Think about it.. Half a year = 6mths = 24 weeks
If you say is long, is not that long but if you say is short, is not that short either. Though just 6mths but I be away from my “comfort zone“.
ps: a little “pressure” added on me as “expectation” was set during the 6mths and when I return… haha!
I’m thankful for a group of very loving and encouraging Principal and colleagues who supported me in many ways.
28 Feb - Principal Mrs E Tan announced to the children about my move to God’s school. She led the children in a time of powerful prayer.
My touching moments…
As I stood infront, Little Child N walked over and stood beside me. Then Little Child K and Little Child J came too. They are the children from PreNursery - Little Child K and Little Child J are the one who usually I paid more attention to cause in term of emotion, they are still “adjusting“. And Little Child N is the one who “stick” with me since Day1. Haha!
The best came when after the prayer, Z Laoshi told me that she was touched too as when Principal Mrs E Tan led the children in prayer, Little Child N stretched out his hand to me for the entire prayer. I mean… he is only 3years old!
At the end of both sessions, I had ’final goodbye” to the children and they came to give me a hug. That’s the best present!
ps: even when I’m blogging now, I am missing them! Hee!
Received gifts…
from one of my last year K2’s parents…
from my colleagues…

Few days ago, my mentor told me about one of my strengths that she observed throughout last year and even this year’s short two months.
She said that I work differently from other LSK teachers… I don’t scold the children… And the way I establish relationship with them is like friend-to-friend and yet the children don’t “climb over my head”. =)
On my first “away day” from LSK, I received smses from my colleagues. And even from my principal too! =)
Still a bit not used to it ... these two days been looking at the clock and find myself "guessing" what the children/colleagues are doing.
"Oh! Is 745am already.. they must be having their morning worship!"
"Oh! Is 830am.. the first session children arrived!"
"Oh! Is 1145am.. the second session started!"
"Oh! Is Wednesday, they must be having their staff meeting now!"
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