Thursday, April 30, 2009
Cher! Cher!
2009 will mark my 5-6 years as a preschool educator. =)
Of course I do feel tired at times but that’s just physically, maybe some time emotionally/mentally as will be drained out by the children and the pressure from management/parents BUT still my passion for children and teaching still going strong!
Recently was looking through the photossss taken with my little angels since I started as a teacher … it just never fails to bring =) to my face.
I wonder how my ex-students are doing now, how all of them have changed physically etc. At times I do meet some of my ex-students … few seem to be taller than me real soon. Hmm… think the “oldest” of my ex-students should be in P5 already.
Through the journey of Cher Yanni aka Cher Lim, really thank God for…
Fulfillment of My Dream!
Other than the ambition of being a policewoman during my early days, my next determined and final one - “When I grow up, I want to be a teacher”.
But with the results of my two o’level + appeals @ poly, I told myself “Forget it!”
But you see, God is miracle-working God, He works in way man cant comprehend.
What impossible with man = possible with God.
To prove the above statement … just look at me now, I am an official trained teacher!
Praise the Lord! =)
The Journey!
As I look back, I thank God that my first few years as an educator was spent @ PCF kindergarten. I gained a lot a lot from there and a lot I am still able to put into use now.
“Wooo! You was previously from PCF” Somehow it was also like a “bonus” for me when I went for interview at the next kindergarten (my current one). I believe it will still be.
2-3 years @ PCF kindergarten & 2 years @ private kindergarten. What’s next?
Previously I did shared that my current kindergarten will be having a mega change ... is confirmed. With that, I was given another “post” and of course with pay adjustment.
Accept the offer? No? Move on?
2nd year as an “official” educator…
The boy (below) who I will show “opened-favoritism”. Opps... haha!
(below) My “godson”…
Fun time!
The first concert item that I was put in-charge with, together with another colleague…
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
ChEr LiM's MoMeNtS #3
mOmEnT 13A
Main character in this story : Girl J
A little background about her: a very expressive girl who will show her affection and declare publicly to say “I love you” to friends and teachers.
Hot topic among the K1 children recently : I want to marry!
* during written work *
Girl J: * out of the sudden * I want to marry Boy Jo.
Boy Jo: * sat beside her … was silent *
Cher Lim: * decided to disturb * Hey Boy Jo, Girl J wants to marry you.
Boy Jo: * mumbled to himself * Girl F...
Cher Lim: Who?
Boy Jo: Girl F
Cher Lim: You like Girl F?
Boy Jo: * nodded his head * Yes! I want to marry her.
Cher Lim: Girl J, Boy Jo wants to marry Child F.
Girl J: I want to marry Boy Jo.
* silence for a while *
Girl J: Boy Jo, if you marry Girl F then I don't come to school anymore
Boy Jo: * silence .. looked “stress” *
Cher Lim: * haha in the heart * Oh Girl F, how come that time you say you like Boy B?
(ps: you can find the “evidence” in Cher's Moments #3)
Girl J: But... But now I like Boy Jo. I want to marry him.
Boy Jo: * doing his work silently *
Cher Lim: Okok... both of you are too young to marry each other.
Boy Jo: Ya, we cannot marry now.
* conversation on their 3-triangle relationship went on for a while more before it went THE END *
When children are “hot” about something, they talk about something excitedly but they forget about the "fire" fast too. Haha!
mOmEnT 13B
* day lesson was on “I am” and “You are” *
* during written work *
Boy Jo: * trying to be funny * You are my car! You are my table! etc
Friends: * joined in and came out with all kinds of description *
Girl J: * looked @ Boy Jo * You are my prince!
Boy Jo: * silence *
Cher Lim: * cannot take it * Hahahahaha!
mOmEnT 14
Main character: Evangelist N's sister, Little Christian Ca
Agenda: cher Lim wanted to find out whether is Little Christian C is like her sister, so full of the evangelist-elements.
* during one of the conversations *
Cher Lim: * don't know how come will lead to this * Who is Jesus?
Friend A: Jesus who?
Little Christian Ca: Jesus is...
Cher Lim: * waiting eagerly * Child Ca, your Friend A don't know who is Jesus, can you tell her?
Little Christian Ca: * started singing * Long time ago in Bethlehem
Cher Lim: @@! So who is Jesus?
Little Christian Ca: * sang again * Long time ago in Bethlehem
Cher Lim: … Haha!
mOmEnT 15
* lesson time on letter “o“ *
Cher Lim: What do you call the children whose parents are not with them?
