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28 Feb - Miss Lim‘s “last” day @ LSK
From Jan-Feb, Miss Lim spent about 8 weeks in LSK.
From “Office Staff” to “Do-Anything Teacher“ to “Nursery Assistant Teacher“ to “PreNursery Assistant Teacher“.
From helping with “Kindergarten Wide Phonics Resource” to “Chinese Reader Powerpoint” to “Weekly Tasks“ to “Daily Chores” to “Termly Works“.
I’m thankful that I’m able to leave fingerprints and be of help to LSK and colleagues in many ways.
For a moment I felt bad where recently LSK went through some changes and needed staff but I cant help much cause got to be away.
Really going to miss everyone & everything @ LSK - the children, the colleagues, the culture, the environment, the routine, the duties etc.
Will Miss Lim be back @ LSK after 6mths?Will the PreN little ones still remember me when I return after 6mths?
Will thingy be the same when I return after 6mths?

LSK, goodbye for now!
Thank you all for your love, care, prayers, JIAYOUs and the wonderful memories!
Another time with crying Little Child J
Little Child J: (crying) I want Mummy~~~
Miss Lim: Okok… we go office to call Mummy
Little Child J: (crying) Yes~~~
Miss Lim: * pretend to talk on phone * Hello mummy, you come and bring Child J home ok
* Little Child J burst out crying *
Miss Lim: Mummy, if Child J is crying you don’t come. Oh! She stop then you come right
* Little Child J stopped *
Miss Lim: We wait for mummy ok… She must take bus first
Little Child J: (sobbing) I want Mummy~~~
Miss Lim: A… Your mummy can fly a not?
Little Child J: (sobbing) No~~
Miss Lim: Ah! Then must wait… Mummy must take bus
Throughout the day on and off on and off, Little Child J will sobsob to ask for Mummy but she be ok the moment I replied her differently like:
Oh! Mummy coming already…
Wait ok. Mummy must bath first…
Oh! Mummy wearing shoes already ok…
Coming ok. Mummy taking bus now…
Something unrelated to the title…
Was at play with the PreNursery children when suddenly Little Child J popped out saying “Poker Face“ and “Paparazzi”.
I was shocked to know this little child listens to Lady Gaga? Haha!
Right from the beginning of the school term, Little Child N has no problem adapting to the school culture/routine. She was so steady that she helped her peers and even asked the crying-peers not to cry.
But after being sick and mc for a week, Little Child N returned with a bad & crying mode. Almost everyday (at least for now), she will enter the school crying and will cling on tight to Ah Ma. As she tends to cry till vomit, Ah Ma was asked to stay with her throughout.
Started last Fri and today, we “take it by force” but of course asked the Ah Ma to hang around but hide from Little Child N.
Little Child N cry big time when I took her away from Ah Ma but was later calmed down quickly and much easily. This is one thing encouraging, to meet an easy-to-coax child. You be amazed there can be some who can be hard-to-coax, either due to language barrier or just refuse-to.
Both last Fri & today I was with her or I should say, she was with me.
She can be playing with her peers but the moment she turned and don’t see me, she will cry big time - good and bad actually.
Conversations I had with her:
Little Child N: (crying) I want to go home~~ I want to find Ah Ma~~~
Miss Lim: Ok! I bring you go find Ah Ma but you must stop crying first
Little Child N: (crying… almost vomit) I stop crying already~~ I want go find Ah Ma~~~
Miss Lim: A.. A.. You stop first, we go to the office to take telephone and call Ah Ma
Little Child N: (tried to stop crying but still sobbing): I want to go home~~~
Miss Lim: * pretend to talk to Ah Ma on the phone *
Miss Lim: Ok! Child N, Ah Ma coming ok, Ah Ma must walk first
Little Child N: (sobbing) Ah Ma~~ Ah Ma go buy cake~~~
Miss Lim: Oh yes! Ah Ma go buy cake first then she come bring Child N go home ok
Little Child N: (crying) I want~~ I want to go home
Miss Lim: Okok! We wait for Ah Ma to come. Ah Ma’s leg pain pain so must walk slowly.
Little Child N: (sobbing) I want find Ah Ma~~
Miss Lim: Oh! You want Ah Ma to run then fall down?
Little Child N: (sobbing) No~~
Miss Lim: Ah! Then Ah Ma must walk slowly right
Little Child N: Ah Ma~~ be careful
Miss Lim: * tried not to laugh * Yes! Ah Ma walk slowly ok… so we wait for Ah Ma
Little Child N: (crying) I want to go home~~ I want to find Ah Ma~~~
Miss Lim: A.. wait right, Ah Ma walking already
Little Child N: (crying) Ah Ma walk~~
Miss Lim: Yes! You look at the sun… hot hot right, Ah Ma must take umbrella first
Little Child N: (sobbing) Ah Ma take umbrella~~
Miss Lim: We wait for Ah Ma ok?
