As always, will definitely have mixed feelings before school starts.
A part of me cant wait for school to start but a part of me hopes time can slow down. Usually the mixed feelings caused by rested too much VS the start of work again.
But this time the mixed feelings somehow seem different.
Though one thing for sure - no matter what and when, Miss Lim will always be excited to see the children and start teaching again.
Earlier I was just thinking “Time flies! School reopens next week!” and for a moment, fear, literally fear came in.
Prexxxxx from the school or prexxxxx from myself?
Probably as kindergarten I’m in is definitely different, way different from the last few kindergartens I’m was in... I know what awaits for me when school reopens.
The commitment, the work load, the expectations etc.
And to add on would be the accreditation that school is gearing up for.
Jiayou Miss Lim Jiayou!
Got to stay focus and positive! =)

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