Sunday, December 21, 2008

an "adventure" journey

Was in a cab from JW to KLC for my class ... were on the expressway where suddenly I felt something not right. For a period of time, the cab just stayed on the 2nd lane in a very “standard” speed. Without my glasses, I decided to lean forward and get a better look. Guess what?! Saw the driver's eyes having “open & close exercise”. Haha! His “closing ceremony” is real bad, is like anytime he can go dreamland.

Excuse me, Uncle”
Y... Yes?”
Oh... You ok?”
Ok... Why?”
“Oh... Cause you look sleepy”

No... I'm listening to my music”

After that “morning call”, the rest of the journey was much better ... can see that he was trying “ways” to keep himself awake. =p Thank God I managed to reach my school safe and sound. Haha!
Hmm... what if I didn't shock him up? What if I also fall asleep?

=) the moral of the story ... always be awake and alert when you on board cab, don't just focus outside the window or the meter, at times do look at the driver. Haha!

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