Little Child N: (sobbing) Ok~~~ I want Ah Ma~~~
Little Child N: I want to go home!
Miss Lim: Yes! We will go home when Ah Ma comes ok?
(3 secs later)
Little Child N: I want to go home
Miss Lim: Ok! Later you go home ok!
(3 secs later)
Little Child N: I want to go home!
Miss Lim: Ok! Later 245pm you go home, I go home, all of us go home ok.
(3 secs later)
Little Child N: I want to go home!
Miss Lim: Ok!
(3 secs later)
Little Child N: I want to go home!
* Miss Lim flipped *
Had super mixed feelings about being blessed with SOT'11 fees.
Of course I am very very very happy, very very very grateful to God for this very very very huge blessing from very very very generous "anonymous".
I shared the testimony with cg and even with my Principal who later shared with the staff to encourage them but… but… don’t know why I find it hard to be real happy. I know that’s very bad!
More than happy … my “don’t feel good” feeling is stronger.
Cause afterall is not, really not a small amount.
Like what I blogged before, I may joked and asked people for sponsorship but that totally jokingly. I will never dare/want to take other people’s $$ for my own benefit.
Shared with few people about this, received many different comments to encourage me to just accept. But… But… I can’t! Just find it hard to get this.
A free meal, a free movie ticket etc I may be able to accept.
But not a huge amount like $1800!
Even just one month installment of $300 I already don’t feel good, what more to mention a sum of $1800!!!
From the day I received Pst KH’s sms till today, trust me - never one day I didn’t think about the amount and feel very bad about it. Sad to say - yet to freely enjoy the blessing. Hmm and can I say I don’t think I can and will be (or even never will be) able to?
Beside asking Pst Lily who refused to tell me & Friend T who also denied though at first admitted, I also went to the extend of emailing one of the SOT administrators. Hmmm…
Dear readers, if you already know or happen to know in near future who the “anonymous“… can you pls, pls help me convey a message that “Yanni is thankful, very thankful for the blessing but she is really feeling terrible, very terrible to accept it!”
Dear readers, can you pls also let the “anonymous” know that if has yet to make the payment, pls DON’T as Yanni really wants to pay it on her own. If not pls allow Yanni to return the $1800 when she gets back to the work field. Yanni really appreciates the "anonymous".
Dear readers, last but not least - can you also let the “anonymous” know to pls reveal identity if not I probably will spend the next 6mths feeling guilty and bad.
Hmm... is it that serious?
Sad to say, yes - at least to me!
I really, really, really cant take the $$!
When I read the sms, I was SHOCKED and … SHOCKED!
I passed to the colleague who was with me to read, she was surprised!
Shortly after, I msged Da Jie & Er Jie … they were happy for me too!
The sms goes like this…
“Dear Yanni, this is Pst KH. Just to let you know that your school fees for SOT11 has been sponsored by an anonymous donor. God bless.”
I replied to ask for the contact of the donor so that to thank personally but Pst KH replied: “Hmm… The donor wishes to remain anonymous… I will convey your appreciation to the person.”I have my guess to who anonymous person/people is/are.
Since then, I have been “haunting” Pst Lily to tell me but she refused.
I’m totally grateful for the anonymous person/people.
But I’m feeling very very very (x10) bad to take the $$.
Is not $180, is not $300 but $1800 - is not a small amount!!! Guess I am not going to give up finding out who the anonymous person/people. Beside wanting to thank personally, I want to return the $1800 when I get back to the work (at least half of it, to whichever the person/people willing to accept). =(
“I want my Mummy!”
“I want my Daddy!”
“I want to look for my Mummy & Daddy!”
“Daddy where?”
“I want Aunty!”
“I want to look for my Ah Gong & Ah Ma!”
“I want to see Jie Jie!”
“I want to go home!”
“I want to go home now!”
“I want carry!”
The common remarks made by the (crying/moody) Pre Nursery little little ones.
Some easily “coaxed and calmed” & some quite challenging.
Some cried the moment they stepped into school, some cried suddenly during lesson & some best - cried when they see their friend cried.
Some stopped immediately, some took a while & some took a long long while.
Some cried silently, some cried with screaming, some cried with whining and some will cry, stop, ok, cry, stop, ok.
Been ~7 weeks into school, on and off there are still little little ones crying. Esp after the long break from CNY but thank God for now, they are settling down well and getting used to the “routine”.
