From Jan-Feb, Miss Lim spent about 8 weeks in LSK.
From “Office Staff” to “Do-Anything Teacher“ to “Nursery Assistant Teacher“ to “PreNursery Assistant Teacher“.
From helping with “Kindergarten Wide Phonics Resource” to “Chinese Reader Powerpoint” to “Weekly Tasks“ to “Daily Chores” to “Termly Works“.
I’m thankful that I’m able to leave fingerprints and be of help to LSK and colleagues in many ways.
For a moment I felt bad where recently LSK went through some changes and needed staff but I cant help much cause got to be away.
Really going to miss everyone & everything @ LSK - the children, the colleagues, the culture, the environment, the routine, the duties etc.
Will Miss Lim be back @ LSK after 6mths?
Will the PreN little ones still remember me when I return after 6mths?
Will thingy be the same when I return after 6mths?

LSK, goodbye for now!
Thank you all for your love, care, prayers, JIAYOUs and the wonderful memories!
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