Saturday, December 31, 2011

I'm blessed!

“If is God’s will, He will provide the way”
Had a “Blessed List” before, during and even after SOT.
Here are some of them.

Before SOT…
#1 - cash blessings

$$$ from school
Got the highest-ever-record from cny honbao
Just when I thought 3mths installment for SOT.

$1800 came from an anonymous … cleared the school fees.

#2 - new books
Received much help from different ones to help find/ask around for the books I needed for SOT. At the end of the day, was blessed by Hensa & Eena with six brand new books.

The amazing thing was that after that, someone actually blessed them 5x the amount they blessed me. Wow!

#3 - parents’ support and acknowledgment
Dad offered to pay for school fees so that I don’t have to work and study at same time.
He even willingly gave me (on loan) monthly allowances or anytime I need $$.

During SOT…
#1 - jobs offer
Though initially experienced many closed doors but God is good, those closed doors were actually in the wild wild west. After which passed two interviews and was accepted by two childcares with good pay too.

#2 - $$ from government
Very timely! Very divine!
On 7 April, I decided not to work so when I was worried about my income… I saw the letter from government upon reaching home.

#3 - pay increment notice
Received sms from Mrs E Tan that after I’m back to work after SOT, I will get to enjoy pay increment. Just imagine increase took place even when I was not at work.

#4 - bdae blessings
Love offering from kakis, zone, Pst, Efi…
Treats from kakis, team, zone, Rick/Zhi/Min, May…

#5 - ezlink card with solid amount from Yanjie
Though she gave me as belated present but it was so timely - just when I needed.

#6 - $$ from Friend A
This really shocked me as I have ever heard about it but experience personally. Before this, I was praying to God for financial blessing.
I prayed. I believed. Off I went for mission.
I received a sms from Friend A when I was in Philippines that Friend A accidentally transferred $xx to my account. I then told Friend A that as I’m away for mission trip, I will transfer back the money when I return.

Upon knowing I’m at mission, Friend A immediately replied “You don’’t have to return the $$ to me, treat it as a mission blessing to you!”

I was shocked and of course is a no-no to me but Friend A refused to let me know the bank number for me to do transfer back.
Of course months later I managed to write a “thank you” note and passed secretly with the cash. Felt that I cant accept the money but then and then I really went “Wow!“, God is so real and can be creative in the way He blesses you. Haha!

#7 - free meals
From cg members, from SOT friends and even from colleagues.

After SOT…
#1 - graduation giftssss… in the form of gift and $$

#2 - flooded with love from cg, JAMs, team and friends

#3 - job waiting for me

After 6mths of SOT…
Found and established great friendship... definitely priceless!

ps: this won't be last post about SOT
still has many drafts yet to complete... Haha!

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