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News spread fast, very fast, very very fast.
Not sure does it matter who you share with, just know that news spread very fast. In few weeks time, we will be having “Mock CG” at SOT. Each of us will be assigned to 3-4 segments. Mine are Warmth, Welcome, Praise & Worship. I was still pretty calm when I saw “Warmth” & “Welcome“ but went wooooo when I saw “Praise” and “Worship”. Haha!
Though was shocked but was quite looking forward as this are segments which rarely can get to try. Of course preaching too but I’ll still get the chance to during Preaching Test.
Probably singing has never been my strength/interest… ps: people, I know that so you don’t have to constantly remind me.
Strangely I’m willing to step into KTV and sing when I’m with my cousin but not with this certain group of friends. I’m willing to sing aloud in LSK too, but not with this certain group of friends. Why? Maybe I can be more of myself when with them and one thing for sure - I know they won’t make a joke out of me. Some of my teammates got what they are good/comfortable with but there are also some like me who will be having their “First” experience. Anyway is “Mock CG” - though there are evaluators but no one is there to condemn or find fault with us. We are all there to learn.
Wanted it to be “low-profile” (esp to this certain group of friends). My first intention was only to blog after “Mock CG”.
I casually told this particular friend the segments I’m doing then this particular friend also casually told another friend but seem like this particular friend deliberately went around telling the “whole world”.
Some of the “whole world” just listened and let it passed but some of the “whole world” chose to rub on the wound - asked me whether I want to take praise/worship segment to practice first during some event, passed me the mic when they see me in church or even suan-ing me whenever possible.
With friends like them, I don't need enemies.
From excited about "Mock CG" to now - dread from happening.
In just one day or I should say, in just a few hours my excitement and confidence were destroyed, all thanks to a group of very “encouraging” friends! I am not angry, just upset and disappointed... why must friends, my very own friends rub on the wound that yet to heal?
If you guys didn't mean it or want it to be a "joke", sorry.. is not funny to me at all.
I supposed this wont end yet. Let's see... after I’m done with the “Mock CG”, I should be able to expect those “encouraging” friends will ask me to lead Praise & Worship during cg etc? Just when you think they are being supportive and want you to put into use what you learned but sad to say, too late… I wont be able to feel their sincerity. And all thanks to them, my about-to-close-up wound is once again opened up!
Few weeks back, I visited ICA like 3 times with foreign teammates to settle their Student Pass.
Though “Student Pass” and “Visa” sound so unfamiliar to me, at first was asked to go by Team Leader, whether can I company this teammate who cant speak English. The next two visits were just to company teammates.
It was an "interesting, eye-opener" experience! There were moments where the officers got me -_- and there were moments I witness "inconsistency"! Opps! Haha! Still, thank God I was able to be of help not just to my own teammates but once to another schoolmate, K.
She had some problem with her Visa due to error on her Student Pass. Then she needed a Singaporean. And since she came alone, I actually accompanied her for the an interview with a Senior Officer.
It was so amazing - we met a Christian officer @ the Visa-counter who after knowing this schoolmate attends bible school, he said “Hallelujah school!”. And usually extension of Visa is like ~two weeks, he actually gave her 1mth!
Could see that she was worried/discouraged (as her Student Pass made her went through "difficult" times too) that but thank God I was able to be there to encourage/cheer her on. Thank God everything worked out well. If not she actually has to return back to her country/nearby country the night itself.
Once after SOT, there was a long break to churchwide biblestudy in the night so I went over to foreign teammates’ hostel.
I was overwhelmed by their great hospitality and love! Not just my own teammates but also the housemates who were there! They really treated me like “guest”!
I guess they also had a mission that day - “feed Yanni!” cause the moment I entered their hostel, they kept feeding me with food, fruit & drinks! I actually went went eating from house to house!

One "lesson" learned after the visit - to be contented with what I have. Their living condition may not be that fantastic but it never affect them. They are still a group of happy people who make the best out of what they have.

Check out this photo below…
There was this housemate who was sitting in front of the stove - while waiting for the food to be cook, she was actually reading bible! I am challenged! Haha!
to be continued...
A little recap of my precious moments in SOT… During the first 1-2 weeks, got the chance to take breakfast with Huili & Itzel during the 30mins-break. I really, really salute them cause they are not just fast but they are super duper very fast.
When I was on my way up the stairs @ B4, they were already @ the church gate! When I was digging for my purse, Huili called to ask me what I want! When I reached coffeeshop, they already comfortably settled down! Haha!

When others were queuing for their food, mine was on the table!
When others were getting ready to eat, I was heading back church!
Haha! All these wouldn’t be possible without the two super-fast girls! 
Enjoyed the fellowship with them. Had fun time conquering wanton mee in 7mins and conquering the "fear" of opening the cans etc. Haha!
Later week, I didn't have the chance to join them as own teammates wanted to have breakfast together. Since there, been having with them @ coffeeshop or rooftop.
Great to fellowship with teammates too - bonding time! I used to reach school around 815am but for the past many weeks, I reached church slightly before 8am. Few reasons are (1) to avoid the morning train crowd, (2) to “watch over” seats for team and (3) to start the class "calmly" - enjoyed the moments of "stoning" before class starts.
Thankfully so far our team has been very "on", always at the centre area. The "most-front" we went was 2nd row. One of my teammates' goal is to sit at FIRST row before she graduates! Haha!
Some of my "early" morning...

