2009 will mark my 5-6 years as a preschool educator. =)
Of course I do feel tired at times but that’s just physically, maybe some time emotionally/mentally as will be drained out by the children and the pressure from management/parents BUT still my passion for children and teaching still going strong!
Recently was looking through the photossss taken with my little angels since I started as a teacher … it just never fails to bring =) to my face.
I wonder how my ex-students are doing now, how all of them have changed physically etc. At times I do meet some of my ex-students … few seem to be taller than me real soon. Hmm… think the “oldest” of my ex-students should be in P5 already.
Through the journey of Cher Yanni aka Cher Lim, really thank God for…
Fulfillment of My Dream!
Other than the ambition of being a policewoman during my early days, my next determined and final one - “When I grow up, I want to be a teacher”.
But with the results of my two o’level + appeals @ poly, I told myself “Forget it!”
But you see, God is miracle-working God, He works in way man cant comprehend.
What impossible with man = possible with God.
To prove the above statement … just look at me now, I am an official trained teacher!
Praise the Lord! =)
The Journey!
As I look back, I thank God that my first few years as an educator was spent @ PCF kindergarten. I gained a lot a lot from there and a lot I am still able to put into use now.
“Wooo! You was previously from PCF” Somehow it was also like a “bonus” for me when I went for interview at the next kindergarten (my current one). I believe it will still be.
2-3 years @ PCF kindergarten & 2 years @ private kindergarten. What’s next?
Previously I did shared that my current kindergarten will be having a mega change ... is confirmed. With that, I was given another “post” and of course with pay adjustment.
Accept the offer? No? Move on?