Here are some of my precious moments in the recent years... moments that will amazed me.
Of course not by my own strength, all the moments will not be possible without HIM! =)
1) a NEW woMAN...
Oh man! I'm finally BAPTIZED!!! One word to describe – AWESOME!

2)An Entourage...
Yes! Your eyes didn't play trick on you! Yanni was an entourage for her friend's big day! Haha! Like you, I myself also couldn't believe it that I will ever get a chance to be one. All along, I always thought entourage got to be someone .. .. you know you know but I guess Jadyn proved me wrong! Haha!

3) Games Master @ JAMs big day...
Unlike for few big days where I hosted games for big day with another worker, at JAMs Easter'08, I was given the greatest honor to lead games alone! Oh man! Seriously without the grace of GOD &
help from few workers, it wouldn't been possible!
4) A 'host' & an 'actor' @ outreach events to special school...
I was given many opportunities to lead games and act @ JAMs' service/big day, of course I was nervous then, esp for big day. But one factor to note is as @ familiar ground & crowd.
JAMs had few outreaches to couple of special schools in the recent year, as in we will go there to conduct an assembly program. At our first visit to Txxxx School, I was given the golden opportunity to lead games! Was I fearful? Haha... BIG butterflies in my stomach!

5) A person with Diploma...
Having to live with my Certificate in Preschool Teaching for yearsss and after so many yearsss of “break”, I'm finally back into the study force and getting my Diploma in Preschool Teaching in few months time!
6) Mini IT-person...
This is a miracle! From a person who don't really have very good IT knowledge, only know the very basic to a person now who can create presentation using powerpoint! (don't laugh... =p). This was so clear in the course of my Diploma course as I did up many presentations and also received good comments from the lecturer & peers.
7& As & Bs student...
Haha! In my entire life of being a student, I seldom see “A” or “B” in my result slip! But in my Diploma course, I see it! Even ever got the second highest in class for exam!
jiayou wor!
end off the year victoriously! (:
Amen! =) by God's grace.. I will!
These are really great moments! So proud of you! :)
=) yeah man!
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