to be continued…
After some consideration, I have decided not to take up the childcare part-time job.
Still, I want to thank God for favor and everything:
1) not only did He opened one but two doors of opportunity for me
2) favor I found in both childcare’s principal
3) after I informed the Principal @ 2nd childcare that I wont be able to continue to work, she actually tried to keep me by offering few options
The reason I decided not to work is not so much on physical capacity that I’m afraid I be too tired/busy or anything. Seriously before SOT starts, I actually wanted very much to work cause I want to take this period to stretch myself and to see how much can I take.
Actually to work 4hrs everyday is still consider quite ok to me. And basically nothing much expected from me, I just assist the teachers and play with the children.
After working for two days, I decided not to continue. Not used to it? Don’t like the rushing part - from school to childcare?
Hmm… don’t know how to explain
Is definitely a tough decision cause no work = no $$$
I managed to discuss something with my parents and arranged something out with my insurance agent too. So for now to the end of SOT, I will be really “jobless”.
Will be giving full focus to SOT and just a thought - maybe can also take this period as a break from work and teaching?
But this will also mean a period of time I must learn to be wise and to think twice in spending $$, to and yes… save, save, save!
The day after I went back to the childcare to sign the “resignation” letter, I was quite worried how everything would be like for the next 5mths. For a moment I was scare. Just when I was like you know you know, I saw a letter on my table - it was from the government, regarding the $$ we will be receiving.
I was surprised cause I actually forget about it! I was overwhelmed!
Coincidence? I think too much?
That night of QT, I wept - I’m so thankful that God showed up again, to remind me not to doubt or worry and that He will provide for me… just like how He did even before my SOT starts. =)
(late entry)
Wanted to many years ago… but didn’t know how and where
Two years ago… found the source, went for consultation, fixed an appointment… but didn’t have the “courage” to go for it
Two years later… went for consultation, fixed an appointment, seek advices… went for it
The whole process took less than 2hrs… probably the “longest” time I spent on was waiting for my turn to enter, to be brief and to pay. The whole surgery only took less than 15mins! I’m thankful to God for giving me a good doctor who… not only gave me good advices before the surgery, skillful hands during and peace of mind and after the surgery.
I’m thankful to God for giving the Dr a team of dedicated team of nurse who… treated me well, patiently explained to me and took effort to calm me when I seem nervous at the first jab.
I’m thankful to God that the surgery went well, and most importantly I didn’t experience any post-surgery pain when the anesthesia wears off.
I’m thankful to God that the whole healing process went well.
I’m thankful to God that the process of removing stitches wasn’t that scary after all.
I’m thankful that so far everything is ok!
Not forgetting - thank you Da Jie, Er Jie, Zhen Jie & Da Jie Da for the advices & concerns before/after surgery.
- strictly observant of an appointed or regular time; not late; prompt
- the quality or state of being punctual
Let's not talk about church meetings or any important events. Just casual meet with friends/family. What time will you reach if the meeting time is 6pm?
545pm? 559pm? 601pm? 615pm? 630pm? 7pm? 715pm?
Few weeks back I met up with friends. Though I was not the "host" for the night but was bit disappointed with the time they turned up.
6pm was the meeting time.
I reached at 550plus and having a feeling that not many will be on time, I decided not to wait at the station but proceed to the shopping mall (a way to prevent myself from #%*@$)
Shortly after, I bumped into the organizer (the only person who is punctual). Next she told me "the rest of them will be late". At the point of time I thought to myself "I know it! I know it! I shouldn't have come on time!" I was so #&$*@ that I asked the organizer "why didn't push back the meeting time since all going to be late?!" But organizer replied "they informed last minute!"
Hmmm.. in that case, can I say their reason for being late is not valid?
* speechless *Then and then, sorry ... I shut down!
Together with the organizer, we went to the makan place and there we waited and waited and waited. Around 615pm, the "host" for the night came. Again we waited and waited and waited, another came. Then we waited and waited and waited, another came (flipped to know late cause went shopping).
Dinner started. Just when you thought that's all ... two happy people strolled in stylo-miloly after 7pm with one greeted us and another just a "sorry!" Seriously for the last two, I need to learn to "get used to it" cause out of 3x, they are late 2x. Arrrgghhhhh!
(have an evil thought: on the day that I am the "host", can the two don't come if they going to be late again?)
I am not always punctual... but I am not always late too. I know I'm bad to shut down just like that but I was really too disappointed (bit angry of course) cause it is not the first time already!
Probably common reason for many being late is they wanted to catch some rest at home first or maybe overslept?
They are tired, I'm not?
Just before I was out, I only managed to catch a 15mins-sleep then though was sleepy and long to sleep more, I forced myself up with the thought that "Cannot sleep already! Got to meet them later!" And thinking that to give the "host" face, I shouldn't be late.
Maybe to you, it seem like I am making a mountain out of a molehill but.. but.. just think about it - like others, you are also tired but you "sacrificed" your rest and came on time then realized others rested fully and came late. And after you waited and waited and waited for them, they just came with a "sorry" or even giving you a feeling that 'is ok for me/us to be late. is ok for you guys to wait for me/us."
To me, is more like you are not respecting my time.
Is it so difficult to be early? Or even just being on time?
Or you being early/late is determine by who you are meeting?
It takes effort to be punctual. To me, it can be a choice too.