Children: * blur *
Cher Lim: Orp???
Children: ????
Child D: Very sad people!
Cher Lim: Hmm…
mOmEnT 16
* lesson on the letter “o” *
Cher Lim: Can you name me words that start with the letter “o”
Child A: I know I know! Obama!
Cher Lim: =)
mOmEnt 17
Friend Y: Where are they going?
Cher Lim: Child B will be going to HK and Child E will be going to Malaysia?
Friend Y: * turned to Child E * You must keep a lookout ok. See can see Mas Selamat a not?
Child E: * silence *
Cher Lim: Mas Selemat in Malaysia?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
We went to the Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden…
We “visited” China…
We made musical instruments using raw materials…
We had our first “concert”…
We created a garden for the creepy crawlies…
tHe JoUrNeY
Mar/Apr 2009 – completion of course
Oct 2009 – “Official” graduation with the diploma cert
Though I am still not an official Diploma holder yet (as still waiting for the final result releasing within the next few months) but more or less I have completed my DPT course.
It been a WOWOWOW & FRUITFUL & EXCITING 18 months!
#1 – Great coursemates & Great lecturers
Our class pretty small. Eventhough in different age group & races but we live in harmony. Haha! A class of nice people... no back-stabbing, no internal competition, no quarrel, no fight.
#2 – Fantastic Groupmates
I really don't know how to describe. If you been following my blog, you will know why am I soooooo thankful to God to be part of the group. Summary, I was exempted for few modules thus wasn't around for first few months. When back, many groups were formed but thank God I still managed to join a “new” group and stayed through with them for many modules.
#3 – Good result & Creativity
“A” & “B” was most of my result for my assignments/exam (up to date). Truly it wouldn't be possible without the grace, wisdom and creativity of God.
#4 – Timing
Starting from 2009, majority of the courses have increased the requirement.
e.g. for diploma, from 1.5yrs to 2yrs and the crucial (at least to me) is NO exemption. I really thank God I took just before the new rule came if not I won’t have “luxury” of exempted modules (close to half a year break & free from few assignments).
#5 – Opportunities
Powerpoint, electronic story ... all this I never knew I could do it but I DID IT - stretched myself & received help from friends.
“to get a diploma” was one of my goals in 2008... I thank God I fulfilled.
What's next? Haha!
Diploma in Leadership? Shake legs? Another diploma?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Each time I invite Std A to come join us … Std A just have some way to “reject” me. Even at the recent Easter, Std A was sick and I was like “hmm…”
Surprisingly without my invite, Std A came with mum last week (immediately after Easter week) to main service to "try out".
After a talk with a friend, realized Std A may well just suit main service. No matter which service Std A go to eventually, I’m just glad that Std A came, finally. =)
During my conversation with the mum about how come he suddenly choose to come etc, mum told me “Std A said… so long already Yanni still haven’t give up hope on me. I better quickly go to church”.
Friday, April 17, 2009
17Th ApRiL 2009
Finally, at last … Yanni submitted her final practicum folder!!!!!!
Cant explain the joy… is really like FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY! Haha! With the submission of this folder, I have more or less “graduated” from my course, Diploma in Preschool Teaching. But official cert will only be in Oct and the announcing of “result” will be in May/June.
But can you believe it? At least for now, I don’t have to think about presentation, rush through assignment or meet deadline etc. Muahahaha!
Attention everyone : I'm free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
EaStEr 2009
I replaced Eena for games segment as she has sth on before big day.
1st choice or 2nd choice … it is always a privilege to lead segment. =)
Despite the “short” notice where I was given like one week to brainstorm, prepare, shop, plan etc BUT really thank God all things worked out well.
Received feedbacks from Santhi and few others… definitely have room for improvement, Picked up few important pointers too. Still I‘m glad there‘s good feedback too. Hee!
This year I was given also given the privilege to take up two other segments, Grand Draw and announcement.
Though alone but I had fun “shopping” for the prizes for grand draw. I lost count of the number of times I paced up and down the “lane“ while waiting for approval from the leadership. I’m pretty amazed by the different prices of the different appliances.
Thank you all who in one way or another lent helping hands to me!
Ah Zhen - for driving me to JW with all my stuffssss!
My “strip” game team - Peixuan, Rebecca, Sandra & Jonathon!
