan & Principal came over +
Child L: + verrry serious look +
Ok already!?
Principal: =) Ok already!
Cher Lim: Let's go, Child L.
++ Child L safe ... not HFMD ++
sCeNe 3
+ play time +
Child R & Child I had some “quarrel” with Child K
+ Cher Lim heard it but didnt want interfere ... wants to see how they solve the problem +
Child I: ... Later we all dont friend you ...
Child R: Ya lohz!
Child K: Dont friend then dont friend lohz
Child I: My house... My house got gun you know! (attn! Is toy gun! Haha!)
Child R: Ya lohz! I also have!
Child K: + silence +
Child I: I also have “knife” ... tomorrow I bring
Child R: + indigestion of Child I's words + Huh!?! Real or fake one?
Cher Lim: + overheard + Haha! Children's imagination does run WILD~~~
sCeNe 4
Cher Lim: Child D, come here!
Child D: Yes?
Cher Lim: What happened to your eyes?
Child D: My eyes... My eyes got something wrong
Cher Lim: Hmm... something wrong?! Haha!
sCeNe 5
+ dismissal time +
Child E: + sobz face + Cher Lim, I... I have stomachache
Cher Lim: Oh! You need to go to the toilet?
Child E: + shaked her head with tears slowly filled her eyes +
Cher Lim: + knowing Child E is quite an emotional girl +
Ah! Dont cry. I apply oil for you then you rest a while. You be fine.
Child E: + burst out crying +
Cher Lim: Aiyoyoyo!
Child E: + secs later after she went back to her seat, she BURST out crying again +
Children: Oh ... what happened to Child E?!?!
Cher Lim: Ok! Child E, dont cry already. You going home soon.
Child E: + crying mode + The... the bus drive... drive very fast... I cannot... I cannot breathe
+ burst out crying even LOUDER +
Cher Lim: + flipped +
sCeNe 6
Child Z (6yrs old): Cher Lim, see! This is my new watch!
Cher Lim: Wow! Do you know what time is it now?
Child Z: Yes... now is 1.36pm
Cher Lim: @@! Now is not even 12pm. Now is only 11.36am
Child Z: ~ dont want to be defeated look~ OH! Mine is faster.
Cher Lim: ~ flipped ~ toooo fast already!
Child Z: Hahaha!
Some thoughts of mine this week...
Can you work under pressure? Can you not lose your cool in midst of pressure?
Can you work well in midst of crowd? Can you handle pressure & crowd?
I'm blessed with weeks of FREEEEEEEEEE rides on buses & trains.
For the very first time ... I'm blessed this way – Boss J blessed me with $xx top up to my ezlink card. Now whenever I tap on board, I feel like a rich passenger! Haha!
Boss J ... I know you be reading this ... is YOU is YOU! =)
Though very pai seh to accept but still ... thank you very much!