mOmEnT 13A
Main character in this story : Girl J
A little background about her: a very expressive girl who will show her affection and declare publicly to say “I love you” to friends and teachers.
Hot topic among the K1 children recently : I want to marry!
* during written work *
Girl J: * out of the sudden * I want to marry Boy Jo.
Boy Jo: * sat beside her … was silent *
Cher Lim: * decided to disturb * Hey Boy Jo, Girl J wants to marry you.
Boy Jo: * mumbled to himself * Girl F...
Cher Lim: Who?
Boy Jo: Girl F
Cher Lim: You like Girl F?
Boy Jo: * nodded his head * Yes! I want to marry her.
Cher Lim: Girl J, Boy Jo wants to marry Child F.
Girl J: I want to marry Boy Jo.
* silence for a while *
Girl J: Boy Jo, if you marry Girl F then I don't come to school anymore
Boy Jo: * silence .. looked “stress” *
Cher Lim: * haha in the heart * Oh Girl F, how come that time you say you like Boy B?
(ps: you can find the “evidence” in Cher's Moments #3)
Girl J: But... But now I like Boy Jo. I want to marry him.
Boy Jo: * doing his work silently *
Cher Lim: Okok... both of you are too young to marry each other.
Boy Jo: Ya, we cannot marry now.
* conversation on their 3-triangle relationship went on for a while more before it went THE END *
When children are “hot” about something, they talk about something excitedly but they forget about the "fire" fast too. Haha!
mOmEnT 13B
* day lesson was on “I am” and “You are” *
* during written work *
Boy Jo: * trying to be funny * You are my car! You are my table! etc
Friends: * joined in and came out with all kinds of description *
Girl J: * looked @ Boy Jo * You are my prince!
Boy Jo: * silence *
Cher Lim: * cannot take it * Hahahahaha!
mOmEnT 14
Main character: Evangelist N's sister, Little Christian Ca
Agenda: cher Lim wanted to find out whether is Little Christian C is like her sister, so full of the evangelist-elements.
* during one of the conversations *
Cher Lim: * don't know how come will lead to this * Who is Jesus?
Friend A: Jesus who?
Little Christian Ca: Jesus is...
Cher Lim: * waiting eagerly * Child Ca, your Friend A don't know who is Jesus, can you tell her?
Little Christian Ca: * started singing * Long time ago in Bethlehem
Cher Lim: @@! So who is Jesus?
Little Christian Ca: * sang again * Long time ago in Bethlehem
Cher Lim: … Haha!
mOmEnT 15
* lesson time on letter “o“ *
Cher Lim: What do you call the children whose parents are not with them?
Children: * blur *
Cher Lim: Orp???
Children: ????
Child D: Very sad people!
Cher Lim: Hmm…
mOmEnT 16
* lesson on the letter “o” *
Cher Lim: Can you name me words that start with the letter “o”
Child A: I know I know! Obama!
Cher Lim: =)
mOmEnt 17
Friend Y: Where are they going?
Cher Lim: Child B will be going to HK and Child E will be going to Malaysia?
Friend Y: * turned to Child E * You must keep a lookout ok. See can see Mas Selamat a not?
Child E: * silence *
Cher Lim: Mas Selemat in Malaysia?
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