And of course how can I end this blog without “talking” about W5. It just so amazing - even before Easter party, W5 already have TWO new contacts. One of them (Std Sa) came and will be joining us again. Another (Std Ac) is already attending church but mum wants him to join whenever we have outdoor activity. =)
Another little-new friend, Std Pa came and joined us for Easter too! I'm just amazed at how we went the "extra" mile to fetch her. As she will only be home after 2pm so we can only make our fetching route in a way that we have to uturn back to fetch her after we fetch all our own students.
=) I'm glad we went that mile.
Monday, April 06, 2009
same SAME different DIFFERENT
When I know this group of “people” are at my place … no matter how far am I, I will want to rush home soon so that I can spend some time with them.
But there are also another group of “people” who when I know they are coming to my place, even if I have set the day to be my rest day @ home, I will have to think where can I go.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
GrAcE, sTrEnGtH, pEaCe - 2
“Relax, trust God” - said Joli and I totally agree!
I do believe there’s one thing that made me different from most of my coursemates.
Then and then when time is running up, 31st March is approaching within days and I still have pretty much stuffs undone … I wasn’t fearful or worried that I can’t make it. Somehow I just know everything will work out well eventually! =)
And of course it did … I finished all my stuffs way before time!
Comments made by practicum supervisor :
“Yan Ni is constantly reassuring and displays an approachable disposition towards the children. Activities planned at the corners fostered independence in the children and enabled them to become successful learners. Activities sustained the children’s interest for a substantial amount of time and some children were so enthusiastic about the activities that they were already thinking of which corner they want to go the next day”.
Not fully graduated yet … still have my practicum folder to hand in.
With that, I will be totally free~~ in mid April then official graduation will be in Oct but will probably know my result in May/June. =)
ps: to some of my friends ... you really need to experience GOD yourself to understand why I am so excited talking about HIS' strength, grace & peace that see me through a challenging period.
GrAcE, sTrEnGtH, pEaCe - 1
Ladies & Gentleman, check this out :
1) I used only one week and few days to finish ALL physical preparations and requirements to the 3 corners + 9 handmade activities .. where I know some of my coursemates started weeks before their practicum.
There were so many manipulative & materials needed so throughout the period, my mind and hands were occupied with researching, editing, printing, cutting, laminating, pasting etc.
I reallllllly thank God I'm able to finish all stuffs within a week plus.
2) We were actually told by our lecturers to “train” our children earlier - to let them have a feel @ the 3 corners so they wont be lost on the day of observation. Recommended a week before practicum, especially if they are not familiar with learning corners’ concepts.
Due to time constraint, I wasn’t able to train my children earlier so in the end I was only able to walk them through ONE day before my practicum. And if you know my school, my children don't really have chance to work @ learning corners so this concept (independent learning) is still pretty new to them.
31st Mar early morning : I walked around the learning corners' area and PRAYED - for the corners and for the children! =)
31st Mar late morning, the arrival of practicum supervisor : all of the children (except 1 but was controllable) were in their top condition! They didn’t show “pattern” or I-dont-know-how-to-do but they were engaged and giving their best in all the activities.
Was so afraid that my practicum supervisor will make comment on the one child who walk around during the beginning but she didn’t. I am super happy that she gave good comments on the activities.
* hard work pay off *
Thursday, April 02, 2009
is them! is them!
Must admit that during a period of time I was pretty stretched. Maybe the loads of practicum + assignments + deadline + the fear of xxx seem to overwhelm me.
I must say this ... I really (x100) meant it ... without God's grace and strength, I won't be able to go through!
Not forgetting the people God placed in my life!
Friend D : Thank you for the “space”! Thank you for the help you were willing to offer! Thank you for the card.. it really caught me by surprise!
Friend T : Thank you for the treatsss! But most of all, thank you for the fellowship! Like what I told you.. that was really something I really need at the point of time.
Friend G : Thank you for your concern! Really appreciate that despite your busyness, you never fail to drop me calls/smses.
Friend Y : Thank you for the bookmark! Really appreciate your thoughts!
Friend C : Thank you for availing! Thank you for standing in! =)
FRIENDS A – Z ... that's ALL MY FRIENDS who kept me in prayersss and cheered me on!
I thank GOD for all of YOU! =)
“You passed!” said Miss Practicum Supervisor.
“Thank you” replied Cher Lim calmly (but actually shouting & “jumping” in the heart… haha)
Please do bear with me… for the next few entries (go upward), it will be related to my practicum. Haha! Just wanted to leave some memory for myself and of course to testify GOD’s goodness.