The above statement was made by one of my lecturers in the recent module...
Are we guilty of it? Are you guilty of it? Am I guilty of it?
Are you/Am I a “murderer” of any child or children's sense of wonder & curiosity?
Some of the illustrations given by the lecturer...
“Teacher! Teacher! There is a butterfly!”
“Ya...” * stop there once replied without expression and no element of surprise *
“Teacher! Teacher! You see, rainbow!”
“Ok lahz, never see rainbow before is it? Do your work! Do your work!”
Guess with that kind of replys from teachers/adults, we have just become “murderer” because we may have just kill the sense of wonder & curiosity in them! =/
I supposed we didn't do it on purpose but most of the time is due to the lack of one thing that never seem to be enough – time! And for us teachers, we have our term syllabus to cover, so much works for the children to finish so some time we have no choice but to overlook certain things.
We should use every opportunities to develop EVERY aspects of the child. =)
“Teacher! Teacher! There is a butterfly!”
~ be like a child, treat it as your first time seeing a butterfly too ~
“Wowow! Is a butterfly!”
~ don't just stop there... build up children's language skills and knowledge ~
“Look at the wings of the butterfly! Can you tell me what did you see?” etc etc
“Teacher! Teacher! You see, rainbow!”
~ set aside all the tonnes of worksheet, set aside all the piles of syllabus .. spare just some time for them to enjoy the nature ~
Wow! Rainbow! Can you all tell me what are the colours you can find in a rainbow? etc etc

Water play for children @ Jacob Ballas Children's Garden during the school camp...

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