Sunday, April 24, 2011

no new news

News spread fast, very fast, very very fast.
Not sure does it matter who you share with, just know that news spread very fast.

In few weeks time, we will be having “Mock CG” at SOT. Each of us will be assigned to 3-4 segments. Mine are Warmth, Welcome, Praise & Worship. I was still pretty calm when I saw “Warmth” & “Welcome“ but went wooooo when I saw “Praise” and “Worship”. Haha!
Though was shocked but was quite looking forward as this are segments which rarely can get to try. Of course preaching too but I’ll still get the chance to during Preaching Test.

Probably singing has never been my strength/interest… ps: people, I know that so you don’t have to constantly remind me.
Strangely I’m willing to step into KTV and sing when I’m with my cousin but not with this certain group of friends. I’m willing to sing aloud in LSK too, but not with this certain group of friends. Why? Maybe I can be more of myself when with them and one thing for sure - I know they won’t make a joke out of me.

Some of my teammates got what they are good/comfortable with but there are also some like me who will be having their “First” experience. Anyway is “Mock CG” - though there are evaluators but no one is there to condemn or find fault with us. We are all there to learn.

Wanted it to be “low-profile” (esp to this certain group of friends). My first intention was only to blog after “Mock CG”.
I casually told this particular friend the segments I’m doing then this particular friend also casually told another friend but seem like this particular friend deliberately went around telling the “whole world”.
Some of the “whole world” just listened and let it passed but some of the “whole world” chose to rub on the wound - asked me whether I want to take praise/worship segment to practice first during some event, passed me the mic when they see me in church or even suan-ing me whenever possible.
With friends like them, I don't need enemies.

From excited about "Mock CG" to now - dread from happening.
In just one day or I should say, in just a few hours my excitement and confidence were destroyed, all thanks to a group of very “encouraging” friends! I am not angry, just upset and disappointed... why must friends, my very own friends rub on the wound that yet to heal?
If you guys didn't mean it or want it to be a "joke", sorry.. is not funny to me at all.

I supposed this wont end yet. Let's see... after I’m done with the “Mock CG”, I should be able to expect those “encouraging” friends will ask me to lead Praise & Worship during cg etc? Just when you think they are being supportive and want you to put into use what you learned but sad to say, too late… I wont be able to feel their sincerity. And all thanks to them, my about-to-close-up wound is once again opened up!


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