Sad to say… in few weeks time, they will be off for one week holiday. Opps! Haha!
Today Miss Lim’s tank was stretched to the max!
Everything and everyone were ok during morning Pre Nursery but the afternoon’s was challenging. Think they have very bad Monday Blues.
Those who usually don’t cry … CRIED today
Those who usually cry … CRIED more/longer today
Those who usually take short while to calm … took much longer today
Those who usually sit during lesson … took a stroll in class
Those who usually pay attention ... "played" with the shoes/socks
Hahahahahahaha! Really no joke!
The “scary” moments of Miss Lim today…
#1 - both crying (very badly) Little Child C and Little Child E wanted me to carry
Solution: Miss Lim lifted up and gave a hug to each individually then held one on the left and one on the right to walk together
#2 - Best! Haha!
I had crying Little Child C on my lap who every few moment looked at me with “I want to look for Ah Gong, Ah Ma and Ah J!“
Sat right in front of me was sobbing Little Child E who repeated “I want Mummy & Daddy!”
Turned to my right, I found Little Child V took off her shoes/socks.
And on my left were crying Little Child J (who being placed there for a while by another teacher) and see-friend-cry-also-cry Little Child T (but thank God calmed her fast).
Not only that - my eyes got to be on this Little Child A who despite getting him to sit, he went for a stroll around the class. Haha!
Sentences that Miss Lim repeated many times:
"Mummy coming!"
"Going home already!"
"Ok! I call mummy!"
"Ok! I call Ah Gong to come now!"
"Oh! You see the clock! Going to be 245pm already!"
"Later we go press the bell! Then we all go home together!"
Just when the Little Ones were much cool (going home time), I took over a new child, Indian Little Child who cried and screamed and whined to go home and asked for mummy.
* fainted *
Hopefully I will have a “peaceful” sleep tonight… =p
Finally took up the courage to inform my parents about going SOT.
Honestly I was expecting some “big reaction” or “nagging” but thank God not at all. My first shock was both of them were calm and cool after I announced.
My second and happiest shock was when dad offered to help me pay my school fees first as he is concern I be tired to work and study at the same time. Of course I didn’t take up the offer but assured him that if really need, will take from him. At least now there is something for me to fall back on? Hee!
But of course as much as possible, I want to be able to clear my school fees on my own.
Few weeks ago, I was called by principal into the office to get my pay slip. On top of my monthly pay, there were addition blessings!!!
$300 - “Stay Healthy Scheme”
This is one of the benefits LSK teachers have. For the entire 2010, I didn’t take any mc thus entitled to thatThat $300 was pretty expected.
But what shocked me was when I saw another $300.
I was so shocked that I immediately asked Mrs E Tan “Oh! Why!?”.
She was shocked by my reply too. Haha!
Her first reply was “extra milo for you!” In my heart I was thinking “Milo Dinosaur?" Haha! But later she replied “to thank you for the extra mile you went!”
Awww… Awww…
Not more, not less but exactly $300 - my month installment.
That’s not it!
There was another $100 given for Hospital Insurance Benefit.
This really got me scratching my head as I’m only with LSK officially for two months and even knowing that I may or may not return after bible school, Mrs E Tan still willing to let me enjoy the benefit.
2 out of 6 installments officially settled!!!
ps: as of today… 3rd installment settled!!!
Entering into week 6... Miss Lim’s “last day” with LSK draws near.
Mixed feelings!
For 6mths, I wont be in close contact with LSK children & colleagues.
Guess it wont be easy for me in the beginning but know eventually I will be ok … “out of sight, out of mind” I hope.
Being in preschool field for quite some years, I ever work with Nursery for a year at the first kindergarten. After that, for many years, I only work with mostly the K1s and K2s. Recently I had my FIRST taste with the Pre-Nursery. Their age group 2 plus 3 or 3.
A group of the Pre-Nursery children are actually not toilet-trained thus they are in diaper/pulls-up.
When it comes to changing diaper, believe it or not I have never change for any until during my time @ HT Schoolhouse (~2yrs ago) where for the first time I changed for one of the children before his nap. Think I ever blogged before. Since then, I never get the chance to touch diaper again. Haha! Entered into 5th week of school in 2011, I’m proud to say that I changed diapers till I lost count. Haha! I started - "trembling hands" when I encountered, “pinching my nose” when I changed, “looking elsewhere when I covered the diaper” and “holding the edge of the soiled diaper” when I threw. Haha!
And now - "steady hands" when I encountered, “numb” to the smell when I changed, “no feelings” at the sight of the soiled diaper” and “full control” of the diaper when I threw too! Haha!